Currently we have all time statistics on movies/dramas on our profile. It would be nice to be implementing year statististics with a dropdown menu and filters. But not only. For example a drop menu for time period (all time / year / past 6 months / month / week/ day) , with watch status total, but also filters like  country / genre / tags / network.  This way we will be able to see  average number of dramas/shows/movies watched in some period , or dramas of certain genre watched in that period. It would also be nice to have updates by day of the week statistics and genres / tags / countries / network (and production company) statistics implemented on profile. Maybe other users have better suggestions for how to better display all those statistics. What do you think? Am I the only one who feels the need for more statistics (mostly for self control / awareness / curiosity)?


Any news about this? At this point I'm just waiting for 2020 year statistics. X°D 

I would also love it if we had stats for actors, which actors did you spend most time watching. 


I would also love it if we had stats for actors, which actors did you spend most time watching. 

Interesting one!

If they actually manage to implement badges then we would get kind of this feature but in a limited capacity. 

ohhh as a data nerd I'm also interested in this. I'm curious if I watch some genres/tags in certain countries more than others. 


I would also love it if we had stats for actors, which actors did you spend most time watching. 

I love this idea. We could also have average show length, stats about countries of shows we watched and average rating which then could be average rating per country and genre.

It would definitely be interesting.  I'd also like to see something  sorta related to that like: How many shows/movies you have in common with users.  That'd probably be kinda difficult to do though. 

I like the idea of having the year watched, not just the year the drama was produced. I had to create a 2022 list manually to keep track.

Also, sometimes I’m surprised by the genres and tags that show up in my stats. It would be nice to be able to click and see which dramas/movies contributed to the list.

I would love to have the option to see the stats in my 'Year In Review' available for all time as well!

Voted, this sounds interesting.