Pre-WYEL Korean BLs (/ LGBT)
Needs ratings
1. Just Friends?
Korean Movie - 2009
2. A Crimson Mark
Korean Movie - 2004
3. In Between Seasons
Korean Movie - 2018
4. Stateless Things
Korean Movie - 2012
5. Queer Movie Butterfly: The Adult World
Korean Movie - 2015
6. Queer Movie Beautiful
Korean Movie - 2018
7. Two Weddings and a Funeral
Korean Movie - 2012
8. Method
Korean Movie - 2017
9. The King and the Clown
Korean Movie - 2005
10. Eclipse
Korean Movie - 2016
11. High Heel
Korean Movie - 2014
12. The Boy Next Door
Korean Drama - 2017, 15 episodes
13. A Frozen Flower
Korean Movie - 2008
14. The Lover
Korean Drama - 2015, 12 episodes
15. Antique Bakery
Korean Movie - 2008
16. The Postcard
Korean Movie - 2007
17. Night Flight
Korean Movie - 2014
18. White Night
Korean Movie - 2012
19. Going South
Korean Movie - 2012
20. Suddenly Last Summer
Korean Movie - 2012
21. Life Is Beautiful
Korean Drama - 2010, 63 episodes
22. The Poet and The Boy
Korean Movie - 2017
23. Open
Korean Movie - 2015
24. My Pistachio
Korean Movie - 2018
25. A Naked Boy
Korean Movie - 2015
26. One Last Order
Korean Movie - 2019
27. No Regret
Korean Movie - 2006
28. Something, Crunchy Crunchy
Korean Movie - 2013
29. Long Time No See
Korean Drama - 2017, 5 episodes
30. Love with Flaws
Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes
31. Matching! Boys Archery
Korean Drama - 2016, 8 episodes