First of all, is this an okay place to post this thread? Not sure, lol.

Okay, onto the question. So, I've gotten pretty obsessed with Crime Scene and The Genius lately. I marathoned the first season of CS and died waiting each week for the second season. After it finished, my next resort was The Genius, and I just finished my S3 marathon and caught up to where the show is currently,

But now I'm stuck waiting again. 

And because I don't want to deal with the drama in regular dramas, I need a variety show similar to these two... I really want to watch a show that makes the cast use their brains, like these two. :3

I've also watched all the subtitled episodes of Abnormal Summit and I really enjoy that show too.

So yeah.

Help! ;u;

Honestly though, if you can think of dramas like this, ones that aren't  too heavy or too dramatic, I'm totally all up for those. A drama similar to Liar Game, Bad Guys, or Dr. Frost, I guess. 

Since you need subs, it will quite limit what you can watch... And I think you might have already exhausted the brainiac shows.

The guys of Infinity Challenge are not the smartest bunch but they do challenges sometimes that you might find of interest. I would recommend you look up the "Pimple Break" (ep 158 and 159) and see how you like it. This challenge was a city-wide chase between the members so they do try to outsmart each other.

X-man? But I'm not sure how the state of subs is nor if the mental side is quite up to what you're looking for. ^^''

I'm not too familiar with 'Witch Hunt' but I'm guessing you might to check that one out since you enjoyed Abnormal Summit. To my understanding, they talk about controversial topics.

There's some educational variety too but I'm not really sure if you'd like those. 'Explorers of the Human Body' was a really popular one - and terribly hilarious one at that.

Or maybe some "real variety" could be your new thing? Something like 'I Live Alone'.
Ugh, the struggle of not understanding Korean... And that there may very well be no more shows like Crime Scene or The Genius... @.@ Guess I'll have to wait every week, and hope CS comes out with a S3 soon, lol.

Thanks for all the recommendations though! I will definitely check some of these out. I was kind of watching Infinite Challenge before, it maybe I should get back on track with that one.
I was going to watch Witch Hunt, since it seemed so interesting, but I think the subs for that are worse than X-Man's. I had better learn Korean fast, haha.

The last two I'll check out as well! Though, I'm pretty sure the only subbed episode of I Live Alone is Hong Jin Ho's. x3
Thank you though! Hopefully I can fill up my time with at least one of these. C:
Have you tried the dramas God's Quiz or Vampire Prosecutor?
Not yet, but now I'll have to go watch them. ;D Thanks!