The drama follows Ra Eun Ho, an 18-year-old girl with dreams of becoming a webtoon artist, as she struggles in a school that discriminates based on wealth and academic performance. When she's wrongly framed as the legendary Student X, a mysterious troublemaker, her future is threatened. Alongside Hyun Tae Woon, the aloof son of the school's director, who has a troubled past, they form an unlikely alliance. As their relationship grows, they join forces with other students to challenge the corrupt school system and bring about change. (Source: MyDramaList) Edit Translation
- English
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- magyar / magyar nyelv
- Native Title: 학교 2017
- Also Known As: 학교 7 , School 7 , Escuela 2017 , Hakgyo 2017
- Director: Song Min Yeop, Park Jin Suk
- Screenwriter: Jung Chan Mi
- Genres: Mystery, Comedy, Romance, Youth
Cast & Credits
- Kim Se Jeong Main Role
- Kim Jung Hyun Main Role
- Jang Dong Yoon Main Role
- Han Sun Hwa Main Role
- Han Joo WanShim Kang Myung [Teacher]Main Role
- Seol In AhHong Nam Joo [Dae Hwi's girlfriend]Support Role
I loved the first couple episodes. They were exciting and unpredictable (most of the time). But after the eighth ep, it slowed down a lot, so I got bored. Why did I stick with it till the end? I was already halfway through, so I stayed for the romance (haha, this isn't the first time something like this has happened) ;-)
Try this drama if you love light school dramas with a bit of mystery. I was really impressed by the acting of the cast, especially rookie actors Kim Se Jung and Kim Jung Hyun. Their chemistry is over the roof. I found myself skipping through episodes just to get to their scenes. The side storylines were incorporated well. Like sunah said, School 2013 has the best bromance, School 2015 has the best second lead syndrome (rip), and School 2017 has the best male lead. I personally enjoyed School 2015 the most out of all the School series (except for that last episode), but go ahead and give School 2017 a try. It might be your type of drama. :-) It was a fun kdrama, even if it lost steam in the second half.
The final verdict: watch if you enjoy predictable fluffy dramas
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It's one of those dramas that is filled with emotion. Showing the real and quite awful education system in South Korea, the realness factor was why I became interested in watching. Of course, I have to mention the other "School" series but unfortunately, I can't compare any them to this drama, since this is my first "School" series that I've watched. Nevertheless, the actors really put on a great show! As far as I know, the majority of them are amateurs in acting, I just have to give them cool points. Furthermore, the characters were relatable, totally "best friend" and "best couple" goals! After each and every episode, I had to tell my friends what kind of a great drama this is. Not only does it make you feel kinda cool, brave and happy after watching it, but also concerned and shocked about some of the school related things. To add, the music made a hugely positive impact. The OST is very fitting and there are a couple songs that piqued my interest.
A wonderful drama for back to school or to reminisce the good old high school days. This drama will take you on a diverse emotion trip and leave you feeling chilled! Definitely re-watching it after I complete the other "School" series!
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