¡Fantástico! Gracias?

I'm french, but => Si si! mucho fantastico!good reeding to you !


I'm french, but => Si si! mucho fantastico!good reeding to you !


sisi, mucho speek about him mainly in our thread here => https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/119991-tushan-jing-and-xiao-yao-here-s-to-a-happily-ever-after?page=last&p=2819399#p2819399 ...so :p

bonjour! merci! I will visit the thread again soon. These are beautiful pictures of Deng Wei??


bonjour! merci! I will visit the thread again soon. These are beautiful pictures of Deng Wei??

Hahaha Thx! Merci, Gratzias :) Pic are just beautifull...because he is so much :D:D! He'll be so good as a vilain here :D Can't wait <3  Have a good day!

 Grumpy Witch:

So much pretty!?

And a pretty personnality too! <3


And a pretty personnality too! <3


 Grumpy Witch:

Let's hold on our breath till airing :D *hugs*!

Let's hold on our breath till airing :D *hugs*!

Let's hope it happens sooner rather than later, we might run out of breath...lol <3

 Grumpy Witch:

Let's hope it happens sooner rather than later, we might run out of breath...lol <3

:D!!! Right!