Welcome to purplejisoo's Drama List
Plan to Watch
Title | Episode | Priority |
19th Floor Chinese Drama | 30 | |
A Dream within a Dream Chinese Drama | 38 | |
A Fated Bet of Love Chinese Drama | 36 | |
A Forbidden Marriage Chinese Drama | 24 | |
A Hundred Memories Korean Drama | 12 | |
A Moment but Forever Chinese Drama | 36 | |
All the Love You Wish For Korean Drama | 12 | |
Almost Lover Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Bastard Korean Drama | ? | |
Be Passionately in Love Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Begins Youth Korean Drama | 12 | |
Blossom in Darkness Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Calming Waves Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Can This Love Be Translated? Korean Drama | 10 | |
Chang Ling Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Chun Gui Sha Chinese Drama | ? | |
Coroner's Diary Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Cuo Re Yan Zhi Se Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Dear X Korean Drama | 12 | |
Delusion Korean Drama | ? | |
Destined to Love You Chinese Drama | ? | |
Di Zhi Shang Fan Zui Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Divorce Insurance Korean Drama | 12 | |
Dotgabi Korean Drama | ? | |
Drama Special Season 15: The Road in Between Korean Special | 1 | |
Dream Once More Chinese Drama | 18 | |
East Palace Korean Drama | ? | |
Eat Run Love Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Elegant Letter Paper airing Chinese Drama | 20 | |
Emergence in Troubled Times Chinese Drama | 35 | |
Eternal Faith Chinese Drama | 60 | |
Everlasting Longing Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Extraordinary Attorney Woo Season 2 Korean Drama | ? | |
Faith Chinese Drama | ? | |
Fall in You Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Fatal Allure Chinese Drama | 26 | |
Fated Hearts Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Fervent Love airing Chinese Drama | 23 | |
Fight for Love Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Filter Chinese Drama | 32 | |
Flirt and Shopping Korean Drama | ? | |
Flourished Peony Chinese Drama | 32 | |
Flying Boy airing Chinese Drama | 22 | |
Flying Up Without Disturb Chinese Drama | 32 | |
Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Love in Pavilion Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Sword and Beloved Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Generation to Generation Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Genius Girlfriend Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Girlfriend Project Day 1 Season 2 Korean Drama | ? | |
Good Boy Korean Drama | 16 | |
Guardians Korean Drama | ? | |
Guardians of the Dafeng Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Haesi's Shinru Korean Drama | ? | |
Hear Me: Our Summer Korean Movie | 1 | |
Hestating Spring Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Hidden Shadow Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Hong Rang Korean Drama | 12 | |
Hyper Knife Korean Drama | 8 | |
Immortality Chinese Drama | 58 | |
In the Grip of Love airing Chinese Drama | 30 | |
It’s You, Out of the Blue Korean Drama | 16 | |
Jin Xiu Fang Hua Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san Japanese Movie | 1 | |
Kill My Sins Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Knock Off Korean Drama | 9 | |
Labourer Noh Moo Jin Korean Drama | 10 | |
Lament of the River Immortal Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Legend of the Female General Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Light Shop Korean Drama | 8 | |
Long for Fish Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Long Wang Ling Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Love and Sword Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Love Beyond the Grave Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Love Has Fireworks Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Love in the Clouds Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Love Never Fails Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Love of the Divine Tree Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Love Scout Korean Drama | 12 | |
Love Trap airing Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Love You Seven Times Chinese Drama | 38 | |
Love's Ambition Chinese Drama | 32 | |
Melo Movie Korean Drama | ? | |
Misplaced Lover Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Moments We Shared Chinese Movie | 1 | |
Monthly Boyfriend Korean Drama | ? | |
Moonlight Mystique Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Moonlit Reunion Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Motel California Korean Drama | 12 | |
Mr. Cat in the Villa Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Mulan Renewal Chinese Drama | 36 | |
My Contractual Husband Chinese Drama | 24 | |
My Girlfriend Is a Hot Guy Korean Drama | ? | |
My Lovely Journey Korean Drama | 16 | |
Namib Korean Drama | 12 | |
Newtopia Korean Drama | 8 | |
Omniscient Reader: The Prophet Korean Movie | 1 | |
One: High School Heroes Korean Drama | 8 | |
Our Generation Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Perfect Match Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Project Y Korean Movie | 1 | |
Pull Strings Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Qing Jin Zhi Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Ran Shuang Wei Zhou Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Ran Zhi Liu Nian Chinese Drama | ? | |
Rebirth Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Reborn Chinese Drama | 23 | |
Removing Armor Chinese Drama | ? | |
Return to the Palace Korean Drama | 16 | |
Revenant Korean Drama | 12 | |
Romance Next Door Chinese Drama | 28 | |
Ruyi Chinese Drama | 20 | |
S Line Korean Drama | 6 | |
Secret Memoirs of the Suseong Palace Korean Drama | ? | |
See You after Work Korean Drama | ? | |
Seocho-dong Korean Drama | 16 | |
Serendipity Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Shadow Love Chinese Drama | 38 | |
Shameless Lover Chinese Drama | 32 | |
Shining Korean Drama | ? | |
Shui Long Yin Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Si Jin Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Ski into Love Chinese Drama | 32 | |
Solar Rain Today Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Speed and Love Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Spirit Fingers Korean Drama | 12 | |
Spring Banquet Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Spring Night Chinese Drama | ? | |
Spring of the Four Seasons Korean Drama | ? | |
Starlight to You Chinese Drama | ? | |
Study Group Korean Drama | 10 | |
Swords into Plowshares Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Take by Force Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Take Me Where the Clouds Rise Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Tales of Dark River Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Tang Gong Qi An Zhi Qing Wu Feng Ming Chinese Drama | 40 | |
The Best Thing Chinese Drama | 28 | |
The Blossoming Love Chinese Drama | 40 | |
The Comic Bang Chinese Drama | 36 | |
The Demon Hunter's Romance Chinese Drama | 36 | |
The Eternal Fragrance Chinese Drama | 40 | |
The First Frost Chinese Drama | 30 | |
The Girl inside Me Chinese Drama | 24 | |
The Glory Chinese Drama | 30 | |
The Good Man Korean Drama | 14 | |
The Great Dreamer Chinese Drama | 24 | |
The Manipulated Korean Drama | 10 | |
The Moon Flows over the River Korean Drama | 12 | |
The Murky Stream Korean Drama | 9 | |
The Night Is Still Young Chinese Drama | 30 | |
The One Chinese Drama | 24 | |
The Potato Lab Korean Drama | 12 | |
The Princess Royal Chinese Drama | 40 | |
The Princess‘s Gambit Chinese Drama | ? | |
The Prisoner of Beauty Chinese Drama | 36 | |
The Return of the Queen Chinese Drama | ? | |
The Romance of Tiger and Rose Season 2 Chinese Drama | ? | |
The South Bureau Chinese Drama | 36 | |
The Substitute Love Chinese Drama | 30 | |
The Tyrant's Chef Korean Drama | ? | |
The White Olive Tree Chinese Drama | 38 | |
The Witch Korean Drama | 10 | |
The Wonder Fools Korean Drama | ? | |
The Year We Turned 29 Korean Drama | ? | |
Thou Shalt Not Love Chinese Drama | 12 | |
Twelve Korean Drama | 8 | |
Twelve Letters Chinese Drama | 12 | |
Two Foxes Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Two Women Korean Drama | 15 | |
Under the Moonlight Chinese Drama | 38 | |
Undercover High School Korean Drama | 12 | |
Unexpected Summer Chinese Drama | 61 | |
Unknown Seoul Korean Drama | 12 | |
Veil of Shadows Chinese Drama | 30 | |
What Comes after Love Korean Drama | 6 | |
When Life Gives You Tangerines Korean Drama | 16 | |
When We First Met Again Chinese Drama | ? | |
Who Took My Heart Away Chinese Drama | ? | |
Winner Is King Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Wo Men Zeng Qing Chun Chinese Drama | ? | |
Wo Zai Ding Feng Deng Ni Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Xiao Yao Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Yao Yao You Qi Chinese Drama | ? | |
Yesterday Once More Chinese Movie | 1 | |
You're the Only One Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Your Taste Korean Drama | 10 | |
Yummy Yummy Yummy Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Zen Di Ta Qian Jiao Bai Mei Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Zhan Zhao Adventures Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Zhang Sheng Jue Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Zhi You Na Ge Xia Tian Zhi Dao Chinese Drama | 24 |