Friends' Favorite Films Challenge pg2

Every movie is a title that came off of a friend's Favorite Movie List.

(Continuation from this page.)

*note* if you don't see your name on either list it's because I've seen all your movies OR all of your Favorites were already on the list before I got to your name.

KellyFlower Feb 1, 2017
63 Titles Loves
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KellyFlower's Lists

TinkerBell Size Tales...Under an Hour
1086 titles 51 loves 10 comments
Causes Ugly Crying /Heartbreaking
348 titles 567 loves 40 comments
Favorite Dramas
31 titles 15 loves 1 comment
One isn't enough!
172 titles 2 loves
Guilty Pleasures
52 titles 9 loves 1 comment
