Worth watching!!
Brilliant. Gripping. Exhilarating. On the edge of my seat. Addictive. Unforgettable.I'm not the type to watch crime dramas as they tend to bore me after the 2nd episode or don't interest me enough to continue since there's a lot of repetition with specific topics. However, this series has managed to change my perspective on the genre. It continued to surprise me and I couldn't stop obsessing over how much I enjoyed it!
Holy moly where do i even start!? This is one of those dramas where you can't predict what happens next which is both frustrating and exciting at the same time. Flower of Evil gets better and better with each episode. Never once was I bored while watching this, every moment was thrilling. It exceeded my expectations and I loved every second of it!
Every scene is interesting, with each episode ending on BIG cliff hangers that get me excited for the next episodes and give me something to look forward to. The plot is well done and there are many unexpected twists throughout it, constantly keeping me on the edge of my seat and eager to see what happens next.
The two main leads are phenomenal. Lee Joongi's acting is incredible, I never doubted his skills but damn he's good! Moon Chaewon too, she performed her character very well and at times I could almost feel what she was feeling, it was that good. This is one of my all time favourite pairings in a drama, their chemistry and development is amazing!!
Even if you aren't a fan of crime, there's a high chance you'll still enjoy this one! It's got a sprinkle of everything. The story's unique and refreshing, it's fast-paced and straight to the point, very interesting, definitely recommend watching.
P.S. some scenes are a bit disturbing, just a heads up for those not into that!
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A delight to watch!
I honestly didn't expect to enjoy this drama half as much as I did.I had no particular expectation for this drama, however, the more I watched, the more I grew to love the characters and simple yet intriguing plot. Each character is greatly fleshed-out, all having their own stories and secrets. With the ongoing question "what's going to happen next?" running through my mind, waiting a week for the following episode was surprisingly difficult.
The plot may seem cliché at first but it gets better as you continue watching. It's extremely well made with the beautiful cinematography and camera work, wonderful OST, great acting and interesting plot, everything is on point and just too good not to watch! Nothing feels rushed or jam packed, the story is unfolded well.
This is one of the many dramas in which I didn't skip a scene or part of an episode because they all seemed important or have a relevance to the story - I commonly find myself skipping unnecessary boring scenes a lot in other dramas so this was refreshing.
Needless to say, I really enjoyed watching Live On and totally recommend giving it a try!
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The true definition of a hidden gem
Oh. My. God. Where do I even start!? This was a ride I thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish.This spine chilling and nail-biting thriller is fast-paced, addictive, dark, gory, and filled with revenge aka the best combination for a drama like this.
It's a very solid and well-made series, not a single episode is a filler, each scene and episode shocks you, it will infuriate you, upset you and satisfy you all at once.
At first, the synopsis didn’t really scream anything out to me and I wasn’t sure what to expect, but wow was I blown away... I liked seeing the perspectives of two interesting, mysterious people (one being a killer and the other a detective) with dark pasts. You’ll find yourself constantly questioning things and the plot will have you engaged the whole time.
It contains extreme bullying which I usually avoid as I find it upsetting and hard to watch, but I'm fond of how the scenes switch between flashbacks and present day, it balances out the disturbing vibe well and doesn't completely overwhelm you. Bullying isn't a new concept to base a drama around, however, this one was created in a fresh and unique way and was executed superbly. Also, I don’t condone any type of violence but I rooted for the killer.
The acting. It's outstanding in my books. The cast was picked perfectly. Kim Sung Gyu is so charming, every scene he appears in, he grabs my whole attention, from "Kingdom" to "One Ordinary Day" and now this... The younger cast deserves a shoutout because holy moly they can act (and their presence is very memorable)!! The pure fear, anger and detached feeling is well conveyed by the child cast to the adult cast. No character in TKOP is in the right, they have all done something bad, but you'll still have people to root for, even if it feels wrong at times.
To sum it up, this drama is INSANE. I can't believe people are sleeping on this, it deserves more recognition, so I highly recommend watching this if you like thrillers and the things I mentioned above, you won't be disappointed (or at least I hope not haha).
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Watch for the plot, not the romance
A lighthearted easy to watch drama with the main focus being the dating show.I had very high expectations for this drama after watching the first two episodes, it was right up my alley (providing an old kdrama vibe). However, it slowly lost that charm. Don't get me wrong, it's still a reasonable drama, I really like the dating show concept, it kind of feels like watching one, the only difference is being able to see the behind the scenes chemistry of the cast and how it's all put together. But just a heads up before jumping into this, the first half and second half are quite different due to its shift from focussing on the mains relationship to only mostly focussing on the dating show.
As much as I absolutely adored them in the early episodes, towards the second half of the drama, I began to lose interest in Yu Reum and Jae Hoon's relationship. I was worried this would affect my overall view of LIFS as waiting for their romantic relationship to actually develop was tiring. However, I chose to focus on their individual stories, rather than their romantic ones and I think, with that mentality, I was able to stick with this longer and enjoy the drama more. And for that, I recommend starting LIFS for the plot and less for the romance between the main leads, because, even 11 episodes in, there is little to no romance between the two. The title 'Love Is for Suckers' summarises this drama pretty well.
Lee Da Hee and Choi Si Won are an amazing kdrama couple (perfectly casted in my opinion), but they sadly just couldn't thrive the way they were meant to with a plot like this... They had so much potential, but the writing was lazy, giving no tension or hook.
There is a love triangle, but the second female lead is sweet and likeable, no overly rude and annoying SFL's in this drama - just means viewers might root for her happiness more.
Overall, it's cheesy but not to the point of being unbearable and cringe to watch, the acting is pretty good and most of the characters are likeable in their own quirky way. The plots rather simple (and slow paced), but it's reasonably interesting despite being a bit messy and occasionally going backwards rather than forwards in the development of characters. Also, the actual story doesn't start until episode 5; the first 4 are more just an introduction to the characters and their backstories.
The writer did one thing right - giving a good character development to John Jang. I was so much more invested in his story, he’s surprisingly a really likeable character as the story progresses. Park Ji Wan too! Those two are lowkey my favourite characters. ^^
If you read my review and still think you'll watch it, why not - go for it! Despite its flaws, it's still worth checking out.
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It's been a while since I've had so much fun watching a Kdrama!
OMG, this is so GOOD.From the very first episode, this drama will have you hooked.
There's something really special and unique about Mr Queen, I've seen several historical dramas but this ones a bit different. It's purely a comedy with a twisted interesting storyline to keep you captivated.
We follow Kim So Yong (Jang Bong Hwan) as she - or he? haha - discovers secrets within the palace, keeping viewers on their tippy toes. However, it's never too heavy as humour is sprinkled throughout scenes. It's easy to watch and although the episodes are long, they seem to fly by so quickly because of how entertaining they are.
The acting is something I must mention, both Shin Hyesun and Kim Junghyun are great for the characters they play and portray them perfectly, the director couldn't have picked better actors for those roles. It's like when Shin Hyesun is crying, I feel depressed and when she's content, I feel happy! The main characters all have their own story and dark secrets that we slowly learn about along the way. I'm was particularly invested in the Queen's true self, she's very interesting and there seems to be many dimensions to her character - not Jang Bong Hwan but the actual Queen.
I've been pleasantly surprised by how good this drama is despite my high expectations!
I loved how the story played out and I hadn't found myself getting bored while watching it which is always a plus. The OST is so so good, super addicting - definitely give it a listen.
If you want a good laugh, I totally recommend checking this out!
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A beautiful masterpiece!
My friend and I watched this in the cinemas, and if it weren't for me being in public, I would've cried from happiness.It's truely a beautiful film - a healing, soothing and perhaps emotional one. The Box is about facing your fears and taking a leap of faith on what you're suffering from. The acting was really good. Musically, it's incredible and absolutely breathtaking.
Chanyeol perfectly portrays the character he plays and every moment in the movie tugged at my heartstrings. It was just perfect!! I personally relate a lot to his struggles which ultimately deepens my love for this movie. And the chemistry between him and Jo Dal Hwan was really sweet.
Ji Hoon's character development is so precious - how he manages to finally face the world and break out of his box. I like this reference of every individual initially being stuck inside their own box of worries or struggles until they're able to grow and break through it - it's never too late to fight your fears and live freely, basically don't give up and do what makes you happy.
Chanyeol's voice??? SO HEAVENLY! He did an amazing job, I'm so proud of him. The OST is just pure perfection. It makes me cry, especially What a Wonderful World, it's so beautiful, I mean how can I not tear up? And Chanyeol's "youuuu" at 2:38 in A Sky Full of Stars gives me goosebumps holy moly!
I don't know what it is that Korea does, but they just make the best movies (and soundtracks).
The Box has a special place in my heart. It's just a masterpiece, from the music to the actors! I will forever treasure it. I totally recommend giving it a watch, you'll love it!
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MRIAG is like Dam's fav food; chicken - full of flavour, sweet but also spicy, and addictive!
When I say I want to watch a romcom that doesn't annoy or bore me, THIS is what I mean! My Roommate Is a Gumiho has everything I could want and more in a romcom.If you like light-hearted dramas with a sprinkle of intensity, you'll probably enjoy this. It's a stereotypical one, meaning there are some predictable cliché scenes, but that did not stop me from loving every second of this gem! I have to also mention the editing, I mean come on, it's just too good! From the funny sound effects to the scene of Dam dancing on meat while singing about her love for it. Overall, the plot is well written, has good pacing and nothing seems rushed.
The chemistry and interactions between the characters, specifically Dam, Woo Yeo, Hye Sun and Jae Jin (including Soo Kyung, although she's not part of the main cast), are the best. For me, that's one of the most important aspects of a drama and they chose the cast really well! They're all perfect for their roles. Lee Dam, in particular, has become one of my favourite characters in dramaland, she's so hilarious without even trying and I just love her wacky personality. It's been a while since I've seen a female lead so refreshingly honest and straightforward, it's awesome. Aside from the main couple, who I swoon over whenever they appear on my screen, the side couple was really sweet too!
I thoroughly enjoyed this, binging a whole 14 episodes in one sitting. Yes, I know, I have no life. I just happened to not be busy that day lol. The plot may not be very unique, but it sure entertained me and I've seen many romcoms. MRIAG's an easy watch, with it's light and funny charms being something you'll look forward to in each episode.
No doubt the best fantasy romcom I've watched this year.
Warning: Ki Yong's smile will melt your heart.
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Banjak banjak devil's everywhere, trust no one
From the very beginning of episode one, you feel as though you’ve been thrust into a whole new world.The first few eps are great, but the second half is particularly thrilling and what really made the show for me. I grew more intrigued and got totally sucked in, becoming utterly invested in the storyline and the characters - who all have complex personalities and nothing really seems as it's shown. It's intense and a bit overwhelming at times, but I loved every second of it. Episode one is only the tip of the iceberg, the more you watch, the more interesting it gets.
Although I haven't fully ventured into legal dramas, 90% of the time, I drop them, as courtroom scenes, in particular, bore me to the core! But there's something gripping about TDJ that other dramas haven't seemed to achieve (for me). It's not repetitive and the lead up to a courtroom scene as well as the scene itself, although unrealistic, are very entertaining. If the thought of a courtroom scene puts you off from watching this, don't worry, there aren't too many, and practically none in the second half.
We follow Kang Yo Han, a judge, who is well loved by the public. He's a mystery at first, and so are all the other characters, but I rooted for him and his crew the whole way through!
The plot gets a bit messy and somewhat rushed in the second half, but that personally didn't bother me too much.
• The acting, it's very impressive! Of course it is since Ji sung and Kim Min Jung are in it, they're veterans. But Jinyoung's was good too considering his time as an actor and the fact that this genre is new to him, even though I found it a bit difficult to distinguish his confused face, thinking face, and angry face in the early eps, he did a great job at portraying his character and I was moved by every emotional scene he played in.
• The chemistry between Kang Yo Han and Kim Ga On (as well as Elijah) is too good, their bond just kept growing and it was nice to watch. And not to mention, how strong the other main characters are, both physically and in personality.
• Cinematography and overall production value. A big round of applause for that!! I was at a loss of words during some scenes.
• The OST, it's so fitting and on point. And when listening to the songs on their own, you feel immersed in the world and feel as if you're a powerful character in it. ^^ The violin in Enemy Of Truth never fails to give me goosebumps and the last 20 seconds of Mirror City... DAMN. Hands down one of my favourite OST's out there!
• Not very binge worthy. I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if I were to binge the drama, I think it's better to watch it slowly, but that's just my personal opinion.
• Some characters are a waste of space and aren't really needed :( Soo Hyun, in particular, probably should've been casted as a supporting character rather than a main, considering the amount of screen time she had and her purpose in the show. But nevertheless, she and Ga On had a sweet relationship and I enjoyed watching them together.
• There were some minor plot holes/issues, but they didn't really have a major impact on the drama.
If you're a fan of dark mature dramas with grey heroes neither good nor evil (and some bromance) as well as being someone that likes theorising a lot, I'm sure you'll find yourself enjoying this!
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Hands down the best historical I've ever seen
Yi San and Sung Deok Im's chemistry is out of this world incredible, my heart raced for their sweet but sour love story.If I were to sum this drama up in one word, I would say "emotional" because I have never been so in love with a main couple in my entire drama loving life, they are the literal definition of soulmates and managed to perfectly portray their feelings through their eye acting, it was so enchanting to watch. Ugh the affection, the adoration, the determination, the tension, the anger, the frustration, the angst, the pain, the passion, THE FEELS!!
• Romance!! It's nuanced, realistic for the era, and mature but also childish in the sense that this is their first love. The dialogue is so poetic and because of it there were countless times when I covered my face with my eyes wide as I grinned from ear to ear (in a 'omg I'm screaming' way).
• The acting was simply magnificent from the main leads to supporting characters to guest roles, they all did an amazing job. Also the visuals? Huge plus! Eye candy for real.
• Majority of the time when watching historical's, the politics side of things usually makes no sense to me and that might've been the case for this one (from time to time), but one thing I loved about TRS is that there is no unnecessary politics, no white bearded ahjussi's wanting to seek revenge over the prince lol it's great.
• The plot was juicy and full of life, so much was happening but not to the extent that I was lost, it played out well and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it!
• I liked how the "villains" had their moments that kept the story engaging but weren't focussed on for too long and were dealt with smoothly (unlike some stories that overuse them, eventually leaving me annoyed and bored).
• Pacing. I'm not one to like slow paced dramas but this was paced so well and I never once skipped a scene as they were all entertaining and had some significance to the plot.
• Sung Deok Im's way of words and knowing her true desires in life as a woman. I LOVED her character, she's so strong and independent, it was so refreshing to see. She knew herself and knew exactly what she wanted for herself in life, I truely admire her for continuously standing up for herself (and the crown prince) throughout the drama.
• The OST ahh it's soo pretty someone give me a box of tissues I need a moment... I listen to it religiously. Historical's never disappoint with their OST's, the music just soothes my soul!
There are really no negatives from my experience of watching this, the first few episodes weren't anything in particular but the following episodes made up for it with each one getting more and more exciting and interesting, so if you like the things I listed above I'm more than sure you'll enjoy this beautiful masterpiece that is The Red Sleeve!
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It just keeps gets better and better
Aren't you already watching this if you claim to be a Namgoong Min fan? Do you even need more of a reason to watch it? Well, if you're indecisive on whether you should start this or not, then this is your sign to give it a try!Before I go any further, I'd just like to mention, although I might be biased when saying this, but The Veil shouldn't be binged. I think it loses a lot of value this way. I binged 7 episodes in one sitting, and it seemed rather average in terms of its plot. In retrospect, waiting every week for episodes is probably what the makers intended. So yes, I'd recommend watching this at a leisurely pace for the best experience (unless you're dying to know what happens next ^^). AND for those of you wondering if there's any romance... No there isn't, but it's still amazing without any of that, plus there is some chemistry.
Namgoong Min is just astonishing, as always - he is, in my opinion, one of the best Korean actors, I mean the extreme length he went to get jacked up for the role is incredible on its own (hey Alexa play Megan Thee Stallion's BODY ODY ODY ODY). He has officially become an all time favourite actor of mine. Kim Ji Eun! I've only ever seen her play small roles like in Strangers From Hell, so it was refreshing to see her as a main. My biggest question for this drama casting is how what when why is Park Ha Sun considered a main when she featured for probably only 10 minutes in the whole show?!? She's more like a guest role than anything else :( Despite her lack of screen time, she is still amazing, both her and Namgoong Min embodied their characters very well.
Disregarding the fact that the writers keep adding 2 to 4 new characters each episode (that it's a bit hard to keep up with the actual plot), it's well paced, not being too fast to the point of confusion nor is it too slow to the point of getting bored and irritated. The script is well written in terms of how little portions of Han Ji Hyuk's memory are revealed and eventually all explained, leaving room for enough speculation by the viewer, to how the pieces of information build a bigger picture. And yayy plot twists. They leave you a bit annoyed but also keen for the next episode.
I gave it an 8 because it's a genre I love and overall I really enjoyed watching this! If I were to choose my favourite aspect, it'd be the action, I was on the edge of my seat for a lot of it and those scenes as a whole were entertaining to watch.
It's not everyone's cup of tea, but if you like a good mystery action packed drama about NIS, then this is worth checking out!
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I wasn't originally planning on watching this, but I don't regret choosing to. This is the kind of drama that I could repeatedly rewatch multiple times because the story is so sweet and lighthearted.
Although the plots rather simple, I still loved every second of it. It's so visually beautiful, the bright and happy feeling you get when watching this ahh I'm so soft. The relationship between Hong Jo and Kim Sol Ah is so cute and my heart always flutters when they are together! The cast was really good too, I liked all the characters. I also found myself laughing a lot while watching this, the humour is light, it won't make you crack up and wheeze but I still loved it.
The drama overall was so heartwarming and I will definitely rewatch it in the future!
By the way, the cat isn't that creepy. Some people think it is, but it's not that bad. It's kind of cute
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This is pure GOLD ;)
Strong partnership between leads✓ Friendship✓ Action✓ Perfect amount of suspense✓ Comedy✓ A sprinkle of Romance✓Are you looking for a drama that'll have you hooked straight from the get go? Yes...? Well then sadly you'll be a bit disappointed, because the first few episodes are a little slow, but don't let that discourage you from watching more, I promise it'll eventually have you hooked. Besides that, are you looking for a drama that gets more and more addicting with every episode? Big cliffhanger endings? Plot twists? Smart main leads that make the best decisions, are perfect partners in crime and have great chemistry? Scenes you can't help but rewatch at least 50 times because of how cool or sweet they were? Well then you're in luck! This is the perfect drama for you!
Vincenzo will have you dying of laughter one minute and on the edge of your seat the next... It's so good and all the actors are perfect for their roles. And what I noticed was the fact that the suspense continues onto the next episode and doesn't just finish at the end of that previous one, it was refreshing and definitely gave me something to look forward to, as I knew it would be just as thrilling. I have never felt more alive while watching a drama holy moly!
However, one down side to Vincenzo is that there are so many brief and perhaps unnoticeable plot holes that I wished were explained or at least touched on in the end but sadly weren't. And keep in mind that it is very comic-like (villain vs villain, lots of revenge, over the top, etc.) So this may not be for everyone.
Song Joong Ki and Jeon Yeo Bin's companionship is just everything, they'll definitely become an iconic duo in the drama world. The whole time I'm just thinking 'CAN THESE TWO JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY!' And Ok Taec Yeon's acting is just incredible, his characters duality though?? Of course I can't forget to mention the plaza residents, I love how their bond grows stronger and stronger as the story unfolds. The Cassano Family (°◡°♡). I like the depth in each character and their relationships, they aren't just black and white, more like different shades of grey, you just don't know what to expect next. One of my favourite castings of both main and supporting characters - including Inzaghi.
To sum it up, Vincenzo is worth watching (or at least giving a try)!
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A mafia BL done right
I solely rated this based on my enjoyment as a viewer and now fan of the series.I had no prior knowledge of KinnPorsche as I had not read the novel like many others, but in the early stages of KP's release and the awesome craziness of the mdl comment section, I came to understand and anticipate certain parts of the story which enhanced my excitement for the upcoming episodes - perhaps being a big reason as to why I enjoyed this as much as I did.
As a fan of BL, I have never seen one with such a high quality budget as KP - from its stunning aesthetically pleasing cinematography to perfectly fitting and beautiful sounding osts to strong acting skills and chemistry that's prominent both on and off screen. Other productions should take notes haha.
For its genre, this was portrayed really well. I don't say perfect because I believe it could have included more marfianess in terms of fighting scenes. I would have loved it if they had given more screen time and back story to other characters and spent time further developing some other minor plot holes, but it wasn't necessarily needed, that's just me being picky.
This is the first BL where I loved every couple, usually there's at least one I don't really like and skip but nope, that's not the case at all for KP. The build up between Kinn and Porsche's relationship was so good and left me begging for more; their tension, their passion, their desires and lustfulness for each other ugh perfection. I wish there were a similar build up for Vegas and Pete, but it seemed a bit rushed, even though you could feel their chemistry bursting through the roof. Kim and Porchay were so cute, I really liked their little moments.
As I briefly mentioned earlier, the cast's chemistry is amazing, and they could possibly be my favourite casting of all time! I've never developed that many crushes within such a short amount of time before, they all have their own individual charms and personalities that shine and I came to love every single one of them (which I will continue to support). I will never stop talking about Build's adorable smile (petit poney by 88century reminds me of him lol), Apo's cute goofiness and fashion sense, and Jeff's perfect eyebrows and heavenly singing voice (plus his - Kim's - hot but deadly fighting skills). Also can't forget to mention how Tankhun is the best comedic relief character and lowkey the smartest amongst them all so go him! I loved experiencing KP's journey alongside the cast and other fans, and I'm so proud of what they have achieved as a result of its release, they all did an incredible job.
I'm not one to watch dramas a second time, but I feel like this has rewatch potential considering the plot's many hidden meanings and messages you may miss the first time round (and is also overall just an easy watch - for the most part).
I don't typically give 10's easily, I tend to be pretty harsh and could be for this, but at the end of the day KP is just a drama and I happened to love every second of it!! Such a gem, it will definitely hold a very special place in my heart.
** Please check trigger warnings before watching this!
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A must watch!!
I don't usually watch dramas while they're airing because it's agonising having to wait a whole week for the next episode. However, I couldn't hold myself back from checking out this drama. The plot and casting really caught my attention and I wasn't disappointed when i started watching it.Although the series mainly focusses on Kang Tae and Moonyoung, the supporting cast receives attention too with their own stories and scenes that makes the plot even more likeable. The story is unique but easy to get the gist of and perfect for people who are looking for a slow burn romance! You'll fall in love with each character as the drama progresses. I personally love when main characters develop in dramas because it keeps me wanting to watch more and 'It's Okay to Not Be Okay' has just that and more. Not only does this drama have a unique storyline but it also shares real life issues dealing with mental health and healing. It's a series viewers can both enjoy and learn from!
Each and every scene delivers stunning cinematography and smooth directory. I love the fact that the drama has small references from fairytales since Moonyoung is a story writer and it's probably part of the whole theme. Kim Soohyun and Seo Yeji deserve multiple acting awards because their emotional acting is on point! I have to also mention that the fashion of Seo Yeji's character is beautiful because she manages to pull off literally every outfit she wears. I also really love the OST, my personal faves are In Silence and Wake Up!
I just can't help but love this series!!
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As bland as plain rice
I’m going to be completely honest with you… this drama isn't the best but it isn't terrible.I started Record of Youth solely for the cast because the plot didn’t interest me all that much. I loved the main leads in their previous roles but sadly these ones just didn’t touch my heart as much. I couldn’t connect or get attached to any of the characters :(
I jumped in without any expectations and came out feeling disappointed… There is no chemistry, no character development, the plot is loose and there's literally nothing to hold on to. I wanted to love this drama, I really did, but the story was bland and the characters were boring. This could have been interesting, talking about the struggles of the modelling and acting industry and how difficult it is to rise up, gaining fame and attention, especially when you’re not originally from a wealthy family.
I forced myself to continue watching ROY. It got really boring, it felt like nothing was ever happening. I was constantly using the skip button on my keyboard, because some scenes were unnecessary and repetitive - the family ones in particular. I LOVED the ost though.
The acting? Not much to say really, they were good but nothing incredible or mind-blowing. However, I can’t help but notice how unrealistic the dialogue is for each character, it’s just that everyone quickly knows what to respond and say as if they’re reading not acting - it seems unnatural. I wish they had focussed on the friendship between the male leads more, bromance would’ve probably made Record of Youth a bit better. The relationship between Hyejoon and his grandfather is the highlight for me.
This series isn’t that bad, it’s just boring without much depth. Ah well, at least I got to see a bit of Park Bogum’s adorable cheeky smile! I hate dropping dramas but I just couldn't get into this one and I felt like I was wasting my time. Who knows, maybe I'll try re-watching it again some time in the future.
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