This discussion includes answers towards these questions:

1) Who is Shanggu & Is She Another Rash and Childish Female Lead?
     - Who is Hou Chi?; and
     - "Who is the Chief Chaos God? & What is the Heaven and Earth Platform?"
What is the Power of Chaos?
What is the Tribulation of Chaos?; and
    - What is The Barrier of Chaos that needed fixing?
What was the Netherworld?
5) What was the Three Realms?
6) What happened on Episode 16?

Please let me know if I made a mistake in sharing the information within the drama or
if there's other FAQs that could be added here~ ^-^

Please expect that there are spoilers ahead~

Let us start with "Who is Shanggu? & Is She Another Rash and Childish Female Lead? "  (1)

There are many hesitating and maybedropped this drama thinking Shanggu would be another cliche Female Lead who melts the Cold Male Lead.
But I tell you, This drama has No childish Female Lead at all.

At first, I thought it would be like that but her actions was always accompanied with sincere concern and care onto the others.
She lived her life with pride and is respected by everyone since she was born as a True God bearing the responsibility to cultivate the "Power of Chaos". 
Buther pride didn't let her pride control her and not do her duty. Instead, it made her accept her weak self and thus, became a disciple of Bai Jue.
Although she's somewhat a rebellious student at first, she was also always willing to learn from Bai Jue every time especially when she's being lectured on her role as a Chaos God~ 

She also already knew of her real role as True God and as a Chief of the Three Realms.

-She was very serious, sincere and loving towards the people around and close to her;
-She has an intimidating aura - a understandable result of having to bear the responsibility of leading and protecting the three realms;;
-She becomes angry at times but it was always mostly because of the fact that the people around her sometimes leave her out on important decisions and conversations just like when Bai Jue, to get the medicine for her, accepted the Snow God as his second apprentice.

 -On EP1, even when she almost ruined every Immortal's relationships, and when she almost ruined a report for Zhi Yang, she did it with good intentions. And her actions did not result to really irreversible end.

Therefore, Shanggu, ZDY's character is not childish and rash on her actions at all.

I can really say that the writers created great characters while still being true to the novel;
and that our amazing Zhou Dong Yu and Xu Kai portrayed their character uniquely well!
Zhou Dong Yu deserves the best actress award

 as this was her first time in a Xian Xia/Historical  drama!
 I couldn't believe it at first as she acted and portrayed her character very very well!
She perfectly brought Hou Chi to life and brought us a wonderful Shanggu! <3 

And Lastly~... Spoiler Alert:
This is for those who hate/dislike Shanggu's spoiled life and Arrogant Attitude...~
Yes, she was spoiled by Yuemi, Tian Qi and Zhi Yang.
BUT, She Deserved All of Those Spoiling. Really, come one.. how could you guys hate her?
She was going to bear the huge responsibility of ruling the Three Realms and the Mortal Realm.
She also died and sacrificed herself to give her inherited Power of Chaos, her own life and spiritual spirit power
To save the creation of Their Ancestral God who only created Shanggu- the so called Chief God of Chaos Position just so she could die during the Tribulation of Chaos in the End!...

Her arrogance. Is it really bad being arrogant? She lived 10000 years knowing she'd have a higher rank than any of the True Gods. Of course she'd show a prideful attitude, come on.
And that arrogance even vanished completely after she became the disciple of Bai Jue.

Yes Bai Jue deserves to be happier than anyone else. But don't you think Shanggu deserved it too? The ancestral God is the real villain here, i tell you.

"Who is Hou Chi aka Shanggu?"(2) Spoiler Alert:

The daughter of High God Gu Jun.
The Directors and Staffs actually chose to stay true to the Hou Chi's and Shanggu’s physique and appearance in the Novel!~ ^-^
In Shanggu’s Second Life, The Novel depicted her as
“ The weak daughter of High God Gu Jun whom still hadn’t turned into an adult appearance even after thousands of years. "
However, Hou Chi had coercion that was difficult for normal immortals to accomplish.
Having a Coercive personality despite being weak.

Differences with Shanggu:
-Even despite having a similar face with Shanggu, she only had the graceful personality that Shanggu had and not her playful personality.
-She had much lesser friends and always stayed at home which shows her deep understanding obedience to her Father's  predicament with the Heavenly Realm.
-Unlike Shanggu who loved roaming the God and Immortal Realm together with Yuemi and Tian Qi.

Similarities with Shanggu:
-She also wanted to be stronger sooner despite her weak body and low spiritual power.Similar with Shanggu as she also wanted to be the Chief God Sooner but just had her spiritual vessels sealed and needed help.
-They both loved the same person.

In Short:
If Shanggu is the Playful, Emotional but also Intimidating Princess,
Hou Chi is the Reserved, Unemotional but also Intimidating Princess.

I won't spoil more about Hou Chi's Origin~ <3

"Who is the Chief Chaos God?"(3)

This Title is owned by Shang Gu.
Although her spiritual vessels were locked until EP2,
She is still revered as a Goddess, is the most powerful out of the other Three True Gods
and is The Leader of The Three Realms because she had inherited the “Chief of Chaos God Title" from the Ancestral God- the Creator of the Three Realms.

The Four True Gods may be born through the same Ancestral God but they are neither a Family nor Blood Related as they just appeared or came to life within the "Heaven and Earth Platform" and not delivered nor bore with a Mother.
The Ancestral God may have just divided his powers or spiritual core to create the Four Gods that could rule the Realms independently when he dies.

Shanggu was born late, 60000 years after Xuan Yi rebelled and prisoned in the Nether world.
70000 years later, Xuan Yi showed himself again after he was the first to notice "the barrier of chaos" weakening.

Thus, Shanggu became the only one who could inherit the “The Power of Chaos”. When the ancestral god created The Three Realms, he called it “The Chaos of Heaven and Earth“ instead of "The Big Bang" nor "The Creation".

She had this title starting from when she came to life at the “Heaven and Earth Platform”.

"What is the Heaven and Earth Platform?" (4)

The Heaven and Earth Platform was also a place where the Ancestral God communicate or give his orders to the 4 True Gods and the God Realm. 

It is like a place full of his Audio Records to be given when the God Realms asks for something or when a scheduled time/day/year is coming.

"What is the Power of Chaos? "

“The Power of Chaos is the only power that could Create and also Destroy everything. “
It was the Power used by the Ancestral God to create the Three Realms, The Netherworld and the Barrier of Chaos. 

Thus, it is a mix of both Immortal and Demon Energy/Power. To elaborate, Within these three realms, the power of chaos is abundant. As it scatters within the three realms, it is split into Immortal Power and Demon Power which both sides could cultivate. No immortal could cultivate both Immortal and Demon Power at the same time except Shanggu, the Chief Chaos God. 

Spoiler: This is why Bai Jue, split his original being and created Qing Mu so that he can also cultivate Demon Power to mix it with his Immortal Power to fianlly mix both into Chaos Power. For his plan.

Only Shanggu, the Chief Chaos God could Absorb, Cultivate and Use this power.

Although the Power of Chaos created everything, since it also helped create the Three Realms, once it slowly vanishes, it would weaken the Barrier of Chaos and The Three Realms would be completely destroyed.

"What is the Tribulation of Chaos? " (1)

It is a time wherein the Power of Chaos that surrounds and creates the Three Realms vanishes completely.
This results to the Chief God of Chaos'/ Shanggu's choice to save  the Three Realms from this Tribulation.

"What is the Barrier of Chaos that needed fixing? "(2)

“The Barrier of Chaos” was a barrier full of Chaos Power that was created by the Ancestral God
to protect and prevent the Three Realms from collapsing.

Now, the Tribulation of Chaos came which means the Power of Chaos is slowly vanishing
and thus, this barrier was weakening too.

In the end, they needed Shanggu, the only on who could handle the Power of Chaos to fix the barrier through her.

" What was the Netherworld?  "

It was a prison that imprisoned the Immortals who succumb into cultivating Devil Energy thus, becoming Devils. Devil Energy can only obtained by sucking out the Immortal Energy of Immortals.

The Netherworld was a place full of “Deicide Flowers” that blooms because of "Chaos Power" around it. Since Shanggu could absorb the Chaos Power within it to cultivate The Power of Chaos,
she agreed to go to the Netherworld to become strong enough through cultivation to use the Power of Chaos.
At the Netherworld, there is also the Valuable Treasure called “The Origin of God” defending. Absorbing this treasure enabled Shanggu to finally finish her cultivation of the Power of Chaos.

" What was the Three Realms?  "
The Three Realms are NOT the famous and known Majestic Heavenly Realm, Awful Demon Realm and Poor/Weak Human Realm.
The Three Realms here are the Immortal Realm, Demon Realm, and the Huge God Realm.  

Novel Excerpt: "The ancestral god ruled the Three Realms and Lead the four real gods under his command, and it took ten thousand years for him to create the Three Realms and Nine Continents."

It is the creation of the Ancestral God that contains an abundant number of lives.
Ranging from Mortals, Immortals, High Deities, High Gods, and of Four True Gods.
The Heavenly Palace didn't exist yet until EP16.

The First Realm is the God/Shanggu Realm.
A home for the Four True Gods named Shanggu, Tian Qi, Bai Jue and Zhi Yang coexisting reside.
In short, this is where the Department Heads reside.
Zhi Yang first ruled this place until the Chief Chaos God fully inherited the power of chaos.

-The home to all the other Gods like Goddess of Day and God of Night; Goddess of Moon and Stars; Goddess of Snow; God of Disasters; Goddess of Rain; God of Thunder; etc.
-The God Realm hone talents through providing education (Through Bai Jue's teaching)
-The True Gods promote Immortals and take them as a disciple(Through the Day of the Chosen/EP9);
-It is as a free place for improving cultivation; keep peace through their commitment and powers.
The Four True Gods within it: 
-Facilitate the God Realm together with the other Gods;
-Helps in distributing spiritual power(Through the Power of Chaos that protects the Three Realms) throughout to help lives be a lot better.
-Take even the Most Powerful Fire Phoenix only as a Spiritual Beast.  (The Xu Feng(Ashes of Love) we know is only deemed as a Spiritual Beast here HAHA )

The Lower Realms- It is divided into Two.

   >The Second Realm is the Immortal Realm:
Here, Immortals, Demon Immortals, High Deities, and High Gods cultivate together coexistingly.
Starting from EP16:
It was managed by The Heavenly Family/Palace- think of this place as the Managerial Department.
This Realm also contains the Qing Chi Palace, The Abyssal Ridge Swamp, The North-West-East-South Sea, Mount Lookout, The Hidden Mountain, etc.

    >And Lastly the Demon Realm:
It contains the Demons ruled/lead by Tian Qi, the Demon God.
Demons are also Immortals but has Dark Energy instead of Light/White/Golden.
However, it is said that Demons are the most likely to easily cultivate Devil Energy.

Now, The Mortal Realm.
It only opened after EP 15/16 and seen during EP 31/32. Interesting right?~ 
Because it was not included in the full creation of the Ancestral God.
However, it was said that it will come to life or be opened after the Tribulation of Chaos.
All Gods and Immortals live for Thousand of Years to Finally Open and Protect this Realm.
Here Mortals that live with only a heart and not a spirit, a weak body that can only live up to only limited years, and a limited wisdom exist.
They continue their lives peacefully and cheerfully despite having limited memories and time; throughout sickness, pain, grief, and sorrow; calamities; through rain and shine; and with their weak but able bodies.
In short, they all thrive relying on brain and physical strength alone to survive while also making the most out of their limited time.

Within these three realms, the power of chaos is abundant. As it scatters within the three realms, it is split into Immortal Power and Demon Power which both sides could cultivate. No one could cultivate both Immortal and Demon Power at the same time except Shanggu, the Chief Chaos God. Spoiler: This is why Bai Jue, split his original being and created Qing Mu so that he can also cultivate Demon Power to mix it with his Immortal Power to fianlly mix both into Chaos Power.

" What happened on Episode 16? " ( A Mix of the Novel and Drama Events )

Chapter 1 Eng Translation of Novel Link: ❤️ 

A 60,000 Years Timeline:
=The 4 True Gods - Shanggu, Zhi Yang, Bai Jue and Tian Qi disappeared and the world of the ancient gods was sealed above the Three Realms to never be opened again.
(The Bronze Bridge that connect the God Realm to the Three realms were broken).

=Among the many ancient gods that fought during the Tribulation of Chaos, only three were left. They were Gu Jun, Muguang and Wu Huan. They were worshipped and Mu Guang then became the Heavenly Emperor.
( Zhi Yang entrusted the Three Realms to Gu Jun, Muguang and Wu Huan. )

=The True God's weapons were the only ones left, which fell into the mortal realm. (Mentioned in EP 19 by Mu Guang; Tian Xi's weapon was missing.)

=After the Tribulation of Chaos, at first Wu Huan and Gu Jun and lived peacefully at their home called Qingchi Palace and Wu Huan gave birth to Hou Chi.
But Hou Chi was born so weak and didn't have enough power to come out of her Egg. His Father, Gu Jun, was busy searching for ways to help her increase her power to be able to break out from her Egg.

=Wu Huan did not help Gu Jun at all. And since Gu Jun did not want her to feel bored, he invited Mu Guang to Qingchi Palace to accompany his wife. This is where the affair started and Gu Jun was left alone with Hou Chi.

=The wedding happened and Gu Jun interrupted it resulting to that Proclamation of Hou Chi's God Identity scene.

=After 40000 years of struggle, Hou Chi finally were able to break out from her shell and looked exactly the same as Shanggu, the Chief Chaos God.

=But Hou Chi still couldn’t use immortal powers since young, as well as had a low spirit aura, so, for her sake, High God Gu Jun also accepted some immortals into the palace to be guards. Feng Ran was saved by Gu Jun and she repayed him by taking care of Qingchi Palace and Hou Chi while he was gone.

=And + 20, 000 years of Hou Chi's training, cultivation and practice.

Now in the present aka EP16(first scene of Hou Chi):
Hou Chi, after 20000 years of practice with Feng Ran as her Teacher and meeting Bo Xuan as her motivation,
she finally succeeded in using spells with her low spiritual powers.
She was then invited by Feng Ran to go to High God Dong Hua's 78, 321 years' Birthday.

The ancestral God is the real villain here, i tell you.

Couldn't agree more lmao!!!
After reading all of this, I can't thank you enough for providing such detailed information about ALP. It's really hard work from a wholehearted fan.

Thank you so much~❤️
Yet I still admit the fact that this ancestral god is also a good god xD
I still thank him for creating the three realms and our lovely characters HAHA
Thank you so much for reading it all ^-^


Thank you so much~❤️
Yet I still admit the fact that this ancestral god is also a good god xD
I still thank him for creating the three realms and our lovely characters HAHA
Thank you so much for reading it all ^-^

Yes!! Yes!! If it weren't for him, our favorite characters wouldn't be able to come into existence and give us such a beautiful story XD.
Anyway, no problem. Your hardworking should be appreciated by everyone.

I had fun doing this and and initially wanted to share what I had learned along the way while watching but after reading your appreciation of this discussion made me very happy ~
My mother is not a fast reader especially while reading the subtitles as she watch and so I had this idea to also help others just like how I helped my mother understand the drama ^-^

To be appreciated was not my goal but I am really really glad that while helping,
 I also even received an admiration from a fellow lover of this drama ❤️


I had fun doing this and and initially wanted to share what I had learned along the way while watching but after reading your appreciation of this discussion made me very happy ~
My mother is not a fast reader especially while reading the subtitles as she watch and so I had this idea to also help others just like how I helped my mother understand the drama ^-^

To be appreciated was not my goal but I am really really glad that while helping,
 I also even received an admiration from a fellow lover of this drama ❤️

Indeed!! Your explanations really help me realized the details that I have missed and confirmed my theories and opinions about the drama. When I found some interesting facts, I would go to the comment section and the discussion page to read comments about them. It's really fun to discuss it with everyone and reply to each other. It helps me realize that there are people who love ALP as much as I do.

It is my honor to have you as a first visitor of this discussion ❤️
I am very glad that you found all of this interesting!!
I hope it  was not that confusing to read >.<
thank you for sharing what you read here too, this drama deserves a lot of love ❤️❤️ ❤️
It is very lovely to meet you,  Sovannpanha!!
I am more than delighted and happy that you took the time to check and read these very long texts/topics ^-^ ❤