Don’t expect an average episode, chemistry or romance. Just think you’ll watch a collection of related tales summed up within 1hour. Again it was short and sweet and had a sweet ending.
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Not worth your time
I went into this KDrama without many expectations. I was promised a short, cute drama that would be too sweet for my heart. What I got was 5 short episodes, that made me check the remaining time more that once per episode.The cute story involving the two leads starts off way too late and develops way too quickly. Like, seriously, by the middle of the last episode I was checking whether I had read the number of eps wrong because of the way their relationship played out.
I didn't like the body shaming of the ML, and the way they treated the FL's eating disorder. I know that love cures every disease in drama world, but seriously?
Overall, I think that it could have been a cute, short drama, but the decisions made by the writers truly were its downfall. Kdrama tropes can be made into quirky hijinks, but I feel like this drama didn't hit the mark.
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If you care about logic and the pace of events in a drama, DON'T WATCH
If you feel like watching sth fluffy, cute and really short, this drama is a good pick, HOWEVER you need to throw every ounce of logic out of your mind before you start. Usually when I'm in to watch some nonsense romance, I don't expect much, but this one had just too much nonsense going on, had me saying WTF every minute!The story itself is not bad, it's the execution that failed.
It started off with Anna's backstory, they used one of my most hated clichés about her ex (one that's really frustrating for me), but I instantly fell in love with Anna (I loved both the actress and the character), even though her story was all summed up it didn't feel rushed or bad, and it was the ONLY logical event in the whole series, the job she had fits her mental state and health.
Now the male lead, god he was annoying! How did her get her number and why didn't she block him still baffles me. My impression of his character was so bad that I didn't care about him at all and his character only kept getting worse for me: from an illogical weird backstory, to how it was executed, to him creating trauma and torturing himself (not psychically but mentally) , everything was boring and stupid, I skipped his scenes. What's worse is that it was a story that didn't need much explanation or time, but they dragged it and made it the center of the series, the time invested in his backstory could go to the development of the plot, instead of leaving us with the most rushed love story in Kdrama land. His story summary is a guy with horrible low self-esteem, now good-looking is arrogant and cringe, some of his lines in the drama had me almost dropping the series but kept watching for Anna. He got serious issues with women and confidence. The beauty privilege he had was the worst of all, he invades her personal space, yet it was seen as okay and an honor for her!!
Now back to Anna, no matter how much I loved her, her healing process was the most illogical plot of all, too rushed even for a short series, HOW in the world did she just go out after 2 years with all that comfort and confidence!!!! She was interacting with people as if it was an everyday thing for her, just because she wore a pretty dress and had some makeup on. She wanted to change and be happy, for others instead of herself, that made me sad.
Their love story was really rushed yet acceptable, I hope that now the ML can stop that self torturing vicious cycle and live happily with Anna.
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A light-hearted must watch for slow, lazy days
Sweet. The story itself develops unusually fast, overly easy to watch, even for the most distracted people;The leading characters are somewhat relatable and h u m a n, one as well as the other- and let's not turn a blind eye to the cute OST and the soft, warm colours that add some spark and a peaceful context to the show!
Just as someone else has already mentioned, the overall plot is nice, but- to feed the watcher's curiosity about the lovely future of the main c . . . a few more episodes would have been very appreciated. Would recommend to people with anxiety.
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I was thinking I was going to enjoy this as I am always up for trying a short web drama but this show had me really disappointed. I was watching through and when I finished the series I as so confused as it felt like I only watched the 1st half of one episode. Some things were really questionable that you don't really see in that many dramas as who would kiss someone after meeting them twice and saying they fell in love? I know the love in first sight but this is a little too much. In this show there was no music other that the intro so I don't really have anything to say about that. The one decent aspect was the idea of the drama as it was creative with the blogger idea which had me originally rate it a 9 on viki but then I dropped my review after finishing the drama. Also the actors weren't that bad as I have seen them in some other shows so they did good on that but it was mainly the script writers fault and not the actors.
I dislike dramas the most that have a lot of unclosed topics and many blanks as it just isn't a complete story which is what I would describe this drama overall. I do not really recommend this but I wouldn't;t say it was a waste of my time as it adds up to about 1hr so I finished it pretty quickly.
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Bon. On voit bien que le drama aurait merité plus d'épisodes. J'avais vu ce drama sur Viki et je m'etais dit que tout de meme 5 episodes de 15 minutes ca allait etre plutot vide. Et bien je m'étais pas trompé...
Honnetement, la romance va beaucoup trop vite. Le fait est que cela aurait été un coup de foudre, ce serait mieux passé. Mais non ! A leur premiere rencontre, le premiere fois qu'il se voyent il ne s'apprécient pas ! Et à peine deux jours plus tard il s'embrassent ? Un peu de coherence tout de meme !
Et meme en dehors ca. Le passé du Lead Male (Je ne me rappelle plus de son nom :-:) Il aurait pu etre beaucoup plus developpé, ce aurait été interessant mais non. Je dirais la meme remarque avec le "pourquoi Anna ne sort pas de chez elle" . Car honnetement je trouve qu'elle sort facilement pour quelqu'un qui au depart a dit "ca fait deux années que je ne sors pas de cchez moi, vous pouvez revé".
En soi, il y avait de bonnes idées. Je trouvait le concept de la blogeuse que ne sort pas de chez soi, et qui a presque une phobie sociale tres interessant. Mais c'est sous exploité ( ce qui est LOGIQUE avec je le rapelle 5 episode de 15 minutes !)
Le fait est qu'en plus les acteurs sont irréprochables et font un travail propre. C'est juste la faute des scenaristes et réalisateur pour s'etre dit "oui 1h15 de drama c'est largement assez pour pouvoir faire un drama qui aurait tenu en 12 episodes d'une heure" !
Le drama n'a pas non plus des OST géniales, je ne me rapelle que du theme d'intro et il me semble que c'est la seule musique.
Bref, ce drama m'a fait passer 1heure 15 de mon temp mais j'aimerais le voir avec un vrai format, avec des thématiques bien devellopées et des personnages qui ne tombent pas amoureux pour rien. Apres Si vous avez du temps a perdre allez y, ca vous fera passer un peu de temp...
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Dura poco
L'unica pecca di questo drama è l'essere troppo breve.L'idea di base è molto interessante, lo sviluppo in cinque episodi non è male ma appunto è troppo breve 😆
Il drama è tutto da scoprire, ma vi sorprenderà.
L'ho iniziato solo perchè corto, ma mi ha sorpreso in positivo. I temi trattati mi hanno colpito da vicino, forse per questo?
Lo riguarderei volentieri, mi è piaciuto davvero tanto.
Ho finito le cose da dire, ma devo raggiungere i 500 caratteri quindi mi ripeto?
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Muito Fofinho.
Vamos lá amei o dorama , pois a protagonista por conta do que aconteceu no passado, seu ex namorado traiu ela, e fugiu no momento crítico, ela sofreu por vergonha que passou na frente das amigas e da irmã largou até do trabalho. por conta desse acontecimento ela fica presa no quarto, nem com a família consegue comer mais na mesa, pois ela acaba passando mal , como forma de escape ela virou blogueira e tudo que ela compra ela dá a sua opinião, teve um comentário que ela crítica um produto da onde o prota trabalha, e o prota tem a missão de ir até ela.Falando do Protagonista masculino ele também sofreu com o seu passado devido a sua aparência, e também a primeira menina no seu passado tratava ele com gentileza, ele tentou melhorar por essa garota, mas o coração dele foi despencado quando ele sou por ela que ela ia se casar.
Falando da Prota feminina: o que ela sofreu no passado fez dela uma pessoa de sucesso que é hoje, percebeu o que gosta de fazer , que é fazer compras e ser blogueira.
Meu ponto de vista.
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