Hi All, 

I have an assignment to do. And we need to use a popular culture artefact to discuss issues of identity, body etc. in the workplace & organisation. If it helps I am studying a management unit at uni.  

Can you please recommend a movie which has:

- strong focus on the workplace

- greatly resembles real-life work

- Chinese, Korean, Japanese

Your help is so very much appreciated! Thank you so much in advance!

My bad you said movie haha

How about This

Maybe the Kmovie CART

This Japanese movie came to mind: To Each His Own

(I'm pretty sure it will fit in with what you're looking for.)

Thank you all for your recommendations!!! 

I recommend the Chinese movie, Back to Back, Face to Face.  It's about someone who works at a cultural center.

I see that no MDL users have watched it, but it's a well-known movie in China.  It's rated 9.4 on Douban.