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Flower Boy Next Door korean drama review
Flower Boy Next Door
1 people found this review helpful
by deemizu
Jun 1, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This is one of those shows that is driven by the characters. Enrique's character was exciting, lovable and had such a strong effect on the overall success of the show. Dok Mi's character was one I had never really seen before. It was similar to the 'shy girl' who is afraid to love and take big steps, but they really made it unique and compelling. These characters made me want to watch the show again and again and always had me clicking the next episode, even when I told myself I should have a break. Downfalls of this drama was the fact that there was too many emotions at some points. I found that tears were shown on screen when they weren't needed, and I am a person who loves to see tears. Also a couple of the characters were just not to my liking, such as Do Hwi. I found her to be confusing at times and annoying. The biggest downfall I think is the fact that this show didn't have a big climax. Normally something happens between characters that lead them to stay apart and suffer, then come back together at the right moment and embrace the love. With Flower Boy Next Door it seemed like such a situation could have played out at many moments, but it never did. They fixed it within 5 minutes and they were in each others' arms again. Things I loved was the comedy of this show. I found myself laughing out loud a lot and it contained a lot of joy. Once again the characters were very good. Normally I have a grudge against the 3rd man in a love triangle, but I enjoyed his character a lot and how his love for her was expressed. Overall I think Flower Boy Next Door is such a great show, it left me laughing, crying and full of feelings by the end of the show. I couldn't stop watching it!
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