Something like Secret Love Affair, I don't mean noona romance, in fact don't recommend noona romance, I find 99,9% of them disappointing.

What I liked in Secret Love Affair as far as romance goes was the general feel/chemistry between the pair especially in the first half of the series. Another thing I liked about it is that the main characters are normal human, unlike some other romances that come to mind where for example if the male lead suppose to  be a jerk then it is his primal characteristic that is underlined in almost every of his action, if  girl is bubbly she is always bubbly, if a mc has a phobia then this phobia is pointed out to you in  every episode. It's not what, it's how. Right?

Generally I'm  looking for romance without over the top elements (be it comedy or melo), with natural progression and without the stereotypical romcom feel. Love triangles are fine as long as it's not the main plot of the story. Happy ending is mandatory. Any country is fine. Preferably something made in 2014 or after (good cinematography gets extra points :p)

Another drama that fits this is One Sunny Day.

Thank you!

Tatta hitotsu no koi
The greatest love
Buzzer Beat
Hotaru no Hikari
Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo
Anything about 1%
Can you hear my heart

Fated to Love You
Valid Love
Splash Splash Love
Coffee Prince
Love Rain
Best Romances I've seen .... NOT Rom-coms!

Pride --- 
Tatta Hitotsu no Koi --- 
Sound of the Desert -- 
The Princess' Man --- 
In Time With You ---  Rom-com, but pretty good w/ good romance, good chemistry, believable natural progression.

A Man and a Woman (A movie not a drama but DEFINITELY deserves a mention)
Kingyo Club
The Lover
That Winter the Wind Blows
I'll only recommend The Good Wife (korean version).
Thanks guys!

@nastou19 Yeah, after skimming through suggested titles, I think it fits the most. Unfortunately I've seen it already. :\

Always looking for more suggestions.
Honestly, if you're looking for something that hot I'd rec:

A Man and a Woman - 1966, Francis Lai
In the Mood for Love
Summertime - 1955, David Lean

That said, I also felt that Lovers, Que Sera Sera, The Snow Queen, Long Vacation, Beautiful Life, Loving Never Forgetting, and Too Late to Say I Love You, at times had the same feel.  Hard to match SLA affair though...
Dear My Friends - The romance isn't the main focus of this drama, but when it does focus on it--it's absolutely amazing. Both characters are human, without delving into any tropes and you can FEEL how much they care about each other. In fact, even though this drama isn't billed as a romance (BTW it has fantastic writing), I'd say they are my favorite drama couple of all-time. Cinematography is stunning too.

Age of Youth - This is another one where it's more-so focused on the sismance between all the girls, but romance is included in the drama and all of them remain very human-like throughout. 

It's Okay, That's Love - You have this one on-hold, but I do think it fits your criteria and I highly recommend you pick it up again.

Jealousy Incarnate - One of the best triangles I've ever seen written--all the characters remain likable throughout. It's a romcom, but it's not a stereotypical romcom--I thought it was quite unique. 

On The Way To The Airport- to me this romance/chemistry looked more humane than any other
Oh My Venus- she looks ugly throughout the series
Thanks guys! Going to check all of it :)

@ViolinGal, I don't know what to say about Dear My Friends at one hand it has become one of my favourite drama on the other hand I don't think I've cried this much since Grave of the Fireflies, my head still hurts from all that crying D:
I can't add anything new, I just wanted to agree with Vishallngle that On the Way to the Airport is sooo wonderful! I loved their chemistry. But it's not very similar to SLA, it's a lot... softer? Watching it made me feel happy, refreshed and in love.:) I have never watched a romance drama before or after that is anything like it. The characters are "just" normal adult people who happen to meet and fall in love even though they're married (or because they're married... to people not suited for them). Watching the romance progress step by step is just fascinating and sweet.

Someone suggested Sound of the Desert. It's nothing like SLA but it's a very good romance drama, I think. It was my first c-drama and I loved it (and Hu Ge's character!). It has a love triangle but all of them do have genuine feelings, it's nothing pointless like an "evil second lead" who is just there to make the drama longer.
@Juls, I'm soooo happy you liked it enough that it has become one of your favorites! It truly is one of the best.