Irie plays Hiiragi Haru, a third-year high school student with no real interest in women or higher education, instead choosing to live his life idly. When he notices a first-year student named Harukawa Koto being bullied, he lends her a hand, and the two form a "goldfish club" just for themselves. While love begins to bloom between them, the bullying against Koto continues to escalate. (Source: Tokyograph) ~~ Adapted from the mobile novel "Kingyo Club" (金魚倶楽部) by Tachibana Hana (椿ハナ). Edit Translation
- English
- Türkçe
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Native Title: 金魚倶楽部
- Also Known As: Kingyo Kurabu , Goldfish Club
- Screenwriter: Yokota Rie
- Director: Isshiki Takashi
- Genres: Romance, Youth, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Kariya Yuiko Main Role
- Irie Jingi Main Role
- Ozaki YukaKirigaya AkaneSupport Role
- Mizuno ElinaKita KayokoSupport Role
- Kurihara GoroMotoi TakayaSupport Role
- Yoshizawa RyoYanagihashi ShoSupport Role
The story was good, it covers a lot of different issues concerning things such as bullying, family problems and rumors. It's a story set in a high school setting, there's drama and even a love story. The drama is very short though, which is why I can't give it more than an 8 - because while it was a nice short drama, there are other things they could have done with it to make it an even better drama.
All of the main actors in this drama are younger ones, some of them even starting out with Kingyo Club being their first drama. That being said, I think they did a really good job! The acting seemed natural and there isn't anything bad I can say about it.
There were a few songs they played in the drama, I found both of them to be nice songs. Even though I'm not sure how they really fit the drama at some points.
Overall I think this is a really nice and short drama that I would recommend to anyone looking for something that deals with more than just school and a "cute couple." This is a drama that deals with more serious issues.
Also, I mentioned already - the episodes are only 20 minutes long! (:
The last 3 episodes were finally subbed recently and hopefully someone will update some of the streaming sites for those that don't download :D
I might rewatch this drama someday, although it might not be for a long while.
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this was one of the first dramas i ever watched and will always remain one of my favourites and one that i can watch over and over again without losing interest
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