If you accidentally post something on Public Feeds that you wanted to post on Friends Feeds (or visa versa), the only options are to leave it, or to delete your post and repost it on the correct Feed. I think it would be nice to allow you to switch the post from one to the other in the Edit Post box.

Also, right now when you go into Edit Post, the only things you can change are the text, the drama tag, and the spoiler tag. It would be nice to be able to edit other aspects of the post, like links or pictures.


Voted because that happens to me too often enough and I wish I could just edit the post instead of needing to delete it completely and repost. 

Voted. Hopefully more people are aware and add to the votes as well.

Posted in the feeds about this suggestion. ^^

Yuanwei Volunteer Staff

You should post about this at least once per week on the feeds so more people can see it. Otherwise it gets lost pretty quickly in the sea of feed posts. 

I’m just seeing this but I’ve been thinking about how much we needed this edit. I have had to delete posts or leave it because i forgot to switch the toggle to “friends” 

Voted. I would really love to be able to edit pictures and links.