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Fish Upon the Sky thai drama review
Fish Upon the Sky
1 people found this review helpful
by Bearr Flower Award1
Jun 8, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

Such a blast!

I honestly had so much fun watching this show! It was just what the doctor prescribed.
It definitely isn't a serious show, though the tone does change slightly halfway through from fluffy and over the top to a more regular romcom setting that's a little more toned down.
I've watched at least 44 bl's this year, both very lacking ones and some of the best ones I've ever seen. This one is just a good middle ground for me. (unpopular opinion but I liked it SO much more than Secret crush on you, which follows a few similar threads. )
I knew going in that it wasn't highly rated and people kept warning to keep your expectations low.
In my opinion, I don't really think I loved this show because of 'low expectations' and I don't think you should have them set low in order to enjoy this show. I think you just need to understand exactly what it is your getting yourself into or just not look into what kind of show it is all together to flow with the experience and not judge until the end like I did. I binged this within 24 hours btw.

Were there a lot of cliché's ? Yes, but if you watch it completely through, you actually notice that the show itself is super self aware of that. The fandom starts to get called out for being a form of serious harassment with actual consequences and fear as it proceeds to get worse. As well as that Pi's irrational dislike of Mork hanging out with his friend gets addressed briefly, because friends hang out, I know that was news to me too but it sounded valid.. >O w O<
I'm just kidding here, but as someone with little social interaction and large phases of having no friendships, I do get it.
Especially when you like someone and they have actual friends to hang out with outside of you it can be tough, so it's on you to stay rational and realize the difference between love and friendship.
Then there is that moment when Meen didn't let himself fall under peer pressure and stood up for himself which is something I really liked.

The only thing I really disliked was how pushy everyone was about Pi needing to realize his feelings for Mork. Not only does Mork push himself onto Pi a little too much, even by being his mystery chat friend, but Nan even rejects Pi because he doesn't believe Pi has feelings for him. The fandom also keeps pestering him to just admit it. We as the audience can see how Pi does indeed like Mork, but as a passerby in real life I would genuinely not be convinced he liked Mork romantically at all. Mostly because he keeps shouting he likes Nan. It annoyed me that no one took his experience seriously. Even when you can tell someone is being unaware or avoidant of their feelings, it's up to them to realize it for themselves. The pushiness was just a little too much.

To start out there is a very specific stylistic choice in the way this is filmed. There is a mini series mixed in with the actual series rather than a main couple vs second lead couple. The mini series being made obvious with the changing display size and a voice over. In the beginning I didn't care too much about the mini series, but it did grow on me half way through and became more enjoyable to watch, though at no point did I have any particular feeling about the couple. It was one of those things where I was just able to turn off my brain and allow what happens to happen.
(I still need to see the rehearsal of that strip tease tho! Like how this group of guy friends have a whole choreo ready is beyond me xD It was honestly one of the funniest scenes when you think about them trying to get this thing perfected in their moms living room. )

The conflict in the last episode felt a little out of nowhere at first, but thinking back it made perfect sense. I even recalled myself noting that usually the one who's most jealous tries to top the other person in everything they can and that Pi didn't seem to do so with the spicy food at the food stands or the cakes at the café. I remembered thinking how funny it was to me that instead of the main couple, the one who got the short end of the stick by being over the top was Bam, trying to get the spiciest food to show off and choosing 20 different cakes so Pi couldn't get them, making her spend a ton of money. So hearing she liked Mork actually made sense even though I still didn't care for that conflict tbh.

From the perspective of a writer there truly wasn't anything wrong with this show. It almost felt like satire but done in a way where you still want to make an enjoyable show rather than a parody. Nan was non existent, but I didn't mind that.
There were some moments I did feel annoyed with some characters, but humans are sometimes simply annoying so I can't even be mad at that!

Maybe this was just the right show for me at the right time, but I loved it.
It comforted me, turned my brain off, made me smile, giggle, gasp and even tear up (I never cry so it could be hormones, but damn that line at the party in the last episode where the fangirl talks about how their job is done and the captain is now sailing his own ship broke me somehow)
I really recommend this show, but I have also noticed it isn't the most popular opinion here so, decide for yourself! :)
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