Hi all

This is regarding Falling for Innocence.Those who watched it only can help me.Here i am giving full text of conversation that happened between Min Ho and His uncle..at the very start of the first episode 1.As it is the main and base line of the entire story,i want to know it fully.My first question before typing that conversation is...The harmful ingredient scandal is the past one ( i mean that happened long back ) or the present one ..(now going on..?)

In the first scene..There are media people talking about it..ad after that in the board of directors meeting,they are talking about it.Here i am giving full text please go through and explain me.

2nd male lead - the largest bond investor ,Gold Partners,has recently purchased a large quantity of  Hermia's bonds. and possibly,the incident of the improper ingredient will be the key to make gold partners the largest Hermia bond holding company

Min Ho Uncle - if you are talking about Gold Partners, isnt that where we went for consultation about the foreign capital induction two years ago ?

( Can you please explain this..what does meant by consultation in this business scenario.what did this company ask and what did Gold Partners Do two years ago? )

Min Ho Uncle - So are you saying that when they were consulting with us,they secretly took information and have purchased bonds little by little?

2nd male lead - if i were to speak in terms of lawyer,it would be like they have violated the customer privacy policy.

please explain what i need to understand from this conversation in understanding the story.Here i am giving the conversation.

Min Ho - From now on,work until your neck wears out.Pay the interest on time.

( when did he gave money to them to ask for interest )

Min Ho - if you don't pay by the second maturity day,i will treat them as bad bonds and sell off.

( what is meant by bad bond ? what does it mean in if you want to explain it to a 5 year kid )

Uncle - As a young person,you don't calculate well.i dont think our company owes you even one cent.i will apply the provisional disposition of purchasing our bonds.The consulting company bought the bonds of the consulted client company. apparently,this is the violation of the customer privacy policy.

( This is what i really don't understand a single bit)

Let me tell you first what i understand from this.. At first,Gold Partners invested their money for Hermia. After some years,Hermia needs money,so it approached one company i.e Gold Partners ( without knowing that That company is M&A company.So they used this opportunity and purchased some bonds..Now..Gold Partners had the highest number of shares or bonds or whatever..Now they created one scandal so as to take over that company and sells it off..is that right? )

Please explain me one more time..what exactly is this.

Min Ho - is Gold Partners some kind of neighborhood store..the investment division and consulting division are located in two different places and dont share work info at all

Please tell me the meaning of this entire conversation.

First why he thinks that they have to pay interest?

Why his uncle didn't think that he have not owe any money to him?

what is the explanation he gave..how did Gold cheated Hermia.

In general if you want to explain this scene to some one just like after watching a film..how will you do..please tell me like that..

Thanks in advance.

waiting for your reply.

The harmful ingredient just happened......from what I took from it all this is what happened.  Gold gave them some consulting on money or business related matters two years ago or whatever.  This also allowed Gold to know the state of their company, and Min Ho wasn't in the division that made the original meeting that gave them the consultation.

Back when they got the consultation, Hermia sold Bonds to deal with whatever situation called for them to get a consultation on.  And so Min Ho and Gold secretly bought those Bonds.  Min Ho and Gold obviously got the info about them probably selling their Bonds from the team that gave them the consultation (which I believe allowed them to look at the company and essentially give advice based on their cash flow and overall state of business).

 They timed it so that they could come in and Hermia wouldn't be able to pay them back.  Enter Min Ho an he was essentially saying, if you don't pay him and Gold back, then he will start selling off the company.

The Uncle was calling him out on the fact that clearly the earlier team from Gold that gave them the consultation, turned around and gave Min Ho's division the info about the company. This led to him saying that he didn't owe the money because he believed that that other team gave out private info to Min Ho.  

Min Ho retorted with the "Is Gold Partners some kind of neighborhood store..the investment division and consulting division are located in two different places and don't share work info at all."  Essentially saying you have no proof that they gave me the info on the company.

Short version.....Hermia had to sell their bonds to make money because the company was in a bad situation.  Min Ho and Gold bought the bonds, and then set up the wrongful ingredient situation near the time when Hermia would have to pay them back for the bonds.  They did that so they wouldn't be able to pay them back, and Min Ho could wreak havoc on the company.
Hi Dreamwalker

Thank you so much for your valuable time and reply. Now i am fine with it.