
Yeah if their safe place is no longer hospital, I can see them decided to destroy WuFeng and perhaps even take over the sect entirely.

Lol - it’s probably the fan fiction version that is the only path to a happy ending for everyone. Now that the killings have begun I think the director may be hellbent on cutting a bloody path to the end.


Lol - it’s probably the fan fiction version that is the only path to a happy ending for everyone. Now that the killings have begun I think the director may be hellbent on cutting a bloody path to the end.

Honestly, I want a blood bath but please make sure it makes sense director. I don't want any loose ends! haha

I think either way there is a bloodbath it’s just whether Gongmem can win or its mutual destruction. I don’t mind either way either as long as everyone stays in character.

This is interesting to think about. I always felt Ziyu was generally used as a pawn (by Ziyi, his family), but I was thinking/hoping that he was finally starting to catch on and think more smartly for himself. It seems like several people desperately want him to be SW, even messing with Shangjue to keep him from becoming SW. I find that odd and wonder what the big reason is for him to become SW because nothing about him really stands out.  I originally thought that maybe he had some special powers from the back hill, but I don't think so anymore. But using him as the weakest link in order to get Wufeng to fight on their own turf is pretty brilliant. Just like when they used him in the whole bride ordeal at the beginning. In episode 11, when Lady Wuji is explaining that Ziyu's dad treated him coldly because he wanted him to toughen up and become strong, etc Jin Fan looks uncomfortable. Maybe the Sword Wielder thought Ziyu would never be capable as Sword Wielder because of his messed up meridians and later on started using his weaknesses to the Gong family's benefit.

BUT I think Ziyu will end up surpassing expectations if all this is true. He picked up those snow Saber moves really fast. 

Based on the direction, I do agree that the blood bath is inevitable and I foresee lots of death and maybe only Gong Ziyu is the sole survival. I felt YWS, SGQ, the brothers and Jin Fan will be sacrificed, 

However I was a bit surprised at the revelation ep yesterday, as since YWS has always been portrayed as composed and calculated in her choices she made, this direct facing Elder Yue and letting GZY discovered her identity blatantly just seems so convenient.

This is a very wild theory, It's not impossible, but quite improbable. How do you control how each person reacts when it's such a big conspiracy? ? But if it's true, I'm thinking maybe only the previous SW, Huanyu, Wuji, and the elders are in the know. So the younger generations are just acting on the current circumstances, not knowing the elders have set up a trap for the big bad. And that'd mean this trap is 20 years in the making considering Wuji sent out the bride selection intel 20 years ago.

"' It seems like several people desperately want him to be SW"

Yeah this I think is becoming increasingly clear - and the only people who could manipulate Ziyu into SW has to be someone internal and most likely bc they think he is a pushover. If it is not to lure Wufeng into complacency and coming in, I think its becauses omeone want to steal the secret of the back mountain and leave Gong with it. After all they are all slowly dying out on that toxic mountain and its obvious that the most of the younger generation wants to be free. But yes hopefully Ziyu shows all of them he is not the patsy they thought he is... 


Based on the direction, I do agree that the blood bath is inevitable and I foresee lots of death and maybe only Gong Ziyu is the sole survival. I felt YWS, SGQ, the brothers and Jin Fan will be sacrificed, 

However I was a bit surprised at the revelation ep yesterday, as since YWS has always been portrayed as composed and calculated in her choices she made, this direct facing Elder Yue and letting GZY discovered her identity blatantly just seems so convenient.

I think that would crush everyone because I think current viewer expectation is that the Four Funerals and a Wedding ending is a Happy Ending! Like everyone else can die but as long as the main CP lives its all good!??

I think YWS had very little expectation she would come out of this alive. She just desperately wanted to find out what happened to YQ. And GZY already showed her he was in love with her and willing to protect her from his family regardless. So I think it was low risk high return decision for her considering her objectives.


This is a very wild theory, It's not impossible, but quite improbable. How do you control how each person reacts when it's such a big conspiracy? ? But if it's true, I'm thinking maybe only the previous SW, Huanyu, Wuji, and the elders are in the know. So the younger generations are just acting on the current circumstances, not knowing the elders have set up a trap for the big bad. And that'd mean this trap is 20 years in the making considering Wuji sent out the bride selection intel 20 years ago.

Yeah my base case is still there is an internal plot and an external one. I just thought about this bc I kept rewatching the beginning trying to see what happened and who was lying. And the beginning trap they set up for Wufeng made me think What If? And that's why I started a separate wild theory thread so as not to confuse the discussion of the more likely plot.


Yeah my base case is still there is an internal plot and an external one. I just thought about this bc I kept rewatching the beginning trying to see what happened and who was lying. And the beginning trap they set up for Wufeng made me think What If? And that's why I started a separate wild theory thread so as not to confuse the discussion of the more likely plot.

Hmm, I see. I didn't really watch the trailers and leaked spoilers before, but I just checked the trailers, there were no signs of previous SW and Huanyu in most of the big showdown. I assume they'll do the most straightforward plot without confusing viewers much. And since they've been building the whole plot about Ziyu maturing in martial arts, as well as a leader, I don't think they'll bring back his father and brother to put that main plot to waste. I'd love to see if they'll bring a twist in the final event though.


Hmm, I see. I didn't really watch the trailers and leaked spoilers before, but I just checked the trailers, there were no signs of previous SW and Huanyu in most of the big showdown. I assume they'll do the most straightforward plot without confusing viewers much. And since they've been building the whole plot about Ziyu maturing in martial arts, as well as a leader, I don't think they'll bring back his father and brother to put that main plot to waste. I'd love to see if they'll bring a twist in the final event though.

Yeah I don't watch trailers either. It usually gives me a sense of anticlimax when I watch the episode and they tend to misdiirect a lot. As it is, there are so many wild theories going around. Imagine compounding those with trailer misdirects. I would get so dizzy I would have to lie down.


Yeah I don't watch trailers either. It usually gives me a sense of anticlimax when I watch the episode and they tend to misdiirect a lot. As it is, there are so many wild theories going around. Imagine compounding those with trailer misdirects. I would get so dizzy I would have to lie down.

Yeah, I get that. I spoiled myself silly while trying to catch up to the latest episode, which I don't really mind but I do want to be surprised for the final showdown.


Yeah, I get that. I spoiled myself silly while trying to catch up to the latest episode, which I don't really mind but I do want to be surprised for the final showdown.

Yeah if they do an Express I am just going to stay off the thread. I have to work I never have time to binge a bunch of episodes all at once and I don't want to be spoiled into the finale. I am a bit wary of the thread as well since spoilers are cropping up left and right.


Yeah if they do an Express I am just going to stay off the thread. I have to work I never have time to binge a bunch of episodes all at once and I don't want to be spoiled into the finale. I am a bit wary of the thread as well since spoilers are cropping up left and right.

Yeah, I guess it's not iQiyi style to do Express? WeTV did for Lost You Forever iirc, but I haven't even caught up to that one because I was busy catching up to this. ? Thankfully you can only link videos here, so as long as you avoid the links, you won't be spoiled big time.


Yeah, I guess it's not iQiyi style to do Express? WeTV did for Lost You Forever iirc, but I haven't even caught up to that one because I was busy catching up to this. ? Thankfully you can only link videos here, so as long as you avoid the links, you won't be spoiled big time. 

iQiyi usually doesn't but they did it for Lotus Casebook, I usually avoid the links but people watch it and write about it in their comments as well. I have learned to quickly stop reading and scroll away.