A series revolving around a city council member, Mia Koide, who was elected at the same time as Minshu no Teki protagonist Tomoko Sato. Because of being overweight in the past, Koide had a rough adolescence. While in high school, a boy she was in love with asked her, "Aren't your legs the size of my waist?" The shock of those words drove Mia to diet, losing 25 kilograms in around a year. As a result, she became as beautiful as an idol and later became a gravure idol, appearing on television and magazine covers. But as she reached her mid-twenties, younger idols debuted, and her job prospects fell. Seeing the decline of fellow gravure idols her age, she decided to retire. Through lessons she gave on dieting, she met city council don Kazuhisa Inusaki's wife and subsequently the man himself and enters the political race. Atsuko Maeda stars as Mia Koide in this spin-off of Minshu no Teki, telling stories of her love life not seen in the main series. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- עברית / עִבְרִית
- dansk
- Native Title: 片想いの敵
- Also Known As:
- Screenwriter: Kodera Kazuhisa
- Genres: Music, Comedy