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Old Fashion Cupcake japanese drama review
Old Fashion Cupcake
0 people found this review helpful
by Sakura
Dec 21, 2023
5 of 5 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Beautiful. Subtle. Great Acting and Overall Vibe

Honestly, why did I not watch this before? Japanese series always have an X factor that touches the heartstrings.
They are sweet yet sublime.

This story too have no heavy plot but the soft slice-of-life moves you. The little unusual thing maybe is that the subordinate actively yet respectfully pursuing their boss who is the love interest. There is a power imbalance here.

Nozue is the easygoing boss and Togawa his subordinate has an age difference of 10 years. Togawa is both extremely respectful and also infatuated about his boss. Nozue may have left all of his hopes and wishes as he is getting older (he will be in his forties) because he is alone, he has a comfortable position in his job and is also scared to venture out into more challenging places. He feels empty. Togawa comes in and tries to help him in many funny yet relatable ways.

The actors are amazing at their roles. The cinematography is commendable. The script is very well written. The director has done a great job (and this is directed by a woman) . The music is great.
And the food. Japanese love their food and never shy away from proudly showcasing them in their media.

There are only 5 episodes but it has given me peace. I loved this.
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