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The 8 Show korean drama review
The 8 Show
2 people found this review helpful
by finnnelsonn
May 23, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This was such a difficult watch. I can understand why some people have rated this so poorly. I honestly couldnt stomach the violence after some time and by the end i just watched on x1.5 speed to find out how it all ends. I like the premise of the show and there were some scenes that literally had me laughing out loud, floor 3 played by Ryu Jun Yeol was HILARIOUS. His inner monologue was comedic gold - (that scene where he boasts about how he can best the game because he is so good at being poor and then sleeps on a bed off newspapers & cardboard😂😭. And that time he inserts a bidet into his mouth because he thinks its an electric flosser 😭). the dark comedy was done so well. I saw the humanity in all the characters except floor 8 honestly. I found her character to be a caricature and it didnt make any sense. Even floor 6 made some sense to me, we know people are capable of torturing people for money & power but floor 8 was shedding fake tears, prancing around, behaving erratically, - she was not a real person and i hated her so so much. I am gutted she wasnt once slapped or punched in the face. Overall, i didnt hate the show but it could have been less gratuitous. Also epsiode 7 scarred me so bad and by the end i wanted someone to die just so floor 3, 7 and 2 could leave and the game could end. In some ways i felt like the sadistic people behind the cameras watching them because i couldnt turn away from all the gore -- which was probably why the writer made the decision to not reveal the ppl behind the camera
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