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One Fine Week korean drama review
One Fine Week
1 people found this review helpful
by Duckk
Jan 2, 2022
10 of 10 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This is one of the most wholesome web dramas I have ever seen. I genuinely loved everything about this and binged the whole thing in one go (which isn’t hard, let’s be real). I absolutely loved the facial expressions of the actress and the way such a short drama was able to flesh out the characters and give them so much humanity. I almost wish this was longer because I genuinely got so freaking emotional at the end once everything was concluded, however I appreciate the short, sweet, and simple style of storytelling that this drama delivered. It was a very refreshing and 100% happy and enjoyable experience all around. Probably the only reason I can't give it a 10 is because the drama is just too short for me to consider it.
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