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  • Join Date: March 22, 2022

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I guess I should say hello/hi....  then.... what next....
I'm a person very passionate about TV   or book   culture and fandoms  ever since I was little. 

✧ Other people may constantly improve themselves in playing a musical instrument, in sports and in art, while I take the greatest pleasure in analyzing and exploring television tropes, the psychology and motives of fictional characters, and the lessons and moral values gleaned from story plots.

My ratings might be quite unconventional to those who are used to rating each quality of a drama production – to me personally not so many aspects are as crucial and I base the value and worthiness rather on my personal emotional experience and satisfaction the story is or isn't giving me – other aspects of production come into the game after that.

I avoid giving ratings below 7 which is a line I rarely cross, as I believe the production out there mostly has always something to offer. Even if the script may be lacking and acting is out of place, I still want to appreciate the production in general, such as good camera quality. For the sake of all people who worked on it, invested their time and money in it and for all we know they might've done their best despite the bad outcome. Therefore I often find it unfair to rate a drama below even 4, since there are always human beings behind it who might aswell lose their jobs on it, and we should remember that. That being said, sometimes even I commit such a heinous crime of dropping the drama (which might be worse than a low rating), since I just can't bring myself to be interested enough and it's not worth hours of my time to be half asleep, not paying attention anyway...
However, I do seek atleast acceptable minimum presentation of logic and consistency in those shows, despite still expecting certain exaggaration over a realistic accuracy of things and issues (as much as it'd be beautiful to maintain those in dramas), for it is still fiction we're talking here.... ✧ 

 Now... that sounded so diplomatic, didn't it?
 But I'm chill.   ꐕ

Let's do the taste presentation in numbers of ④ :

✿  Favorite actors: ✿ 


✿  Favorite K-Dramas: ✿ 

✿  Favorite genres: ✿ 




49d 23h 3m
1,386 episodes, 136 shows
1d 2h 12m
14 movies

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