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For Him thai drama review
For Him
10 people found this review helpful
by meowmin Flower Award1
Feb 18, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 4.0
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What a strange series

For Him had a promising start as the few first episodes were pretty good and intriguing. But then it fizzled out pretty quickly. The plot had several holes and inconsistencies, and small details really ruined the continuity. For example, the characters' hair colors changed scene by scene, and the flashbacks were easy to mix with the current events. Also the way some plot lines were not fully followed through or finished really made this drama very confusing and difficult to watch.

The weakest point here to me were the characters. Him was very odd, he didn't show much growth during the series and the way he treated Nail like he was a child or a doll he could own was extremely strange. The way he, in the beginning, was very consumed and haunted by the memories of Blue, but by the last episode he seemed to have forgotten his ex ever even existed. He seemed shallow, and like he was only interested in Nail because he was pretty. I don't know what the point of the Mean Girls type of girl gang was and why they were even included in the show because they didn't bring anything into it. I personally didn't even realise Te and Pae were two different people until the last episode, since their characters were so interchangeable and empty. Chao was reduced to over eager, horny sex maniac and Pie into a cold, disinterested artist and their whole plot and relationship was about the same yes-no back and forth. It was strange how they added that random guy to be Te's love interest in the last few episodes, when we hadn't even seen him before and Te had never shown any interest in anyone else than Blue/Nail, but suddenly he had a crush on this random guy we knew nothing about. Also that one guy who waved a gun around in the club just disappeared and got away with it, never to be mentioned again. In the last episode after Nail got his tattoo and Him started touching and kissing it, I almost screamed out loud. That would never happen in a million years with a fresh tatttoo and it really ruined the believability of it for me. When Him put his feet on the fresh tattoo, I could basically hear the infection starting to brew. And yes I know it wasn't a real tattoo but these sort of small details can really make a difference. The main couple didn't give us anything, Nail was a pretty himbo and Him was an obnoxious, kinda gross creep. The plot is full of holes and nothing is followed through or finished. What a confusing and frustrating watch.

Also, the last episode was just a 50 minute long advertisement. Almost every scene had a product placement of some sort, and nothing really happened. I also don't understand why most of the episodes were only 25-30 minutes long and at the end there was 15-20 minutes of bts, that could have been posted separately to youtube. It felt like they had lost interest in writing the show and wanted to fill out the missing time with bts clips.

The low production quality and bad writing really ruined it. If this show had a better production team and actually good writers, this could have been great. But as it is now, it really isn't worth it. It's too bad because the plot really could have been made into something super interesting and exciting.

This is not a good drama, and I wouldn't waste my time on this unless there was absolutely nothing else to watch. I am interested to see the actors in other projects, and see if they would be better working with different production teams. It's a shame this turned out so disappointing after a very promising start.
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