On-going / draft / preliminary reviews. (Whatever name is best, u name it.)

**[Request:]  **

1) Add a button to  hide it on drama page

2)  Show  the progress when he made the review..

Example problem review: 

Lucky, this guy is honest. Says he watched 5ep while making this review.

The past is done. let's fix it for future series.  

Count me in.  I voted.

I'm of the opinion reviews shouldn't be opened until all episodes of a drama are out. Didn't they stop the ability to rate a drama before it even aired?  Why not do the same thing for reviews?   It might not stop people from gaming the system but at least some of the early reviews might be from people who've actually watched the full drama instead of a few episodes.  We have episode reactions and comment sections for ongoing opinions.

Having said that, professional reviewers do give reviews after only watching a few episodes and never go back and write a full review.  But I find it disingenuous and misleading as we all know many dramas lose their way by the ending.  

Going to take this moment to comment on my pet peeve---the emoji review.  If all a person has to say about a drama is fifty heart eyes, it needs to go in the comment section. 

 The Butterfly:
We have episode reactions and comment sections for ongoing opinions.

this. What's the point of even having episode reviews when you don't redirect people to use that option and still allow everyone to write full on reviews. 

So there are indeed people who brought up this problem in the past, but unfortunately, no actions have been taken on it. 

Its indeed quite annoying. When we go to review section, the review we expect are are detailed analysis, or maybe overall detail view of the person, the bad and good point about the drama, or maybe what they felt through out the drama, the basic summary of the plot. I personally expect these from a review section.

But then we see random on-going reviews about people writing, that 'wow, the first episode was amazing' 'xyz and abc are my fav actors and actress, so I am here to see them' and stuff. Aren't they meant to be posted in the comment section? 

There are also those reviews, where people barely watch 1-2 episodes, drop them and then write a review saying, 'gosh the story was so boring and slow'. Is it reasonable for a person who watched only 1-2 out of 40 episodes to write a review?

There would even be some ridiculous reviews saying "the fl was so annoying that I couldn't get past half of the episode" fun fact being fl did not even appear until first 4 episodes!

Also, I do get that on-going reviews can help people write down their thoughts, cause they might end up forgetting those thoughts by the end of the drama. But, instead of posting them, how about having a draft option. Many users misuse this feature just to hate on particular actors and actresses.

And this is probably a personal opinion, but its honestly not very helpful when users drop the drama halfway through and still write reviews. I mean, when a user hasn't even watched the complete drama what's the point of writing a review on it. You don't even know if things actually become worth it by the end.

Well, to sum it up, few suggestions I would like to give would be :

1) Please post up an article or guidelines or proper use of the comment and review section. Hope that would help users distinguish between what is a review and what is a comment?

2) Please disable the ongoing reviews and instead introduce draft reviews. Please introduce a feature of posting reviews only after the drama is officially aired, until then users can pen down their thoughts in the draft reviews.

3) If possible, it would be great if users who have dropped drama half way do not post reviews (atleast until the show completes airing) until then, they can maybe save their thoughts in draft too, cause often times they can be misguiding. Maybe this might not be a very acceptable suggestion for everyone, so how about considering a vote on it. So I am sure it would be better to get the opinion of most number of people before taking decision.

These ideas might help people maintain a proper decorum of the review and comment section. It will also prevent misuse of the features by many users.

Please disable the ongoing reviews and instead introduce draft reviews. Please introduce a feature of posting reviews only after the drama is officially aired, until then users can pen down their thoughts in the draft reviews.

Drafts is a great idea. We have them for articles so we know they are possible to implement... 


this. What's the point of even having episode reviews when you don't redirect people to use that option and still allow everyone to write full on reviews. 

Preach sister!

While we’re at it, could we have better spoiler tags for episode reviews too?  If more people start using that function than reviews (which I support) then a better way to hide spoilers needs to happen as well

I have a suggestion (sorry if already been mentioned or completely ridiculous) have drama review reviewer volunteers, with guidelines and acceptable standards of what constitutes a review. 

Might raise the sites profile to be taken a bit more seriously for production houses. ??‍♀️

 Kez The Untamed MDZS:

I have a suggestion (sorry if already been mentioned or completely ridiculous) have drama review reviewer volunteers, with guidelines and acceptable standards of what constitutes a review. 

Might raise the sites profile to be taken a bit more seriously for production houses. ??‍♀️

I think there are volunteers on here, but think I understand what you are getting at. Maybe a new group of people who just review reviews?

I could see a system where "bad" reviews aren't necessarily deleted, but could be moved to the bottom of the reviews, and greyed out, but still can be opened to read. If you are in the USA, Yelp is one example where they have a line on the page, and say something to the effect that "the reviews below were voted as being inaccurate or not helpful". 

Maybe with enough "No"  or a percentage of "Yes/No" on the "was this review helpful?" for a  review, they could hide reviews automatically.

While we’re at it, could we have better spoiler tags for episode reviews too?

Yes please! I hate that we can't hide certain portions of our reviews. It would be so much nicer if we could write a review, and not just rely on that silly warning that the review "may contain spoilers". Many sites, not just for dramas, allow you to spoil tag words or even paragraphs of stuff. It would be nice to be able to hide that one plot point, and still have the rest of your review visible. 


Yes please! I hate that we can't hide certain portions of our reviews. It would be so much nicer if we could write a review, and not just rely on that silly warning that the review "may contain spoilers". Many sites, not just for dramas, allow you to spoil tag words or even paragraphs of stuff. It would be nice to be able to hide that one plot point, and still have the rest of your review visible. 

Can we vote on this already, do you know? Because if not we could start a new suggestion.

If I could give more than 3 votes to this, I would! It is frustrating seeing reviews of shows that have only aired 2 episodes. Lock down the series review until all episodes have aired. 

Regarding the idea to use the review area to draft before completing the series is good too!

Lock down the series review until all episodes have aired. 

this truly needs to happen, otherwise review section will only look worse the more users starts using the website. I get that it's good to have a lot of reviews in the review section coz it represents bigger traffic on the website, but I'm not sure if long term scarifying the quality of the website is worth it


Now, it's just Chat GPT trash being produced and written in 2 mins while the drama is airing so it can hog top spots with pure gibberish while the actually helpful reviews go largely unnoticed.