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by Lynnea
Oct 16, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
Recensione unica, sia per questo film che per il sequel del 2019. Entrambe potrei definirle delle prove discrete, con qualche punto a favore ma con anche evidenti difetti.

Partiamo da questo film: storia non originale tra la ragazza apparentemente insignificante e il ragazzo più popolare della scuola. Complice una serie di eventi, finiscono per convivere di nascosto. Lui oscilla tra il freddo e l'arrogante, in generale un carattere piuttosto chiuso; lei più diretta e solare, a tratti quasi impacciata. Mi ha ricordato molto il drama "Good morning call" e, per alcuni versi, anche "Itazura na kiss: love in Tokyo". Protagonisti ben assortiti, allineati anche a livello di recitazione (prova buona ma sicuramente non eccellente, sulla capacità di trasmettere le emozioni al pubblico c'è ancora molto lavoro da fare).
Trama scontata e che non rappresenta palesemente l'obiettivo della serie (il fulcro è sostanzialmente la storia tra i due). Lo sviluppo non sempre lineare, l'ex ragazza/amica d'infanzia s'inserisce male nel contesto e il suo senso quale elemento di disturbo - tra eventi presenti e vicende passate - rimane un po' avvolto nella confusione e a tratti anche privo di senso.

Spostandoci sul sequel, il primo punto pesantemente negativo salta all'occhio: gli attori protagonisti non sono più gli stessi. Spiacevolezza fortunatamente non cosi frequente nei film/drama, ma qui purtroppo va così. Dei personaggi del primo film viene conservato giusto il nome e poco altro: il nuovo Shu è inconsistente e insipido come pochi...mentre Aoi passa dall'essere una ragazza relativamente piacevole a quel piccolo impiastro di attrice che ha affossato anche un bel drama quale "An incurable case of love". Attrice che qui si ripropone come una fotocopia del personaggio del drama sopracitato (stesso taglio di capelli, stessa mimica facciale, quasi stessa caratterizzazione del personaggio). E' un'attrice - o un personaggio - che si subisce in tutti i sensi: impattante, snervante, fastidiosa ma - per sfinimento - forse anche un po' buffa. Brutta quindi l'idea di cambiare il cast e discutibile la scelta dei sostituti. L'unico pregio di questo sequel è di seguire le vicende "di coppia" (sono purtroppo molti i film/drama che non ci regalano una seconda stagione dopo il primo lieto fine). Per il resto anche qui lo spessore della trama gareggia con un foglio di carta velina, al posto dell'ex ragazza abbiamo il cugino di lui, e di altri grandi novità all'orizzonte non se ne vedono.

Trattandosi di un tempo ridotto - alla fine parliamo di due film - la visione ci può anche stare. Senza aspettative diverse da quelle che si possono avere, può anche filare tutto liscio e portare a casa un giudizio poco più che sufficiente.

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Alice: Boy from Wonderland
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 13, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.0

Horror Mystery, Romance Tipizz tipizz

Dari segi story menurut aku banyak plot yang bikin penonton bingung, kita harus bener-bener fokus karena kehilangan satu detail kecil akan membuat kita bingung sendiri sama jalan ceritanya. Aku berhasil dibuat bertanya-tanya sepanjang nonton, "kok ini gini?" "Lah, kok jadi gini?" bener-bener bingung. Alhasil harus nonton ulang buat memuaskan rasa penasaran dan menemukan jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang muncul.
Untuk pemilihan cast dan actingnya gak perlu diraguin, Somin dan Jonghyun bener-bener gokil. jujur aku nonton ini karena bener-bener ngefans sama Somin dan gak kecewa lihat acting dia disini. Ditambah chemistry dia sama Jonghyun pecah sih, untuk movie yang romannya tipis-tipis gini udah mantul.
Overall, menurut aku cukup buat ditonton sekali aja kalau kalian gak bingung sama plot storynya. Tapi untuk orang kaya aku, yang gampang bingung sama jalan cerita yang kelempar-lempar ginimending tonton sampai kalian ngerasa gak bingung dan menemukan jawaban setiap pertanyaan yang muncul ketika kalian nonton pertama kali.

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0 people found this review helpful
Oct 13, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

Filmnya remaja labil yang kocak abizzzz

Sepanjang aku nonton film ini suka banget sama chemistry persahabatan yang dibangun sama 3 main leadnya. Kisah cinta, kelabilan setelah lulus SMA, konflik persahabatan, keluarga, semua dibalut dengan comedy yang gak bikin bosen. Relate banget sama remaja yang memasuki proses menuju dewasa dituntut mengambil keputusan yang akan menentukan masa depan. kalian bakal dikasih 3 perpektif oleh ketiga pemeran utamanya tentang gimana kalian bakal ngambil keputusan buat hidup kalian setelah melepas status siswa. entah kuliah, kerja, kuliah sambil kerja, atau ngaggur ngabisin duit orangtua. Jujur ada beberapa part yang cringe dan bikin menekuk jari. Ada juga part yang bikin bingung dan mengerutkan dahi dan bikin geleng-geleng kepala. Tapi overall enjoyed buat ditonton dan yah buat direwatch sekali dua kali masih worth it. FYI cast dan acting para pemainnya gokil banget sih.

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by Link
Oct 11, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Suis-je toujours ton ami ?

Les productions de Netflix ne sont pas mes préférées, mais le casting m'a vendu du rêve. De même quant aux grandes lignes mêlant amitié et confrontation sur fond d'invasion japonaise.

Uprising raconte l’histoire de deux amis d’enfance coréens issus de classes différentes qui se sont déchirés et sont devenus ennemis. Les parties du film se distinguent les unes des autres, tout en ayant un montage qui rappelle l'avancée de l'histoire. Malgré l’invasion japonaise et sa sombre histoire de nez coupés, il est intéressant de voir la façon dont le brasier a dévoré l’intérieur du peuple coréen, mettant aussi à mal l’amitié des deux amis.

Les scènes de combat sont efficaces, menées par Gang Dong Woo, Park Jeong Mon et Jung Sung Il. J'attendais de voir ce trio s'affronter, épées en main, et c'est ce qui est arrivé dans des scènes dynamiques et sanglantes. Gang Dong Woo et Jung Sung Il font partie de mes acteurs préférés, j'en attendais tout au spectacle, et je l'ai obtenu. L'ensemble du casting est excellent - personnages principaux, secondaires et figurants.

En revanche, il est dommage de voir le film délaisser des idées intéressantes, notamment celles autour du roi Seonjo (Cha Seung Won), qui m'a souvent donné l'impression d'être une autruche aux portes d'une folie subtile. De plus, j'ai trouvé un manque de profondeurs (et d'inspiration) quant aux dialogues.

Bref, ce n'est pas un film que j'ai envie de revoir une seconde fois. Et bien que l'histoire n'atteigne jamais son plus haut niveau, le film sait rester entraînant, sur fond d'invasion japonaise et de révolte du peuple. Le tout avec des scènes de combats pleine d'action, dont une scène finale superbe, malgré une fin en demi-teinte.

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Skip School
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 11, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
Skip School (翹課日) is a short film that mixes romance, youth, school life and Yaoi, published on YouTube on June 19, 2020.
The film follows Yuan You and Mu Hong, two students from different high schools, considered the best in Taiwan. Exams are approaching and all students are preparing to beat them.
On the way to class, Yuan You and Mu Hong meet and decide to skip class together, trying to escape all the hassle of the exam, to have a romantic moment of relaxation and escape from the monotony of life.
Under the bridge pier, the imagination of the two teenagers and the confusion about the future intertwine...

A short, but tender and charming film.

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by matti
Oct 10, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
Amei a fotografia desse filme, simplesmente fascinante.
É um filme super pesado pensei em parar mas minha curiosidade falou mais alto. Um bom filme, com uma boa atuação e uma história interessante.

acho q elas mereciam mto mais, justiça pelas lésbicas
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Attack on the Pin-Up Boys
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 10, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

Komedi Pelipur Lara

Ini adalah film yang berfokus kepada Super Junior. Ceritanya lucu, aneh dan membuat geleng - geleng kepala. Tetapi ini adalah hal yang wajar terjadi.
Ceritanya berkisar antara kasus pelemparan kotoran ke wajah banyak siswa populer di suatu sekolah yang kemudian menjadi perbincangan dan bahan gosip yang membuat korban pelemparan kotoran menjadi artis dadakan.

Beberapa siswa lain yang juga populer di sekolahnya mulai iri dan ingin membuktikan kepopuleran nya agar dilempar kotoran oleh seseorang sehingga jadi artis dadakan.

Akting para pemeran bagus untuk kategori Rookies. Anda bisa melihat karakter yang mereka perankan dsn tertawa karenanya atau malah merasa aneh. Tapi siapa yang tahu jika para remaja pada dasarnya memang seperti apa yang diperankan oleh anggota Super Junior dalam drama ini.

Lagu temanya begitu ceria dan cocok dengan nuansa remaja. ini Lagu yang cantik dan menyenangkan untuk didengar dan membawa semangat.

Jika aku ingin tertawa dsn melepaskan pikiran aku akan menonton ini lagi.

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0 people found this review helpful
Oct 8, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 10

un thriller incroyable

Très bien! Film à suspense qui nous fait nous demander dans quelle mesure notre vie est exposée aux téléphones portables. En gros, tout. Et comment peut-on avoir sa vie littéralement dans la paume de sa main ? J'ai adoré ! Cela faisait longtemps que je n'avais pas vu un aussi bon film. Et la fin est également géniale. Le film est bien réalisé et bien construit.
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4 people found this review helpful
by Lynnea
Oct 6, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Bersaglio decisamente mancato

Film molto atteso....e carico di aspettative disattese. Brava la protagonista, ma la storia non ci sta: tutto si basa su lei che esce dal penitenziario e cerca vendetta nei confronti di chi l'ha ingannata. L'idea è chiara, lo sviluppo molto meno. Non c'è azione, non c'è suspence, non ci sono colpi di scena, neppure del finale. Il ritmo non incalza, i personaggi non vengono sfruttati bene... nemmeno il cattivo riesce a risultare un cattivo di rispetto. "Revolver" spara diversi proiettili, ma tutti risultano fiacchi e nessuno va a segno. Attendevo questo film soprattutto per la presenza di Ji Chang Wook, reduce da una serie di drama/film non propriamente riusciti, e spiace dover constatare che "Revolver" si accoda a questo elenco di produzioni insoddisfacenti. Sembra proprio che i tempi di "Healer" e "Suspicious Partner" siano sempre più lontani...

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Almost Love
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 4, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Quase amor, acho que foi amor sim! E ainda se amavam!

Confesso que fiquei confusa com esse final, pois era nítido que ainda se amavam, e então, o que foi esse final???

Eu já sabia que teríamos um final ruim, na verdade não foi ruim, eles só não ficarem juntos, normal da vida, acontece.

O que não gostei:
Imaturidade do Can, era individualista e colocava a culpa da vida nela, eu até entendo as suas frustrações, mas ela não tinha culpa, na verdade ela tentava apoiar ele a todo momento.
Imaturidade Jiao Yang, eu entendo ela ter ficado decepcionada com ele. Poxa, a avó dela morreu, e ele não foi no enterro, cadê a parceria de um relacionamento! Agora, ela sair de casa, sendo que já estavam juntos há muitos anos sem nem mesmo uma conversa, não existe isso também.
O que eu não entendi, e não fez sentido para mim.

Eles já tinham terminado, por que se encontrar 1 ano depois para nada, para terminar o que já haviam terminado?
E depois de 2 anos apenas, ele decidir casar-se, em 2 anos dificilmente a pessoa amadure, não deu nem tempo da empresa dele se firmar no mercado. Mas, vendo a reação dele olhando o celular e durante a casamento, entende-se que era um casamento arranjado, e que ele não estava feliz. Assim como, ela ficou surpresa e triste com a notícia do casamento, ela disse que não ia chorar, mas acabou chorando.

Se essas reações não são de amor, não sei o que é então.

E aí minha pergunta, por que não ficaram juntos???

Mas fica a questão do realismo, vida real, não é porque 2 pessoas se amam que estão destinados a ficarem juntos, e é por isso que fiquei com um misto de sentimentos.

Queria que tivessem ficados juntos, mesmo que dessem uma passagem de tempo maior, mas nem todos terminam a vida com o 1º namorado, na verdade isso é bem raro.

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Night Flight
1 people found this review helpful
by Nick
Oct 4, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 7.0


Esse foi meu primeiro bl, e eu considero ele o pior bl que já vi, mas é meu favorito.
Chorei por horas e continuo chorando quando revejo, mas é simplesmente perfeito.
É uma confusão de sentimentos, ódio, amor, confusão, esse bl é uma merda, mas é tão perfeito.
Eu consigo odiá-lo e ama-lo.
Meu primeiro bl, meu bl favorito, e o pior bl que ja vi, depois de playboyy.
Assistam, vale a pena, mas se procuram um romance clichê, não é o bl certo.
Considerem assistir em uma quarta-feira a tarde, um dia frio, tomando algo quente e no conforto, porque o bl é desconfortável o suficiente.

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0 people found this review helpful
Oct 4, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.5

Kirei 'na' Uta, ne vous trompez pas !

La présence de Aina the End, ex-leader du défunt groupe idole/punk Bish n'avait rien pour me rassurer, mais le peech sentait bon l'amour de la musique. Loin, justement, de toute velléité commerciale. Et même si Hirose Suzu par son seul nom fera multiplier les vues par deux (plutôt que les entrées, film Netflix oblige), elle ne dénature pas du tout un film qui se veut sensible et esthétique.

Et pourtant "sensibilité" n'est pas le mot qui vient à l'esprit en écoutant les tubes du groupe Bish. Voix volontairement cassée et discordante, pour ne pas dire du chanté faux sur de nombreux singles. Je me suis souvent posé la question si je devais apprécier ce concept idol/rock largement dépassé par Babymetal et consœurs depuis des années. Mais la faiblesse, si on peut dire, vocale du groupe s'est transcendé dans la voix de Aina the end qui est pour moi une révélation à tous points de vue dans ce film. Vocale, bien sûr d'abord, avec une maitrise de son timbre cassé, dans tous les tons. Dans le parlé, où elle joue une quasi-autiste, incapable de prononcer plus de trois mots et encore du fond de la gorge. Puis, dans ses interprétations solo qui déchire le tympan autant que le cœur. Cette voix qui fait penser aux grands interprètes folks comme Janis Joplin est à pleurer et c'est bien le but du film.

Hirose Suzume parait bien terne à côté, n'ayant en plus qu'un rôle de soutien. Cette retenue joue en sa défaveur, sans compter les nombreux déguisements ridicule pas du tout justifier par le scénario. On dirait presque qu'elle est mal à l'aise dans un second rôle, elle qui est habituée à être au centre de l'histoire depuis "Notre petite sœur". On appréciera la présence de Kuroki Haru en institutrice courage et plein de guests musicaux comme Otsuka Ai ou Ando Yuuko. Des passages furtifs qu'il faudra scruter, mais vous aurez plus de temps pour admirer la plastique et le jeu plutôt bon de Matsumura Hokuto, des SixTones. Tous ces acteurs magnifient les situations et les rendent encore plus touchantes.

Si vous avez la chance, comme moi, de découvrir l'histoire par le film (car une série qui le découpe, existe) et sans avoir lu un seul résumé, vous apprécierez ses aller-retour dans le passer. Difficile à appréhender au début, surtout avec le coplay, on se prend vite à l'histoire de chacun et ces pièces de puzzle qui se reforment sur une durée tout de même de 3h. Le thème et la mise en scène, sans être originaux, rappellent des autres films qui ont marqué la décennie au Japon, et pour cause. La durée parfois marquée par des plans contemplatifs pourra rebuter.

Alors que clairement, on oppose une fois de plus campagne chaleureuse à ville déshumanisée, tout le monde se rassemble autour de la musique. Et de voir autant de scènes de chant me réchauffe le cœur. Les chansons sont choisies dans le Billboard Japonais de ces 5 dernières années et les entendre par la voix ro---ck de Aina the End terminent de catégoriser Kyrie no Uta dans les bons films.

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The Time of Fever
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 4, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Another best KBL you should watch

Dibandingkan drama utama mereka Unintentional Love Story, chemistry mereka disini lebih diperlihatkan.
Emosi yang muncul diantara para aktor dan disandingkan dengan OST yang menyentuh membuat penonton dapat merasakan secara tidak langsung emosi yang dituangkan didalamnya.
Disini Han Dowoo benar-benar terlihat sangat manis dan cantik tanpa mengurangi ketampanannya, berbeda dengan saat di ULS dimana dia terlihat sedikit tua.
Director membawakan kisah singkat mereka ini dengan sangat baik.
Durasi yang lumayan sedikit, namun pesan dan isi cerita dapat disampaikan dengan baik.

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Permanent Residence
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 2, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 6.0

Retro, tapi life meaningnya dpt bgt!

Ini adalah film retro yang saya fikir punya life meaning yang bagus, nuansa dan romansanya juga sangat kuat. Mengangkat kisah tentang perjalanan tokoh utama yang bernama "Ivan" yang menurutku kisahnya sangat epic. Film ini tidak menceritakan tentang romansa "ideal" tentang kehidupan, ataupun mengangkat cinta epic yang luar biasa. Tetapi film ini tampil apa adanya namun berkesan, alur cerita berjalan secara apa adanya - kita seperti menonton dokumenter perjalanan seseorang secara nyata. Scene di film ini menurutku sangat slowburn, tapi tidak membuat bosan - setiap detail scene mengandung artinya masing-masing, film ini mengangkat tentang "menghargai kehidupan, dan menghargai waktu". Dari segi romansa cinta, series ini punya bentuk "cinta" yang tulus, entah kenapa nuansanya seperti sebuah cerita cinta yang epic walaupun tidak punya scene romantis yang cukup, semuanya tersaji hampir mirip dengan aslinya di tahun film ini rilis, dimana semuanya serba terbatas, bahkan saya menonton film ini di tahun 2024 dengan keadaan dunia sudah memproduksi series bL yang punya scene romantis yang sangat menonjol. beberapa part bahkan mengingatkan masalaluku dimana ketika saya pertama kali jatuh cinta di tahun 2013, apapun yang saya lakukan terbatas, saya melakukan segala sesuatu yang membuatnya senang - tanpa seorangpun tahu bahwa aku mencintainya. Dari segi pewarnaan, film yang satu ini punya saturasi yang tidak konsisten, kadang terlalu punya warna yang mati, atau terlalu saturated di waktu-waktu tertentu, mungkin melambangkan emosi namun saya tidak terlalu menyukainya. Saya menyukai film ini, saya belajar banyak dari film ini.

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0 people found this review helpful
Oct 2, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5

The love of two young people and the homophobic South Korean society

'Brake' (native title 브레이크), the LGBT+-themed romantic and psychological drama directed by South Korean filmmaker Yoo Yong-hwan, tells the story of self-discovery, love and obsession of Byun Shi Woo, a shy and fragile teenager whose only hobby filming his daily life with a camcorder, and he will live a heartbreaking love story with Ha Joon, his classmate and motorcycle racer, who has earned the respect of others by imposing himself through fear.
Shi Woo's life is sad and monotonous. Abandoned by his parents in an orphanage, he spent his childhood in foster homes. Without a circle of friends or relatives, the decontextualization of his environment and where he comes from adds an aura of sadness to his person. It is therefore the viewer's task to build the puzzle that is our protagonist, using what he tells us through the way he manages his time and, above all, through his interactions with himself through the videos recorded with his camcorder.
The film is fully part of the aspect of cinema that documents the intensity of youth and young love, but against the backdrop of a heteronormative and patriarchal society in which homophobia and discrimination against those who are different persist, which, as it clearly states, Its title will mean a brake on the development of the love relationship between the two characters.
Yoo Yong-hwan and his technical team are on a mission to talk about something very complex in a sensory way, while the film tells the story of people in need of affection and love through teenage stories that seem somewhat rough and crude.
Thanks to a video filmed by Shi Woo, Ha Joon (role played by Lee Ki Hyuk – 'Little Bird', 2021), and his friends manage to evade what would be a police accusation for damage to third parties in a road accident, so that the young man until then ignored by the other classmates will become part of Ha Joon's gang. From this moment on, the attraction materializes into a tortuous and absolutely living relationship that will not escape harassment and discrimination.
Based on the script by the same director, the film captures on the screen the fierce and veiled feelings of the two young people, their discoveries and their problems, through the most frontal silences and the most violent beauty. In this story the two will choose paths that will determine their lives forever.
Love arises at the first opportunity between these two young people, who launch themselves into a relationship without materializing, because while Shi Woo secretly loves, Ha Joon does not easily assume the homosexual dimension of his growing friendship with Shi Woo. And this circumstance is subject to harassment from the protagonists' other classmates when they discover the growing love attraction between the two boys.
The dedication to deciphering a little of the psyche of the young Shi Woo is understandable, because it is clear that what matters most to Yoo Yong-hwan is the process of emotional transformation of his fascinating protagonist – played with courage by Jang Yoo Sang, an actor who We had already seen him in other LGBT+ themed films before this one, since in 2014 he starred in the drama 'One Night Only', by directors Kim Jo Kwang-soo and Kim Tae-yong, and two years before in the short film 'Night Bugs', by the latter director.
However, the process of a teenager who has never been loved in his life falling in love with someone for the first time will not be as beautiful as expected.
The story is simple, dark and normal: a person falls in love with another person, and with whom a beautiful friendship begins. However, the much more complex story of Shi Woo and Ha Joon begins to fight against the "normal", moving away from the social canons of duty, relationships, and, above all, romance. Between the simplicity of a romance and the battle against convention, 'Brake' submerges, an uninhibited, emotional, astonishing and sad portrait of two people (and everything else) who meet in the midst of adolescence, rebellious and nonconformist, and in the cracks in the establishment of South Korean society.
After crossing their destinies and fooling around with ambiguity, Shi Woo and Ha Joon will not be able to start a love relationship, as their destinies will be irremediably separated when they are ridiculed and harassed by others, so they will have to distance themselves and break up with their friendship.
The relationship between the two characters is, like many of those that happen at that age, unhealthy, absorbing and exciting. The already concise surroundings of the protagonist end up completely disappearing and what we are left with is his silent way of feeling that love and, above all, attraction. 'Brake' speaks, without making things simple for the viewer, about chemical connection and desire.
That chemical connection and that desire that leads to heartbreak because one party is far above the other in terms of having things clear. Or that's the impression it gives. The other big question that the film touches on, and it does so in an always suggestive way, is that of identity. Although Shi Woo is the main character, both he and Ha Joon will see their relationship as the definitive moment to make an irrevocable decision and define themselves as people.
Regarding this last character, the film is astutely vague when it comes to delineating the nature of their conflict. We don't know if he is struggling with repressed homosexuality or poorly digested bisexuality. Yes, we will know, by the time the adventure is over, that our main protagonist is aware of the impossibility of a romance, so it is time to move forward and not look back, to free himself from a relationship that could hardly come to fruition. If feeling that love has done anything for Shi Woo, if his erratic behavior has gotten him anywhere, it is embracing the truth about his self-discovery and sexual identity. And so, putting an end to a love relationship that never took place, in order to move on with his battered life.
Then, the film, premiered at the Seoul Pride International Film Festival, becomes a denunciation against the homophobia present in South Korean society and against its sister, internalized homophobia, as well as the lack of institutional support for helpless children.
The courage to step outside the box, therefore, must be highlighted. The creators' choices try to do so but with humility, without pontificating at any time.
Produced by Use Film, a film production project team established in 2016, the director aims to broaden the perspective of the world through stories of people who do not receive adequate care and are excluded by society.
'Brake' is an exciting example of a young cinema that is even reflected in contemporary creations – from the sentimental and social nudity of the portraits of Leesong Hee Il or In-shik Kim, to the aesthetic and ethical productions of Kim Jho Kwang Soo, Lee Joon-ik, Yoo Ha and Bang Eun-jin, among many other South Korean filmmakers, where he moves like a fish in water thanks also to the most successful and dynamic decisions, such as a musical selection where the lyrics of the songs dialogue great with the action.
The best thing is that the heart of 'Brake' is able to go beyond its stylistic resources to offer itself to the viewer as a mature, moving, intelligent, authentic and honest story, which transcends all possible borders.
The film, a true raw gem, beautiful and murky, delicate and wild, fragile and implacable, is permeated by that vehement breath of commitment to the cause told, of the almost suicidal impulse to follow the characters' choices and not distance oneself from what what happens to them, and in which the color "winter green" appears as a tone and drawing of their general image.
If you are not tired of teenage stories, the discovery of sexuality, love and heartbreak, and amorous obsessions, you will be able to fully enjoy 'Brake', another notch in the LGTB+ cinema imagination that demonstrates the good form of the theme.

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