how people are getting access to these clips on weibo/twitter? is it because IQIYI gave more for their Thai vievers?

Fingers crossed for the Express!


They didn't actually perform the ceremony; they've been fiancés all this time.

i know but she will be with others new brides, so i wonder why


Most likely the Yin and Yan are coming together. Just an assumption and maybe that's what draws out the infinite heat? 

That would mean they have to do a double cultivation :-)

If you look at the trailer below, all brides are Wufeng brides so all women who came to the Gong valley are Wufeng spies.  

Gong Zi Shang invented guns as seen used by the bodyguards in the same trailer.  No wonder she always says the Shang Branch is the most powerful branch among the Gongs: 

Huh, seems all on par. I do have to say that SGQ actually loves her Raven was too subtle for me to pick up on, I didn't notice that at all lol. I still believe that she will survive the end and SJ will die. Zi Shang will end up as a permanent leader for the back hill i think :D i believe in her genius brain ^^

There is a section in the spoiler that looks like SGQ's Raven fatally injured and what he said can be translated (via Google Translate) to "I called you just to know if you would stop for me. I already know the answer. You can go now." 

That gives me more of the vibes of a one sided relationship or one where he fell harder than she did. It also feels like he is letting her go. Maybe if they did have a relationship, that relationship ended a while ago. She is crying but it seems like the ~you can't die cmon get up~ type of crying which does not necessarily need to be romantic. He has probably been the person she has known the longest and could be the closest thing she has to a family. Also, if he dies---does her commitment to Wufeng and her assignment die with him? 

We will see :)  If we assume that she also learns about the secret of the flies then I would say yes she is free if he dies.

Along the lines of SGQ having no romantic interest in anyone else, it would be interesting if she ever told GSJ something that was completely honest and 100% the truth. If she would ever stop her mind games and manipulation and give up her task. I want to see them interacting on a person to person basis, no additional agenda involved. 

To wish they could fight side by side is a wish on a dandelion but it would be amazing to see. 

I am not fully convinced that he has completely fallen into her trap and believes her like GZY believes YWS. The bath scene is actually indicative of that. He was cold and aloof for most of that sequence. The small things-her hands coming over his, her being right behind him in the bath- he rejects. He shakes off her hand and he doesn't turn his head towards her while she is speaking, prefering to almost ignore her. It seems like he does not trust her to want her in his space. He doesn't look at her warmly or treat her as softly and tenderly as you would expect. I think sex is being used as a tool by both of them. 

I don't believe she is actually pregnant when she reveals it to him. On the basis of their relationship so far, I would actually hope not because an innocent baby doesn't deserve being brought into this chaos. However, if there was an indication that the baby was conceived in a moment of mutual tenderness and affection and they both actually liked each other and were on the same page---then ok. 

In the grand scheme of death for all, I don't want SGQ to get the satisfaction of killing GSJ (especially if she feels absolutely nothing for him). I want GSJ to go down fighting and protecting SPECIFICALLY GYZ because if he gives his life for anyone it better be his beloved didi. And if both of the poison brothers die... SGQ better die too. Karma. Balance. 

We'd have to wait and see how this plays out to know if she feels anything for her raven or not. We will only be able to tell depending on what she does after she discovers the lies about the flies and her raven dies. Until then, there is no way to know for sure. All we know for sure is that everything she and YWS say is half truth half lie. 


Huh, seems all on par. I do have to say that SGQ actually loves her Raven was too subtle for me to pick up on, I didn't notice that at all lol. I still believe that she will survive the end and SJ will die. Zi Shang will end up as a permanent leader for the back hill i think :D i believe in her genius brain ^^

I think the leader will be Ziyu because once the tattoo is on his back, it means he'll remain in that valley for the rest of his lives.

The mountain crew from the back hill will be allowed to roam outside the valley.  Xue Tongzi will be able to see the sea, mountain and deserts as promised by GZY.  

Another leaked video clip:

GZY and GHY fighting. GZY injured him and GZS walked in on them remembering seeing GHY killing Wuji.

 Sirry Usly:

Another leaked video clip:

GZY and GHY fighting. GZY injured him and GZS walked in on them remembering seeing GHY killing Wuji.

Thank you!  

Gong Huan Yu is seriously f***** up.  I think he reacted when his father wanted to do something radical for GSJ?

This scene is so sad seeing two brothers who were so close are fighting against each other.


Thank you!  

Gong Huan Yu is seriously f***** up.  I think he reacted when his father wanted to do something radical for GSJ?

This scene is so sad seeing two brothers who were so close are fighting against each other.

Ik ??? I'm so sad for their brotherly bond being broken. I'm hoping maybe towards the end...he will find a way to redeem himself ?

 Sirry Usly:

Ik ??? I'm so sad for their brotherly bond being broken. I'm hoping maybe towards the end...he will find a way to redeem himself ?

I know.  

There must be a reason why GHY turned evil.  Chao hua ru mo?  

There must be a reason why GHY turned evil.  

I'm dying to know this. Hopefully, it's not something stupid because I will be disappointed.