Ah! I can't take it!!! Everyone is so lovesick in episode 8. It was kind of depressingly good. (it makes no sense, but yeah....lol).
I love how both of the teenage witch's guys are always thinking about the noona when they are with her, although it's for different reasons.
And the poop...I was not happy to see him. My initial thoughts were "Ugh, *@#*@ why are you back?....Go....A...way.....!" Btw, he is working in Cha ChiSoo's father's company, right? I thought he was trying to get close to her, so she would sell the shop. Since President Cha wants it.
But then that whole music store scene happened...And I was gritting my teeth when he insulted her yet again as a way of....compliment? Whatever, I'm glad the other woman asked him for ChiSoo's phone number. "Take that!"
Of course the Pororo needs to be advertised once again in this episode, and not just once. When he said he was "My noona's Pororo"... It was cute and funny at the same time and even more so was P. Cha's rivalry against him. That was hilarious.
I really liked that mini Ramyun preparation section at the end of the episode. I love Mr. Giant and he's showing us more of himself now.
"When you take a dump....you flush it!" Truer words have not been spoken...lol