Rating System
9 or 10: Amazing narrative, emotionally powerful and well acted/shot. Will definitely watch again if not too emotionally draining.
7 or 8 Unique narrative, contains emotional moments and talented/promising actors. May or may not watch again depending on attractiveness of male lead (haha)
5 or 6 I had fun, though the narrative might have been cliche or even boring at times and/or the story moved me enough to not hate it.
3 or 4 It had its moments but mostly was a chore to finish.
1 or 2 Why am I such a masochist to finish these? Absolutely awful story, maybe an attractive actor. Maybe I was hoping for a dramatic twist to pull it up from the ashes but it just died in cold blood.
I have been watching K-dramas since 2004, if no stars are marked, I honestly just need to revisit them to refresh my memory.