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Los Angeles, CA
The Legend of the Blue Sea korean drama review
The Legend of the Blue Sea
1 people found this review helpful
by Midnitemasque
Mar 22, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

Mermaid Holy grail

As a massive fan of mermaids and a lover of Lee Min Ho, I couldn’t wait to watch this one. It definitely had a cheese element to it, and I don’t think the chemistry between the leads was a strong as it could be, but I still love this. The story was sweet and innocent, I love the reincarnation flashbacks and intricate details into the lives of all our characters. Jun Ji Hyun plays such a lovely mermaid with such a sweet, doe eyed innocence, I couldn’t help but love her. I adored LMH as Joon Jae. While I didn’t really feel the sparks between these two particular actors the way I have felt sparks with other pairings, I still found their scenes sweet and precious. There was also a solid romance and some truly underrated characters and friendships in this one. There’s definitely some cheesiness and typical fish out of water jokes, but as a mermaid lover I was absolutely adoring it. It reminded me very much of “Splash”, and has made it into my top 5 dramas.
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