Synopsis: Kuronuma Sawako is completely misunderstood by her classmates. Her timid and sweet demeanor is often mistaken for malicious behavior. This is due to her resemblance to the ghost girl from "The Ring", which has led her peers to give her the nickname Sadako. Longing to make friends and live a normal life, she is naturally drawn to Kazehaya Shouta, the most popular guy in class, whose "100% refreshing" personality earns him great admiration from Sawako. So when Kazehaya starts talking to her, maybe there is hope for the friendships Sawako has always longed for. Maybe...there is even a little hope for some romance in her future.

I just started watching this anime and i ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I know there is a movie version out, but i'm going to watch the anime first and then watch the movie.
I finished watching the first season of this earlier this year and I loved it. I've already seen the movie too.

I've been meaning to watch the second season, but always get distracted. :)
I have the movie on my Plan to Watch list. I might take a look at this since you gave a positive review Skye. I have so many other dramas to finish up first though. *sigh* Too many dramas, not enough hours in the day.
The movie is brilliant though. It's the first season of the anime jammed into 2 hours, and it's GOOD. It doesn't really leave out major parts or anything. And it has Miura Haruma!

Needless to say, I preferred the movie. :P
fmargl wrote: The movie is brilliant though. It's the first season of the anime jammed into 2 hours, and it's GOOD. It doesn't really leave out major parts or anything. And it has Miura Haruma!

Needless to say, I preferred the movie. :P

Pfft Haruma fan! I'll compare the two once i finish the first season. But i'm sure the anime will be better in my opinion anyways.
Haruma is awesome. Way more awesome than you! OH THAT'S RIGHT, I WENT THERE!

Nah, in all honesty, the anime is really good. It's just that Sawako annoys the CRAP out of me if I watch her for a long time, which is why the movie was good for me. I had to take some breaks while watching the anime because of her. If she was a little less dense, I would have loved it more.
I watched the movie, and LOVED it. Do you think that I would enjoy watching the anime after having seen the movie??
WAAAAAAAH Finally a threat of my absolute favorite Anime/Manga was made ^^ Thank You So Much Skye :D I love everything of the anime and the second season was even better ! <3
msrules92 wrote: I watched the movie, and LOVED it.

Do you think that I would enjoy watching the anime after having seen the movie??

YES! You will enjoy it :) Well that is my opinion :p
Lol Miri. This thread was made almost half-a-year ago. Glad you found it now though. And I might watch the anime if I can find the time. :D
msrules92 wrote: Lol Miri. This thread was made almost half-a-year ago. Glad you found it now though. And I might watch the anime if I can find the time. :D

Haha it is really weird...yeah :D LOL
Glad that I found it pheww <3
When you find time about it then could you notify me about it ?? I am really curious as how you will like it :p
I'll definitely tell you about it. Whether I love or hate it. :D
msrules92 wrote: I'll definitely tell you about it. Whether I love or hate it. :D

Ok ....:) Thank You <3
This is Kazehaya from the anime /manga
This is Kazehaya from the live-action....
There is an similarity,right?! <3<3 I love them both :p