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Los Angeles, CA
Boys over Flowers korean drama review
Dropped 22/25
Boys over Flowers
1 people found this review helpful
by Midnitemasque
Mar 25, 2021
22 of 25 episodes seen
Dropped 2
Overall 4.0
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 4.5

Someone Explain Why This is So Popular

As a major Lee Min Ho stan, I have been putting this off. I get this was his major role that shot him to stardom, and I kind of get it, however that doesn’t make this a good watch. Within the first episode there’s so much bullying of the main female character, it made me borderline uncomfortable that I stopped it at least three separate times. I finally caved and started it for the 4th time, DETERMINED to finish. Think of every cliché and trope of every show ever, roll it all into one, add some bad hairstyles, a mediocre soundtrack, and you have this drama. We have the enemies to lovers cliché, a boring and REDUNDANT love triangle, Overbearing parents, kidnapping, life-threatening snow situations, arranged company marriage, and a main couple that just can’t get it together and has misunderstanding after misunderstanding. Now if I actually believed the chemistry between Lee Min Ho and Gu Hye Seon, maybe I could overlook allllllll that. But Frankly, I don’t know what the leader of F4 sees in Jan Di either. She doesn't deserve him or his devotion. So at this point I’m hate watching it in order to say I saw it and get the badge on my Lee Min Ho jacket. But seriously, do yourself a favor, skip it, and watch “The Heirs” instead. A better, more believable love triangle, better acting, BETTER HAIR, and so much chemistry with between Lee Min Ho and Park Shin, you could start a fire with it.
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