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I Told Sunset about You thai drama review
I Told Sunset about You
1 people found this review helpful
by jasmine
Apr 4, 2021
5 of 5 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0

The Best BL Show Ever to Exist.

This show has amazing acting, amazing cinematography (which you don't see often in BL series), an amazing OST...amazing everything. This show is horribly under-rated and I hope it gets more praise in the future when season two comes out. The plot is so...realistic. There are times where you are mad at Teh for how childish he's acting, but that's exactly what he is, a child. He has a narrow view of the world and there are multiple times where his rigid personality affects not only himself but the ones he loves. He's such a flawed character, but he's written so well that the audience understands his rash and rather dumb decisions. It's really satisfying seeing his character development throughout the show, and it's also satisfying that not everything goes his way. It's just like real life, and I love it so much. Oh is a very mature person for his age, and I like the contrasting personalities between him and Teh. It is nice to see a character like this: Oh knows exactly what he wants and he isn't afraid to say what he wants. Juxtapose this with Teh, who is very indecisive and impulsive. Ugh. UGH IT'S SO GOOD. Usually when watching BL dramas, you're supposed to have this expectation that the plot and personalities are not realistic. But this show...I know I keep saying realistic, but it's just that. It's realistic, satisfying, beautiful...everything. I love this show so. damn. much. Props to the director, because he guided the actors so well. This is a phenomenal piece of work. I 100% recommend this show. It's so underrated and deserves all the praise in the world.
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