Haunters (Haunters, Psychic, Hunters, Choin) is a 2010 South Korean film directed by Kim Min-suk. It depicts the struggle between a psychic named Cho-in (Kang Dong-won) who can control people with his mind and a man named Kyu-nam (Go Soo) who is immune to the psychic’s supernatural power.
[*]Kang Dong-Won as Cho-in
[*]Go Soo as Im Gyoo-nam
[*]Jeong Eun-Chae as Yeong-sook
[*]Yoon Da-Kyeong as Hyo-sook
[*]Choi Deok-moon as Abby
[*]Abu Dod as Bubba
[*]Enes Kaya as Al
[*]Yang Kyeong-mo as Young Cho-in