I agree that Vietnam should be added even if they haven't as much to offer as China or Korea but some of the other countries that are included have some real cringeworthy dramas through quality, direction, acting and scripts. So why not see what Vietnam has ro offer. Their music is just as good as the maor cou ntries why not include their dramas etc. I think all Asian countries should be included. You never know yo ay find a rea gem out there actually lots of gems. Take the risk.


Reading the FAQ of MDL where they say The goal is to have a complete database from the countries we do have, instead of a incomplete database for 20+ countries.

How many years will take to have the complete database of all Korean/Japanese/Chinese/Hong Kong/Taiwanese/Thai/Filipino dramas and movies?
Wouldn't be better to have incomplete database for 20+ countries and little by little the MDL users would add dramas and movies and all the information around the database of each country. 

from our standpoint: yes! that way we could add what's interesting to us and have it all there. but I guess for them it's a matter of making a good impression to potential newcomers. imagine you're looking for a place to get info on dramas and movies from a specific country, maybe something that's really hard to find elsewhere, and you come across this site, which has the country but only a handful of entries for it. you go from super happy to super disappointed in seconds and that feeling is now connected to MDL. so, you won't stay, come back or recommend it to anyone. maybe you'll even be vocal about what an unprofessional place it is and how they favour certain countries while they completely neglect others.

that I kinda get. (even though they don't seem to have any shame about putting South Korea above everything else.)
however, seeing how many people have been asking for Vietnam for years now and knowing that all they're waiting for is the go-ahead to completely go to town on the database with content, and still not adding it? that's still nonsense to my brain. and isn't that how they added the Philippines a few years ago? by just waiting for there to be enough people around who are interested enough to get active, adding things to the database? I don't know... (I actually don't, I'm just guessing here.)

edit: oh and also, what do they even mean with "complete database"? how is such a thing even possible when we haven't reached the end of time yet? there's constantly new stuff coming out that will have to be added. and there's plenty of old stuff that is long lost to obscurity. there will never be such a thing as a "complete database".

I would like to see this and other countries added too.  In my opinion,  the longer you wait to add a country to the database, the harder it is to go back in time and fill in the past shows. Or stuff gets forgotten, or overlooked, or whatever. The problem then compounds over time.  

Maybe I am being naïve about the whole thing, but I don't see how this would be more work for the admins considering this is a site that largely relies on volunteers adding to the database. Vietnam seems to be adding quite a few shows, so it seems like it will be more work later on to build out the database if/when they were to add Vietnam than if you were to start now with a manageable amount of shows/movies. 

And to the point of "the other databases need to be complete first",  could that ever happen? I mean, realistically new shows are added all the time, so things cannot ever be complete. And some countries are so prolific in producing content that stuff is missed all the time. So that sounds a bit like an excuse rather than a legitimate reason.  Or maybe the stated goal didn't come across clearly. Either way, I think clarification would be nice. 

Has anyone watched Thanh Xuân Nổi Loạn? I was just wondering if it had a gay couple pairing in it?

I must have missed the boyslove thing, but I did only glance at it for a couple of seconds and was just wondering from what the thumbnail showed. If you do end up watching it, then please let me know if it really does. It doesn't even have to be the main couple, just a side couple is fine too.

Almost 500 B)

Not sure if this has been posted yet but I just found this Vietnamese streaming sight. I have yet to explore it so at your own risk be it.



Not sure if this has been posted yet but I just found this Vietnamese streaming sight. I have yet to explore it so at your own risk be it.


It is safe. It is the third iteration of the company (https://www.odkmedia.net/) behind OnDemandKorea (ODK) and OnDemandChina (ODC). It is available in the countries and territories where ODK and ODC are (basically North America).

Thanks. Appreciate the info.

Just in case this helps the MDL admins make a decision on this suggestion, Viki is now carrying several Vietnamese dramas and is adding more every week or so.


Just in case this helps the MDL admins make a decision on this suggestion, Viki is now carrying several Vietnamese dramas and is adding more every week or so. 

That is pretty rad

Came to make this very topic and was happy to see it already here.  Insane that it's not available already.


Came to make this very topic and was happy to see it already here.  Insane that it's not available already. 

I agree! Have you voted on the topic?