Welcome to Tanya Choi's Drama List
Plan to Watch
Title | Episode | Priority |
A League of Nobleman Chinese Drama | 29 | |
A Piece of Your Mind Korean Drama | 12 | |
Adult Trainee Korean Drama | 7 | |
Animals Japanese Drama | 8 | |
Ano ko no, Toriko Japanese Movie | 1 | |
Battle of Changsha Chinese Drama | 32 | |
Be My Princess Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Before Sunrise Chinese TV Show | 4 | |
Begin Again Chinese Drama | 35 | |
Better a Lie Than a Truth Chinese Drama | 18 | |
Big Mouth Korean Drama | 16 | |
Bite Sisters Korean Drama | 10 | |
Blue Birthday Korean Drama | 16 | |
Boku no Satsui ga Koi wo Shita Japanese Drama | 10 | |
Brewing Love Korean Drama | 12 | |
Burning Flames Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Business Proposal Korean Drama | 12 | |
Butterflied Lover Chinese Drama | 22 | |
Cafe Midnight Season 3: The Curious Stalker Korean Special | 1 | |
Chang Ling Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Confess Your Love Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Cross Fire Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Cute Bodyguard Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Death Note Japanese Drama | 11 | |
Destined to Meet You Chinese Drama | 20 | |
Doctor Slump Korean Drama | 16 | |
Doom at Your Service Korean Drama | 16 | |
Drama Special Season 8: If We Were A Season Korean Special | 1 | |
Dreaming Back to the Qing Dynasty Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Endpresso Thai Movie | 1 | |
Everlasting Longing Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Forecasting Love and Weather Korean Drama | 16 | |
Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Sword and Beloved Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Generation to Generation Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Go Back Lover Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Growing Pain Season 2 Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Guess Who I Am Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Happiness Korean Drama | 12 | |
Hard to Find Chinese Drama | 28 | |
Heartbeat Korean Drama | 16 | |
Hey, Your Big Business Is Wonderful Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Hi Brothers Chinese Movie | 1 | |
Hidden Shadow Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Hierarchy Korean Drama | 7 | |
High School Big Bang Chinese Drama | 15 | |
Hold Me Close Filipino Movie | 1 | |
In the Arms of the Conqueror airing Filipino Drama | 110 | |
Kaguya-sama: Love Is War - Mini Japanese Drama | 5 | |
Lie to Love Chinese Drama | 32 | |
Love Alarm Season 2 Korean Drama | 6 | |
Love at Night Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Love Has Fireworks Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Love in Flames of War Chinese Drama | 43 | |
Love in Time Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Love Is Panacea Chinese Drama | 34 | |
Love Is Written in the Stars Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Love Like White Jade Chinese Drama | 32 | |
Love Once Again Chinese Drama | 18 | |
Lovers of the Red Sky Korean Drama | 16 | |
Maid's Revenge Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Make a Wish Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Miracle Korean Drama | 14 | |
Moonshine Korean Drama | 16 | |
Moving Korean Drama | 20 | |
Mr. Queen Korean Drama | 20 | |
My Love and Stars Chinese Drama | 24 | |
My Neighbour Can't Sleep Chinese Drama | 24 | |
My Roommate Is a Gumiho Korean Drama | 16 | |
My Sassy Princess Chinese Drama | 22 | |
Never Give Up Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Never Grow Old Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Nevertheless, Korean Drama | 10 | |
Night Wanderer Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Now, We Are Breaking Up Korean Drama | 16 | |
Once We Get Married Chinese Drama | 24 | |
One Spring Night Korean Drama | 32 | |
Our Beloved Summer Korean Drama | 16 | |
Over Again Chinese Movie | 1 | |
Police University Korean Drama | 16 | |
Qi Gen Xin Jian Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Reading Class Chinese Drama | 39 | |
Reborn Chinese Drama | 23 | |
Romance of a Twin Flower Chinese Drama | 38 | |
Rookie Cops Korean Drama | 16 | |
School 2021 Korean Drama | 16 | |
Secret Royal Inspector & Joy Korean Drama | 16 | |
Secrets of the Shadow Sect Chinese Drama | 24 | |
She Taught Me Serendipity Japanese Movie | 1 | |
Shining Like You Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Since I Met U Chinese Drama | 16 | |
Snowdrop Korean Drama | 16 | |
Snowy Night Timeless Love Chinese Drama | 32 | |
So I Married an Anti-Fan Korean Drama | 16 | |
Something in the Rain Korean Drama | 16 | |
Starry Starry Night Taiwanese Movie | 1 | |
Su Ji Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Sweet Sweet Chinese Drama | 22 | |
The Best Thing Chinese Drama | 28 | |
The Black Devil and the White Prince Japanese Movie | 1 | |
The Bond Chinese Drama | 36 | |
The Boy Who Counted Cars Chinese Movie | 1 | |
The Day of Becoming You Chinese Drama | 26 | |
The Double Chinese Drama | 40 | |
The End of Endless Love Chinese Movie | 1 | |
The Eternal Fragrance Chinese Drama | 40 | |
The First Frost Chinese Drama | 30 | |
The Glory Korean Drama | 8 | |
The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim Korean Drama | 12 | |
The Impossible Heir Korean Drama | 12 | |
The King's Affection Korean Drama | 20 | |
The Liar and His Lover Japanese Movie | 1 | |
The Magician Korean Movie | 1 | |
The Mermaid Chinese Movie | 1 | |
The Old Dreams Chinese Drama | 36 | |
The Prisoner of Beauty Chinese Drama | 36 | |
The Rainbow in Our Memory Chinese Drama | 20 | |
The Snow Moon Chinese Drama | 24 | |
The Sweetest Secret Chinese Drama | 24 | |
The Twins Chinese Movie | 1 | |
Thousand Years for You Chinese Drama | 36 | |
To Our Ten Years Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Tonight, At Romance Theater Japanese Movie | 1 | |
Twilight Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Veil of Shadows Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Warm on a Cold Night Chinese Drama | 36 | |
When We Write Love Story Chinese TV Show | 10 | |
Wind Direction Chinese Drama | 30 | |
Wisher Chinese Drama | 12 | |
Word of Honor Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Wulin Heroes Chinese Drama | 22 | |
Yang Guang Xian Sheng Chinese Drama | 45 | |
Yano-kun no Futsu no Hibi Japanese Movie | 1 | |
You Shine in the Moonlit Night Japanese Movie | 1 | |
Young Blood Season 2 Chinese Drama | 27 | |
Your Eyes Tell Japanese Movie | 1 | |
Youth in the Flames of War Chinese Drama | 39 | |
Yumi's Cells Season 2 Korean Drama | 14 |