And that's about it. I want a drama where the leads pine for each other, preferably unknowingly, and preferably without noble idiocy in the mix.

Um.  I can think of one, but it's kind of a spoiler if you know that ahead of time!  But if it's what you're looking for...

Do you want to know?  It was kind of a big mid-drama revelation that the one character liked the other, so I don't want to ruin it for anyone. :)
@zeamays ...You can put it and change font color to white... so people who want to see the spoiler, can highlight the text and read...else it is not visible
Begin SPOILER  This is a spoiler spoiler spoiler ...End spoiler
@zeamays: It's okay, spoil me!
This is complicated. Idiocy never fails.

You can say more... you prefer comedy or drama?


I recommend: [Spoiler Ho Go's Love. Although I'm not sure you'll like. It may seem a stupid drama at first. But the drama tackle a myriad of serious issues of youth. end spoiler]
Yeah, that occurred to me after I posted, lol.  But maybe no one cared anyway, so...

Well, here: Hogu's Love.

I feel like there must be some other obvious ones, but nothing else is coming to mind.  It's the unknowingly part, probably.  It's not a perfect fit; one character must at least suspect that the other one likes him/her, and the other is not really pining, but definitely wants them to be together (and thinks there's no chance).

Which probably makes no sense ;)
Thank you, guys!

@Kar: I'm in the mood for something angsty, so a drama is preferable. (I don't mind comedies, though).