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Legend of Lu Zhen chinese drama review
Legend of Lu Zhen
76 people found this review helpful
by Shirubia
Aug 17, 2013
59 of 59 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Strong female lead

I started this drama because i like seeing strong woman in historical dramas working hard for her position.

Half the drama is exactly this. So what differs dramatically from others drama of this kind is, that the main girl is not totally good. I hate this part in most historical dramas, that the main girl always saves the bad people and don´t get justice herself. In this drama she will take her revenge and doesn´t prevent that the evil will be punished.

The other half of the drama is the love between her and the prince. Don´t let you misguide from the synopsis. The drama is full of romatic scenes between them.

The story was not really unique. Many things were like in all that other dramas i watched, but there were a few scenes that surprised me. I couldn´t stop myself and watched this drama in only a few days.

I would recommend this drama everyone who likes romance with a strong female lead that goes her own way.

If you think 59 episodes are too much, i need to say here that the runtime of each episode differs. It started with 40-45 min per episode, then it got to 30-35 min and the last few episodes were only 20 min long. It was really easy to watch this drama.
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