Sirry Usly:

I'm dying to know this. Hopefully, it's not something stupid because I will be disappointed. 

Looks like what he lost his sanity after eating the flower to improve his vitality or inner strength.


I know.  

There must be a reason why GHY turned evil.  Chao hua ru mo?  

It just makes no damn sense to me. He's already next in line as successor. Gong residence will belong to him. Once it does, he can do wtf he wants. Why ruin everything he's worked so hard for? Unless he isn't the real GHY or something happened to his birth mom and he's taking revenge 


It just makes no damn sense to me. He's already next in line as successor. Gong residence will belong to him. Once it does, he can do wtf he wants. Why ruin everything he's worked so hard for? Unless he isn't the real GHY or something happened to his birth mom and he's taking revenge 

Agree.  In Episode 2, his father expressed his regret for choosing him over GSJ to be the Shao Zhu.  I think it must be related to this decision.

The father also added that he would rectify his error.  When he was about to say it to GSJ, GHY rushed into the room to announce about the identity of the female assassin.  

I wish to know what the father had wished to say when GHY finally reappears.

 Sirry Usly:

Another leaked video clip:

GZY and GHY fighting. GZY injured him and GZS walked in on them remembering seeing GHY killing Wuji.

Does elder sis tell ZY she saw him killing Wuji? Maybe Wuji was expendable to him from the get go. But he's obviously mentally screwed up and lord knows who's side he's on. 


Does elder sis tell ZY she saw him killing Wuji? Maybe Wuji was expendable to him from the get go. But he's obviously mentally screwed up and lord knows who's side he's on. 

I don't know...that has not been leaked yet. Hopefully, she tells him...As for him and Wuji...I'm still confused about that...and yeah he does. 

Do you remember when GZS and JF were investigating and found out about the boy who used to be sick and suddenly got stronger? I saw a theory somewhere that GHY tested out medicines on that boy to use for his plans...

Ooooh lord; that would make him what? Dr. Frankenstein? Yeesh. What would be really trippy is if he’s actually a good guy getting rid of bad guys or those that refuse to fight assassins creed directly.