Please tell me I’m not the only one who viewed the ending as an open-ended one! They showed a lot of “dream-like” features for that last scene in particular which  suggested how they both died and are actually meeting at the after life :((((

I honestly also would prefer this ending, as this is more fitting of the whole narrative. I just really want to know that I’m not being overly delusional with my analysis and I’m not the only one who considered this ending lol if so, then this drama is indeed an utterly beautiful tragedy! 

lol yikes sorry but to me, it felt like he got hit by an arrow, had a spinal injury, took him years to recover, and when he did, he finally came back to meet her. It was a cheesy happy ending :P 

He wasn't dead cause his dead body was never found.

Yeah, it would've been a nearly perfect drama if not for the last few minutes... what, was he unconscious for two years? It would've made more sense if he'd had to stay away to protect her from those wanting to avenge the queen dowager. 

There are some shows that truly have a "okay is this real or not? you decide..." level ending.


This is not one of them.

The ending is just rushed/bad.

Actually, my first thought watching the final scene was that years and years had passed since she mistook someone in blue clothes for him. She never gave up on hope and waited for him for the rest of her life..(and dreamt about it) and then when both had died, she from old age perhaps they got their reunion in whateverland. The tone was different imo. Seeing that most of you interpreted it differently means I will have to rewatch it in the future. For now I'm happy with my own interpretation :)