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Orlando, FL
Playful Kiss korean drama review
Playful Kiss
2 people found this review helpful
by KdramaQueen89
May 5, 2011
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
Story- The high school episodes were funny. The college years were frustrating and some were a bore. The last couple episodes were super amazing. The end was cute. Even so, How the relationship develops between the leads is very strange. They go from being a no way in hell to very serious but without any real development in between. Thats why I cant give a higher score for the story. Acting/Cast- The leads did a great job in thier role. The actress that played Oh Ha Ni acted well as the immature stalkerish girl to a grown up person who knows what they want. I loved KHJ in BOF but disliked his character in PK. He did a great job acting as the snobby emotionless Baek Seung Jo. BSJ really got on my nerves though. He never showed enough emotion to Ha Ni which made thier relationship in the end really strange. Hated his character!! The supporting cast was funny and served thier purpose. Music- Some cool music nothing too in your face. Overall- Could have been written better but the end was a welcome surprise.
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