I watched the Takumi kun series as i was a big fan of Hamao Kyousuke after watching Goseiger, and I wasn't expecting much but it ended up being one of the most realistic portrayals of a relationship, with chemistry between the characters and more than a whole series leading up to one kiss (ahem most romance dramas) Anyway I decided to look into the 'boys love' genre as a whole and i become a little hooked, however there don't seem to be many that are new, or possible to find in any decent quality. I've found some of them to be great stories which can be more interesting due to the sexuality of the characters, it gives a new spin on a sometime tired genre of romance tropes, and lots of Ikemen half naked always helps! Some however are just awful.... There also doesn't seem to be many about girls together, I've only seen schoolgirl complex, which was very mild to say the least. Has the genre died out somewhat in the last few years? (in Japanese films at least) I found Doushitemo Furetakunai from 2014, but that seems to be it. I was wondering which same sex dramas people have enjoyed and if anyone knows of any newer ones? I really enjoyed Ai No Kotodama (though 2 was a bit dull) and Junjou. I didn't really like the films Boys Love 1 and 2 as they were just overly dramatic and depressing.
Thanks for the list, I've seen most of the Japanese ones, but there's a few I haven't. It does seem to be there was a load made from 2005-2010 and then almost nothing. Only 5 of them have been after 2010, which I do find interesting. Lots of other asian ones though. I still haven't made the leap to other asian dramas, but if I were to do so, it might be these dramas that push me to.
From the non-Japanese titles in that list, I *highly* recommend the Taiwanese movie Formula 17 especially if you're tired of super-angsty BL stories. Formula 17 is just a straight-up (no pun intended) cute, funny love story and it's pretty damn funny too (the main character's trio of friends kind of serve as a Greek chorus and totally steal their scenes). And the big love scene is... hmm, let's just say they don't try to fake the kissing with awkward camera angles and the like (you know what I mean). Duncan Lai and Tony Yang really go for it and frankly it's pretty hot. *fans self* Anyway, it's one of those movies that I can just pop in and it makes me happy no matter how many times I've seen it before.

If you're in the mood for more serious fare though, there's the Korean movie No Regret (not on the list linked above) that I also really like, though you will definitely need a box of tissues at your side before the movie is over (though maybe not for the reason you expect). But I definitely feel it's worth the watch.
Not Jdrama but:

Two Weddings and a Funeral
The Lover