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U Turn philippines drama review
U Turn
2 people found this review helpful
by Kate
Sep 13, 2021
Overall 2.0
Story 1.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

I could see they tried, but they failed.

This movie attempts to give us various plot twists based on the non-linear storytelling, character development of the female lead, who learns her ways when she experiences the treatment she served others, commentary about the clickbait culture and cheap journalism, and then fails them all. The only thing worth complimenting are a few scenery shots.

Here’s the thing, you cannot make the female lead a trash human being and then try to make me care about her, while also not giving her any real, well written character development. The circumstances were there, she just did not react to anything with any sense of responsibility till the end of the movie. At first they introduce her as someone who values true journalism and tries to write about important topics, even if they are not popular in the clickbait social media. It does not take her even 3 minutes to completely change her attitude, trespassing on the accident site, moving around bodies to take pictures and stealing a necklace from the victim. And I was like... when exactly that change in her happened? Because it was never shown on screen. I honestly just wanted to see her dead.

The movie would also do better without any police involvement. That was a new level of idiocy, and I saw a fair share of dumb cops in dramas and movies. This tops it all.

U-Turn does not even try to build any type of atmosphere, there is literally no build up. They drop the ghost stalking the girl in the first few minutes, and then the whole movie is just copy-paste similar sequences.

As I said at the beginning, the only redeeming qualities were a few aesthetically pleasing scenes. The acting was good, but what’s the point of decent acting when the writing is worse than the grades I had in math in high school? And believe me, I had hit rock bottom then.

Overall, I would honestly not recommend it. It is not worth spending 1 hour and 30 minutes on it.
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