I vaguely recall watching a comedy drama and would like to rewatch/finish it. My mind is drawing a blank as to the title and I do not have many details for you:
Took place in a hotel
Episode 1 (or early in the series) had a press conference outdoors that was ruined by an angry wasp / hornet / bee nest that chased away the guests and speakers.
I for some reason recall one of the main male leads had a messy desk with a magnifying tool. It stood out to me because it reminded me of my Boyfriend, who paints warhammer miniatures. I can't remember what the male lead was doing if he was in fact painting miniature models or if it was something else. Just that it had a similar setup.
I VERY well may be mixing this last hint up with another kdrama, but I THINK I remember a scene in a nightclub and a fancy sportscar, and the lead male is mistaken for another leading male, or maybe it's one of the lead males mistakes one of the lead females.
In this night club scene i also vaguely recall that one of the lead females has been laid off, or punished for the failed press conference event. And something about a napkin, either she writes her name on it, or number, and is banging her head on the bar, and the ink from the napkin rubs off on her face
That's all I got.
Anyone know what Kdrama series this could be?
The hornet's nest/nightclub/napkin resignation letter is from Lie to Me. Not sure about the magnifying tool. I don't remember that.
Yep ^^ Just watched the first few minutes and already it definitely is ringing a bell. Wow now after watching a lot of other dramas, I recognize a lot of these actors/actresses in this one lol. Thanks for your help :)
No problem! Kang Jihwan's character did have a room full of model figures and a train, so maybe that's where the magnifying tool came in? Lie to Me is one of my favorites. Glad I could help. :)