get manicure 

insert your books
get a bookshelf to put them on.

inserts lock of Lee Hong Ki's hair
Get a bunch of fangirls fighting about who will get it

Insert a piece of glass
Get empty bottles

Insert and old VHS tape
get a cassette tape

insert can of chicken soup
get hot soup

Insert your right hand
You get the national treasure.

Insert your car keys.
get an endless trip 

insert a DVD player
get you all time favorite movie transformed into a personal hallucination

insert latex gloves
get a balloon with a smily face  but somehow it is also a cow  

insert your handwrite
haha gotta be the latex! 

Get a calligraphy book signed by Ono no Michikaze

Insert your house keys
get my future cardboard box

Insert your selfie

get angry parents

insert a cigaret commercial 
get cancer

insert your ipod
lmao MiMi wise words

get a bitten apple