watched in '22 [spoilers?]

just like the list name says XD everything I've watched this year + ending and reasons behind the rating yes 

shdcbhfdbvhjsdfbvdfjvbdjfvkdnaksnmjds 10/10

i did not wait a year to get this bullshit of a season

YOUNG ROYALS season 1&2 (11/05)
holy shit that was a ride, DID HE JUST SAY HE COULD GIVE UP THE CROWN FOR YOU???  10/10

got queerbaited into a dope drama, lured into a mediocre book it was based on, got obsessed with the idea my brain created and got abandoned by Netflix that decided to cancel the show, 10/10

Gabe Feb 13, 2022
50 Titles Loves
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  • Tinted with You

    1. Tinted with You

    Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes




    what i liked : Junhee's acting, the concept

    what i disliked : literally anything else

  • Behind Cut

    2. Behind Cut

    Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes




    what i liked : the character designs, their deep conversations and the messages they conveyed, THAT kiss scene (that we've been robbed off of in the movie ver btw XD)

    what i disliked : the execution and the last 2 eps especially, could've been written way better, the wasted potential

  • Bad Buddy

    3. Bad Buddy

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes




    what i liked : literally every single thing 

  • Bad Buddy - Behind the Scenes

    4. Bad Buddy - Behind the Scenes

    Thai Special - 2021, 13 episodes


  • The Player

    5. The Player

    Thai Drama - 2021, 16 episodes



    happy :)

    what i liked : the execution, story, the cheating plots XD bisexual bitches XD

    what i disliked : characters going back and forth, and that annoying female i don't even remember her name anymore XD

  • Kissable Lips

    6. Kissable Lips

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes



    tragedy lmao

    what i liked : the chemistry, acting, concept, execution was also pretty decent

    what i disliked : the last 2 eps or so, basically the way it went after minhyun told junho for the first time to drink his blood XD the wasted potential

  • Gen Y Season 2

    7. Gen Y Season 2

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes



    happy lol

    what i liked : kohjack XD sandee is pretty and tongpok ended up together, also padbok cameo

    what i disliked : *long sigh* every single thing XD markkit fucking pointless, thayu fucking boring, the characters have no brains like for real other  characters always have to tell the others what to do like lmao, making up always took several episodes just to be resolved with one sentence lmao

  • Semantic Error

    8. Semantic Error

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes




    what i liked : ay-fucking-mazing adaptation of the manga, beauti-fucking-ful execution, the editing top notch, the casting UGH the chemistry and acting uhuhu imma cri;
    in a nutshell : everything was perfect

    what i disliked : that i literally can't get enough of them 

  • Oh! Boarding House

    9. Oh! Boarding House

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes




    what i liked : the chemistry was pretty decent and the guys do be cute XD

    what i disliked : the failed attempt to make it funny XD he realized he likes him cuz he brought him a USB stick lmao aka the development 2/10, too much screen time to the straight side couple that idek are a couple XD the wasted potential

  • First Love Again

    10. First Love Again

    Korean Drama - 2022, 6 episodes




    what i liked : the concept, execution, acting, chemistry, the story wasn't very strong but it worked, the character's had some depth and the drama wasn't nonessential, also it was funny and they were cute and i squealed and cried and laughed-

    what i disliked : nothing much, just the sound quality bothered me in the first ep but i got used to it, the acting of the supporting cast was a bit off but whatever 

  • Not Me

    11. Not Me

    Thai Drama - 2021, 14 episodes



    happy romance-wise, open story-wise

    what i liked : the fucking TENSION, the law and politics parts of it, have i said the tension yet? also the fucKING TENSION XD the OST was fucking great and the story was dark and it was so well written UGH the TENSION too XD the emotions gosh goosebumps all the way OOF this drama was overwhelming in the best way imaginable

    what i didn't like : some parts didn't make sense and as much as i'd be okay if it was just lazily written, it wasn't XD that's what's bothering me, cuz it doesn't make sense yet perfectly makes sense given the circumstances, aka me being conflicted because of quite a lot of things

  • Not Me: Behind the Scenes

    12. Not Me: Behind the Scenes

    Thai Special - 2021, 14 episodes


  • You're My Sky

    13. You're My Sky

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes



    happy / open but on the happy side

    what i liked : THE CINEMATOGRAPHY WAS 1000/10, the soundtrack, the cinematography, the VIBE, the pace, i fucking liked the pace and the development, the conversations, the characters that i could painfully relate to, the concept was great too and absolutely loved how it was prominent throughout the entire series, loved the inclusivity, the cinematography (XD) and the overall warmth UGH hidden gem imo, needs recognition

    what i disliked : the fact i can't even fully hate coach Tuan in peace cuz i understand where he's coming from XD other than that? nothing really

    note : objectively speaking it's slow as fuck and boring if you don't get into it from the get go, the characters can be annoying if you don't fully understand their motives etc XD personally it absolutely exceeded my expectations

  • Blue of Winter

    14. Blue of Winter

    Korean Drama - 2022, 5 episodes


    confusing as fuck, cliffhanger

    what i liked : uh?

    what i disliked : fucking confusing

  • Blueming

    15. Blueming

    Korean Drama - 2022, 11 episodes




    what i liked : absolutely stunning, the characters were absolutely amazing, the cinematography, the color schemes, the kisses oof so well acted out i'm sorry sjhbvjhdfbvjdfjvnfkd the story was cool, the way they made up was kdjbvjdfbvkdfjd hwang daseul our queen

    what i disliked : it had its odd moments, as if they had too much story and too few episodes to execute everything in a decent pace XD

    after a while changed the rating from 9.5 to 10 because i digested everything and it grew on me a lot. the character design and the comfort it brings, the way they dealt with insecurities and pain, truly a masterpiece; i also like how the story revolves around the main characters only and their own feelings, there's like, no third party in that relationship and they mainly just focus on what they feel for each other, like neither of them ever thought "what the others are going to think about me when they find out i'm dating a guy" sorta thing, that was cool, because it's a normal thing and no one should ever be insecure about whom they're dating and what others think about that

    also the title!! can we talk about how clever the title is? while it consists of the word "blue", and blue associates with sadness, the title sounds like "blooming" instead, which indicates the characters mature and grow to accept themselves, and i find that absolutely beautiful

  • Something in My Room

    16. Something in My Room

    Thai Drama - 2022, 10 episodes



    happy but they both dead, together xD

    what i liked : the acting and chemistry were great, the last two eps were cool cuz of the emotional scenes yeah

    what i disliked : the execution was kinda odd, idk i felt like they didn't know where to go with the story, or more like they didn't know how to handle what they wanted to express XD also why didn't people see Phob's clothes floating XD

  • Cherry Blossoms after Winter

    17. Cherry Blossoms after Winter

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes




    what i liked : they be cute AND engaged WOOP WOOP that's.. it?

    what i disliked : the inconsistent camera filter, bugged me way too much XD the storyline was too weak

    basically i've read the manga quite a while before watching (at least most of the parts the drama covered) and i liked the manga a lot, it made me feel giddy, squeal for the characters, adore them and want to adopt them. and as long as in the drama the characters had their cute moments, i didn't feel that they liked each other, as if they misunderstood the assignment XD were they cute? yeah, sure. were they in love? no

    my expectations were set too high. i knew the material they were working with and objectively speaking it wasn't anything ambitious. just two hurt high school students falling for each other in a cute way. so idk why i was expecting to be mindblown

  • The Tuxedo

    18. The Tuxedo

    Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes




    what i liked : the chemistry (i might be biased XD) and the concept yes, also that one kiss scene was legendary yes

    what i disliked : the execution, it was just boring XD and most importantly i just didn't like the characters; the story was there but it was all over the place and non-existent at the same time XD like how do you even achieve that, too much material and not enough time, definitely; also served the fucking dumbest fall-and-kiss kiss scene ever and i'm not forgetting them that

    expectations were too high for this one XD how did i not know it was going to be this short? XD lol, learning from kbls i see
    the post-production slow motion was pissing me off, not to mention it was used in the wrong moments (i know shit about editing and directing and any of that but still, i can complain because i know what kind of editing is good for what kind of scene XD sue me)

    chemistry alone won't carry the show, i said what i said

  • The Miracle of Teddy Bear

    19. The Miracle of Teddy Bear

    Thai Drama - 2022, 16 episodes



    looks like it depends on your ship lmao happy for me cuz TARNUT ENDGAME WOOP WOOP

    what i liked : how complex the story was, oh and absolutely the best thing about this drama is character development, i was so happy to see nut's anger issues slowly melt and his wounds to slowly heal 

    what i disliked : how they didn't explain half of the shit in the end XD

    notes : okay i can't freaking believe it's over, like the number of episodes of such a long length scared me a lot and i thought i'd be freaking bored - but i wasnt sdbcjsdb and that's an achievement
    i've always felt that nut didn't love tofu the way he loved tarn so i just naturally kept telling myself that i want tarnut endgame XD guess i've manifested that, apologies XD

    will come back later to finish XD

  • Secret Crush on You

    20. Secret Crush on You

    Thai Drama - 2022, 14 episodes



    ending : happy

    what i liked : a freaking lot like A LOT, THE secret crush and the way it was portrayed, Toh's friends trying to stop his habit, THE TENSION???? I'm sorry but the tension? perfection, also just SKY, SKY BEST BOYFRIEND OF THE SERIES, NUEA BEING VULNERABLE, LOW SELF-ESTEEM, TRANS CHARACTER, LESBIAN COUPLE, EVERYTHING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    what i disliked : is there actually anything i disliked? XD

    notes : I definitely have a soft spot for this drama, especially its first 4-ish episodes like jhsdbcjhdsbjs it actually talked about quite important topics in a decently serious way given it's a dumb comedy XD like it's not a serious drama so you take it lightly and then it just dumps trauma at you like please stop I'm just here to have some fun XD I went into this drama blindly (okay not blindly, the kiss scenes summoned me) and holy moly was not expecting this drama to turn out this decently XD

  • Cutie Pie

    21. Cutie Pie

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes




    what i liked : the arranged marriage trope, however stupid when you think about it, was cool; the chemistry and acting were definitely the strength of this drama, like the chemistry was INSANELY GOOD; also Nunew is such a great singer ugh, that cover of 'just being friendly'? truly a fucking masterpiece sjhcbdshbv

    what i disliked : that fucking stupid part (pretty much the main point of the story XD) of Kuea trying to hide his 'real self' from Lian who already fucking knew everything about him, the miscommunication, avoiding confrontation, i also didn't fucking like that Lian didn't accept Kuea's proposal but had to propose himself like lol
    also YiDiao XD that trauma part and Yi blaming himself and hiding it for so long just for us to find out that it actually wasn't a big deal lol (honestly i even missed this scene like it got resolved THAT quickly)
    the plot was just weak as heck when you think about it lol XD

    notes : like i said about the tuxedo above, the chemistry alone won't carry the show, it was better than the tuxedo, obviously, i'm not comparing the two. something just didn't click about this drama

    need more nUERSIN CUZ I FEEL ROBBED, they were the highlight of the drama and then they just progressed with the BANG and then they've run out of episodes like ??????? manifesting their own series

  • Love Class

    22. Love Class

    Korean Drama - 2022, 6 episodes




    what i liked : roa the big puppy ;-;

    what i disliked : weak ass plot with holes/skipping that could be fixed if side stories were reduced to 0 (I'm all for teacher-student stories but please, not in a 6ep series xD); we're back to lip-press kisses y'all, with a drone flying around them lmao; also just no proper development, too much time spent on jiwoo liking the girl imo

    once again wasted potential from Korea, rip cuz the couple was cute

  • Ocean Likes Me

    23. Ocean Likes Me

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes




    what i liked : this side of gichan, i loved his acting a lot, also a gay actor for gay role FINALLY, that one scene after shower in which gichan looked like an alive person XD also the kiss scenes were on point, euisoo can be jealous XD

    what i disliked : holland's character, he just comes and goes whenever he pleases lol no explanation of the last disappearance whatsoever, the last 2 eps made no fucking sense; everything felt jumpy, the color grading made them look like ghosts gosh, questionable execution sometimes, lazy writing uh let's stop here

  • Star and Sky: Star in My Mind

    24. Star and Sky: Star in My Mind

    Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes




    what i liked : uh

    what i disliked : acting (even if they're rookies [aka not experienced], please fucking train them better before you let them lead the series, it was so fucking weak, none of the main characters could portray emotions well, Joong i'm sorry but his acting was so boring, i legit feel like it was JJ with his close-to-non-existent screentime who carried the show), storyline (boring as heck, weak as fuck XD last ep absolutely unnecessary), actually didn't like Dao at all lmao

    more mad notes : I'M NITPICKING but how can a person not be able to PRETEND they're painting like wtf, also - Joong and Dunk have a cool chemistry off-screen, why the heck did they fail to bring it to the screen, wasted my time big time

    characters sucked but let's say i understood Joong's character better than the rest XD 

  • Taboo

    25. Taboo

    Japanese Movie - 1999



    ??? not happy

    notes :

    1. not a bl, it's a gay-themed movie
    2. so who loved whom? XDD
    3. surprisingly only one allegedly homophobic character, the others were totally gay for Kano
    4. Toshizo the delulu shipper like for real kept forcing his delusions on others XD
    5. not sure whether it was Matsuda's acting that was stiff af or his character
    6. what even was the plot?
  • Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai!

    26. Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai!

    Japanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes




    what i liked : the old good Japanese chaotic energy XD Fukuhara's moment of realization, Shinomiya being a little Kurosawa gentleman, the Cherry Magic and Utsukushii Kare vibes yeah

    what i disliked : that the first half was funnier than the second XD

    notes : it's nothing special actually and yet you just can't help but like it XD

    maybe will come back to write more XD

  • KinnPorsche Side Story

    27. KinnPorsche Side Story

    Thai Special - 2022, 1 episode

  • To My Star Season 2: Our Untold Stories

    28. To My Star Season 2: Our Untold Stories

    Korean Drama - 2022, 10 episodes



    whoever says it's not a happy ending for them, I'm sorry

    what i liked : everything, especially THE CHARACTERS' STRUGGLES and the warmth it exuded through its rawness and maturity

    what i disliked : jiwoo was way too relatable and hence annoying af XD and they forgot about the editing team

    notes : oh my god

    absolute masterpiece, this is how sequels should be done

  • Old Fashion Cupcake

    29. Old Fashion Cupcake

    Japanese Drama - 2022, 5 episodes




    what i liked : the characters, the struggle of not achieving anything in your life, the feeling of failure, Togawa saying it's okay :c the acting, the confession scenes both got me jahscbsdjbjsdhfbvjf loved it

    what i disliked : could be a bit longer pls T-T

  • KinnPorsche

    30. KinnPorsche

    Thai Drama - 2022, 14 episodes



    happy ending romance-wise, plot-wise a cliffhanger XD

    what i liked : the acting was jscbjdbvjdf VEGAS, VegasPete > KinnPorsche, Bible the show-stealer with his English lines like YASSSS YELL AT ME MORE, Thankhun with brains, Vegas (what a damn hot name); generally a very well done drama, technically XD

    what i disliked : hated their take on the genre, whatever that genre was XD couldn't like the series because i was confused all the time whether it was a serious drama or a dumb comedy; what the heck even was KimChay :) ; the wasted opportunities for symmetrical shots that would make everything look a 1000 times better; the last episode was messy as fuck like ?????? also blood doesn't work the way it did there :) XD 

    additional notes : just my personal ace opinion, that was a bit too much, tho yes XD i know there's a cut version XD that's why i'm not putting it in as a dislike factor XD

    i hate that they made the teasers look dope as fuck, i'm not even talking about the production but the plot XD it looked like it was going to be a badass drama like you know, serious stuff. but then they introduced this dumb comedy to this while my expectations were waiting for a real ANGSTY MAFIA DRAMA. my expectations were WAY too high for this and now i'm conflicted whether i even liked this drama :) thanks BOC

    i'm not saying that adding comedy to serious dramas is generally wrong, some comedy scenes were actually funny and fitted the scene XD but most of the times the comedy was just so out of place and felt just incredibly weird, like i've never felt this weird about comedy

  • Triage

    31. Triage

    Thai Drama - 2022, 13 episodes







    will write sth more constructive later

  • Kamisama no Ekohiiki

    32. Kamisama no Ekohiiki

    Japanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes




    what i liked : okay so first of all it was cute and fun XD i liked the characters, and the acting was great too XD i mean lol it was just a fun drama to watch

    what i disliked : hmmm nothing? maybe that one "if you're not in love with the way they look like now, are you really in love with them?" question didn't sit well with me

  • His Man Season 1

    33. His Man Season 1

    Korean TV Show - 2022, 11 episodes



    first dating show i've EVER watched and i'm OBSESSED SDCBJDHVBHDJF

    they're all so cute please i wanna adopt all of them T-T

    i just hope they all stay in touch please

  • Senpai, Danjite Koidewa!

    34. Senpai, Danjite Koidewa!

    Japanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes




    what i liked : well, the office setting will always have a freaking chokehold on me XD the way they liked each other from the very beginning and we knew about it, the way both of them were chaotic XD and of course as always the gentleman main lead that Yanase was OOF, also when Kaneda called Yanase by his first name and it made my heart flutter, that was damn cool, basically the show played well with my emotions so that's a pro

    what i disliked : the last two episodes were almost unbearable to watch because the way they got so distant was stupid XD i'm sorry, they just needed to talk it out earlier but both of them are cowards

    notes : it wasn't bad but also wasn't anything special XD just an okay drama to binge in one sitting yep

  • About Youth

    35. About Youth

    Taiwanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes




    what i liked : the absolutely adorable characters and their sincerity, Jian the freaking charismatic senior like wtf he was so damn cool, the acting was great (PLEASE SHUO TING WAS JUST JAHSCVJHSDCBHJSDBVJHDFV), the story was cool, nothing ambitious but it was fine, the pacing and development of the main couple seemed pretty natural, THE OPENING OST WAS A FREAKING BOP, also their English wasn't cringe so thank god XD

    what i disliked : the second couple screentime WHO, the development went from 0 to 50 to 100 within the 3 scenes they had together and that didn't sit well with me XD basically was just too short

  • 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us

    36. 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us

    Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes



    sad ending

    what i liked : the depth, the vibe, the philosophical conversations, the setting, the artsy feeling to everything, the fucking ACTING, the tension, the characters, THE VIBE

    what i disliked : too short and i desperately NEEDED a kiss :(

    notes : holy FUCK WHAT A RIDE

  • To My Star Season 2: Behind the Scenes

    37. To My Star Season 2: Behind the Scenes

    Korean Special - 2022, 14 episodes

  • P.S. I Hate You

    38. P.S. I Hate You

    Thai Drama - 2022, 18 episodes


    happy ending for the gays

    about the gay part : they had like, 4 scenes together resulting in little to no development but they were probably the only decent characters of the entire drama AND they're the only characters with a happy ending XD

    about the rest : stupid predictable mess

  • Takara-kun to Amagi-kun

    39. Takara-kun to Amagi-kun

    Japanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes




    what i liked : Takara pretty, Katori best character

    what i disliked : the execution XD I didn't like how the events were intertwined and they were always wearing the same clothes so it's damn hard to tell the chronological order  ; also why the hell were they going back and forth all the damn time for no real reason XD also the characters were annoying because of that, inconsistent characters

    notes :

  • The Eclipse

    40. The Eclipse

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes




    what i liked : Khaotung in this kinda character, First holding back his smile like god he's so pretty, the chemistry, Akk confessing to his parents T-T the feels, the teacher twist XD

    what i disliked : idk something just doesn't sit well with me, the issues seemed so over the top and yet not significant enough XD idk the storytelling just wasn't strong enough

    notes : idea was there, execution failed XD idk

  • Roommates of Poongduck 304

    41. Roommates of Poongduck 304

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes




    did i like it more than Kissable Lips???

    what i liked : story better than KP

    what i disliked : chemistry and acting weirdly were better in KP

    notes : i honestly don't know XD it was okay, the first few episodes were absolutely hilarious, Holland's role was kinda weird, had literally no purpose other than scam jiwoong XD jiwoong being shy is so cute???? their offscreen chemistry is so natural, i wish they could bring it better to the screen cuz i could only feel it in the kisses that they're comfortable with each other XD

    waiting for another project with them cuz i know it's gonna be their best XD

  • Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!: The Movie




    what i disliked : too short

    why not a 10 then? had to wait too long and the drama just holds too big of a piece of my heart to share it with the movie XD

  • Love in the Air

    43. Love in the Air

    Thai Drama - 2022, 13 episodes




    what i liked : the clear story division between the couples

    Payu & Rain
    - couldn't stand the cringe, it was just too much for me, cringy and awkward and just- no XD
    - hated that their story started with a NC scene that was hard for me to watch XD
    + Boss is so fucking hot tho and their kiss scenes were equally hot ;)

    Sky & Prapai
    - acting lowkey didn't deliver
    + loved their story overall, the consent all the time
    + the nipple piercing and the fact it made a cameo :D
    + the eyebrow piercing being torn out :)))

    notes : this could be mame's best work, considering it's mame XD

  • Ghost Host, Ghost House

    44. Ghost Host, Ghost House

    Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes




    what i liked : shit was hitting close to home so much, Tod is just so fucking pretty oh my god, their chemistry and tension OOF, story was weak but still wasn't bad, wish it was explored more tho

    what i disliked : the fact that Kevin never fucking apologized to Pluem for ghosting him (pun intended) , and that we were robbed off the GL cpl

    notes :

  • Big Dragon

    45. Big Dragon

    Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes



    happy ending with a post-credit lowkey cliffhanger but also not really

    what i liked : the main OST, Mangkorn's tattoo was hot as fuck and some of the scenes were really absolutely gorgeous, the production was damn good

    what i disliked : Yai XD the drama was in general all over the place but his character was the most inconsistently indecisive one out there like wh- the writing and execution of the script was weird idk why, the chemistry and acting were meh most of the time, sound quality, and I really didn't like Yai XD

    notes : i once again got lured into a weak drama by the high-quality production :')
    that last ep was actually unnecessary, like it brought nothing to the story and was just plain-ass stupid and nothing made sense and their dynamics was just sooooo odd and unnatural in this last ep istg

  • To Sir, With Love

    46. To Sir, With Love

    Thai Drama - 2022, 17 episodes



    happy WOOP WOOP


    what i disliked : okay the CGI was just terrible (tho after i got used to it it was charming XD made me laugh too much XD, the mushrooms fucking traumatized me (iykyk), the development kinda pissed me off (revealing "they planned it all" after someone gives them a good-enough excuse), Yang not letting Tian say the g-word until shit hit the fan; that fucking glitter shit, got annoying af after they used it twice, also made death insignificant :')

    notes : i just wish Jiu and Tian had more scenes together but honestly it was very nicely executed and their ending was very fulfilling so i don't really mind, especially since all the scenes they DID have together were so emotionally packed i-

  • Happy Ending Romance

    47. Happy Ending Romance

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes



    happy ending (romance hehe)

    what i liked :
    - the concept was unique, the plot was interesting
    - the acting was actually great
    - the entire production was awesome in general, it looked like they got pretty hefty budget
    - absolutely loved the entire persona of Han Taeyoung, everything about him was perfect, also their dynamics, and how warm these two felt ugh, Taeyoung Taeyoung Taeyoung
    - also the dynamics between Jungwoo and Junghyun was damn intriguing, it was cool to have that toxic touch, and the revelation was a twist for me XD nice

    what i disliked :
    - it was not clear what the entire conflict was about until you read the synopsis (they did mention that in the drama too, but if you're not aware that THIS was the reason you just won't catch it)
    - it was jumpy, sometimes confusing timeline but other times it worked very cool
    - some parts were stupid, pointless, relying too much on coincidences
    - Junghyun in the last ep, what was this sudden conversion
    - they complicated the things too much and it got confusing what everyone's goals are  XD

    notes : bonus points for making me cry a few times and also making me realize that I need someone like Taeyoung in my life because what the hell, he's such a great person, so reassuring and warm, and just sjhdbvjdf comforting and encouraging and the way he really meant best for Jungwoo and that it was okay to get hurt and there's always risk when you're trying to be happy just SHUT UP, TAEYOUNG WHERE ARE YOU

  • Love in the Air: Special Episode

    48. Love in the Air: Special Episode

    Thai Special - 2022, 1 episode



    what i liked : dunno, hence no rating, i didn't dislike it but i'm gonna forget i even watched it next week

    what i disliked :
    - the SOUND please at least one of their mics was broken and they gave no shit about it, resulting in half of the dialogues being almost entirely inaudible :)))
    - the music, god it pissed me off so much it was so generic and didn't fit the scenes most of the time :')

    notes : brought nothing to the main plot except for
    1) stupid misunderstandings that were there specifically to get the "plot" of this episode going
    2) more sex scenes

  • Oh! My Assistant

    49. Oh! My Assistant

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes



    depends on your ship lmao

    what i liked : the comedy and the way seonho confessed, and actually seonho was just a nicely written character

    what i disliked : that muyoung valued his friendship more than his relationship :') made me ship him with junseok instead and hence not being satisfied with the ending XD

    notes : so i loved the first half cuz it was damn funny and then when the boyfriend lie came up it all hit the fan and went to shit XD

  • I Feel You Linger in the Air Pilot

    50. I Feel You Linger in the Air Pilot

    Thai Special - 2022, 1 episode

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