1 people found this review helpful
Oct 8, 2020
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
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I'm in love...

I'm love sick now...cute cute and cute... With 36 episodes, they focus on second leads and lot of other leads too...good's a slow moving, realistic and fun drama focusing not only on the love angle bit also on the friendship value and trust ... I'm loving it ..can't get enough of noh phun romance... To think such young actors did a stellar job...amazing... I had quite a few good laughs,smiled really a lot... Love the cast...good job cast and crew... Finishing the series was bitter sweet... Sigh... I miss this adorable series... It is not fast paced like I'm used to... It's slow and lovely... should definitely give it a try

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Nov 21, 2019
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
Ok, here's the thing. I love this series. Both seasons, it was great. However, the amount of episodes this series was compared to the first one, had me making me want to tear my hair out. The reason was because this season/series was 36 episodes long. The story lines are great and all, but if it had been less episodes, I would have enjoyed it more.

I'm grateful that they did continue this series for another season, but. BUT. I felt as if I had to force myself to watch the rest of it. I was pausing in between episodes because I got tired of having to finish it. All in all it's a great show, but be warned.

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May 8, 2020
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
Listen: this show would be roughly 284% better without all of that Jeed nonsense, so take my advice: watch the BL Cut Version on Youtube because I didn't even realize all of that side plot existed because it's not in the books. OhmMick and PerWin were hinted in the book, and I can't remember if EarnPete were (though, even if they weren't, they're a nice touch), but at least their storylines ADDED something. What did Jeed add except frustration? Even her redemption is infuriating, with that Grace chick just... Honestly, if they hadn't include all of that nonsense, I'd rate this high because I STILL want to pull my hair out at the thought of Jeed and Grace.

Enough of that, though. What really matters is that everything is wrapped up rather nicely in this cute and heart-warming second season. There are a few head-banging moments when it comes to Aim and Yuri, but I think they're necessary because of how Noh and Phun are, you know? It's their way of learning and moving towards what they want, especially when they're not sure what exactly it is that they want.

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Jul 19, 2020
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I was really excited for season 2 because I absolutely loved season 1. The story starts right off where it was left off, many confusions and questions left to be answered. Phun and Noh are still scared and confused of what they want so they decide to stay friends but that's hard to do when they care for each other more than friends. This season goes more in depth of all the characters and added many new couples. This was something I disliked. There was too many unnecessary side couples to pass time but in the end these couples weren't given a full story, I found myself not wanting to watch these side couples because it felt forced. Other than that, I enjoyed every second of this season because I love and adore PhunNoh so much. This season is long and could be split into 2 different seasons. The first half of the show focused on PhunNoh's denial and issues with their girlfriends while the second half focused on their love and acceptance of their sexuality. Some may think this season was too long and that the second half was boring but I think otherwise. The second half of the show was my most favorite, I loved every second of it. I cried lots during the second half when they finally settled down for one another and fix problems together. I remember crying almost every episode towards the end.
Now for other characters, my most favorite couple would have to be EarnPete. The ending for them is really open but as a EarnPete shipper I choose to believe that Pete picked Earn in the end. The way I see it, Pete never wanted to date Yuri, he just wanted to hurt Noh and make Noh feel the same pain that Earn did. He obviously cares and loves Earn. Another character that I came to really love is Yuri. Yuri is your definition of sweet and innocent. Yes she can be annoying but what I loved about her is that she truly loves Noh so much, so much that she's willing to let him go whenever he wanted to just so he can be happy even if it means hurting her. She continued defending his name till the very end. When they broke up, I have to admit I was hurt. I don't ship Noh with Yuri but I love their friendship. Noh and Yuri just got along so well and understood one another so much, I adore their friendship. Everytime they were together there was never a dull moment. On the other hand, I hated Aim. She's selfish and inconsiderate. I have no sympathy left for her. She hurt so many people. I do think that both Phun and Aim hurt each other badly though. Aim expected too much from Phun without ever giving him anything and even ends up cheating on him but you can't overlook that Phun did cheat on her too.
Another thing that struck out to me the most was the portrayal of friendship between guys and girls. The girls pretended to be friends with one another and was willing to sabotage each other for their own satisfaction. They talk shit about each other just to make themselves feel better and continued backstabbing one another. None of them were real with each other because they value others opinions more than friendship. On the other hand, even though the boys were seen as harsh on each other and always teased one another, they were sincere. They cared and loved one another and was open to accept each other as is. Watching the scenes with Noh's friends made me miss high school so much and it made me wish I had a close group of friend like them.
Overall, I love Lovesick so much, it'll forever be my favorite BL. Still hoping for a reunion with the same cast!

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Sep 7, 2021
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Truly Remarkable!! The one that started it all!!

The fact that this is my first review says a lot. I have a lot of BL series as my favs but I never went to the extent of writing a review for any. I am writing for this because I know like me there will be many people who will be confused as to whether watch this series or not. Here's why you should :
Pros :
I have to say that this series completely exceeded my expectations!! I have been a BL fan since beginning of this year and I have watched almost all the series multiple times...however, I did not ever feel like watching Love Sick or its sequel because it never appealed to me ...first of all it was old and then I thought it would be a normal high school love story and also the 36 episodes didn't help...but having no BL left to watch I thought of giving it a try and boy was I glad that I did coz I was blown away...I finished watching s1 and 2 in 3 days (48 episodes) which says a lot about how addictive it was..this series is sooo much better than a lot of BLs which have come out recently ...the story is quite realistic and very well written and deals with teenage issues and angst, the feelings of first love etc. very well...the scenes between the main couple Phun and Noh are the highlight of this show and are pure gold..Captain and White even though at that time were new actors, have amazing chemistry...not once did any scene between them feel awkward or really looked like 2 boys who are completely in love with each other...their scenes made me swoon and giggle like a teenage girl and only a very few BL couples have been able to do that to me...Noh's character was very well written and developed throughout the series and Captain as an actor brought a charm which made the character so endearing to everyone!! Apart from the love track, the friendships portrayed in the show are beautiful and the interactions between Noh and his friends are friendship goals!! And the music... both the OST and the background score was one of the best I have heard in BLs..

Cons :
I don't have any major complaints with the series but the parts with Phun and Nohs girlfriends does sometimes become a bit tedious to watch and puts a stop in an otherwise fluent pacing !! Also, other than Yuri and Pang, all other female characters in the show are either straight up evil or annoying...don't get me wrong they are entertaining but they don't add much to the plot. And Boy do I hate Jeed..she gets on my nerves..I don't know whether it was intentional on the writers part to make such an annoying character..the acting sometimes is a bit awkward but then the chemistry makes up for everything!!

Overall : To think that this was practically the first BL to come and paved the path for future...Its indeed come in my top BLs of all time and I will definitely watch it again!! Kudos to LoveSick!!

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Lucky Point
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 3, 2021
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

It's a cute story for a BL series beginner...I'm happy at the end! :)

"You can't do that, Auntie he's my boyfriend..." finally Noh, finally.

The ending was the best, the episode was sweet and funny as hell.
I fell out when Phun said " Let me taste it " LOL.
I hope they have another part of this series.

Ohm and Mick are literally my favorite couple in this series...I want a whole season just only about them! ?

Oh, Phun has the courage to tell his dad. I understood his dad's point of view as a politician, but I'm very amazed his dad realizes to become a father to his son rather than as a politician. His daughter is so worried about her brother that much. This time Phun fighting what he thinks is right talking like a mature person taking responsibility, and no regrets to happen when their relationships will fail in the future. All he knows is that he loves Noh so much. Huhuhuhu!!! I'm touched!!! ?????
One more thing the dad is handsome too! Hahaha! ???????

Never thought a love story between two boys would be so entertaining. The pain, the joy, and the dilemma of gay love are dealt with understanding and sympathy. It's true that gay love goes against the laws of nature but who can really understand the way the human heart feels. Gay love has been there since time immemorial. All religion preaches love. Gay love is also loving so shouldn't treat it with tolerance and understanding.

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Aug 11, 2024
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

forse troppo avanti per i suoi tempi

il fenomeno di love sick va studiato. quando il mondo ancora non conosceva la parola BL ecco che veniva sfornato Love Sick, che non è perfetto, anzi lungi dall’esserlo, però primo è perfetto per qual momento e poi è antesignano di molti dei BL che vediamo ora, dove non ci sono miscomunication tropes, dove solo un personaggio femminile su tutti è cattivo, dove il cheating trope (anche se non mi piace) viene risolto anche in fretta. insomma molte cose che non si sa perché si sono poi perse dopo, perché siamo sinceri, io non posso credere che BL fatti esattamente l’anno dopo sono pieni di tutto quello che ho appena descritto. e questi trope idioti vengono mantenuti vita natural durante per tutti gli anni successivi (e ne ho vista di roba di quel periodo). quindi mi pare veramente assurdo pensare che sia stato creato questo tipo di BL e che poi sia andato tutto nel dimenticatoio (un po’ come, anche se a livelli decisamente superiori, con Gray Rainbow). il dubbio resterà sempre. però come abbiamo detto non è perfetto (e prima che mi scordi, il rewatch value è basso solo perché questa stagione è lunga) però prima dirò le cose che mi sono piaciute e poi quelle che non mi sono piaciute. la cosa che mi è piaciuta di più sono i personaggi di Pun e Noh e il loro rapporto, come cresce e matura nel tempo, come si prendono coraggio e come le decisioni che prendono siano le migliori per loro. mi è piaciuto come si parlino, come risolvano i loro problemi anche in fretta e come non si mettano fretta (anche se in alcune scene potrebbe sembrare, alla fine loro non vengono mai obbligati dall’altro a fare qualcosa che non vogliono veramente). la storia di Pun e Noh per quanto infarcita da un cheating trope è perfetta (o almeno lo è per il periodo in cui è stata scritta questa serie). altre cose che mi sono piaciute: il personaggio di Yuri, personaggio femminile antesignano a cui manca solo un’aureola; i bei rapporti che sono stati mostrati e come questa serie non sia solo un BL, ma parli di amicizia, di rapporti sani e tossici, di rapporti etero… e dove i protagonisti sono guarda casa due uomini innamorati. questo è il bello. il bello è come accettino il rapporto di Pun e Noh ancora prima che Noh lo accetti, di come si aiutino a vicenda anche nei momenti peggiori. insomma questa è una bellissima storia di amicizia (sia fra i ragazzi che fra le ragazze, che finalmente non sono relegate a evil ex, o meglio ci sono, ma ci sono anche dei personaggi indipendenti da questo stereotipo).
bene, passiamo ora alle cose che non mi piacciono: primo la storia di Jeed, che non mi è piaciuto come non abbia veramente subito delle conseguenze per quello che ha fatto che, per quanto sia sbagliato quello che aveva il tipo, ecco è comunque tentato omicidio); altra cosa che non mi è piaciuta è quanti personaggi ci sono nella serie e quante storie dobbiamo seguire. sono talmente tanti I personaggi (vestiti tutti uguali e con lo stesso taglio di capelli) che non li distingui e a parte la storia di Pun e Noh (e quella di qualche altro) che è veramente difficile starci dietro. poi però riescono a concludere quasi tutto bene, però è complesso seguire veramente il filo della storia.
detto ciò c’è una piccola patata bollente se si vuole vedere questa serie ora che sono uscite alcune frasi compromettenti dette da White (che interpreta Pun, che ahimè è anche il mio personaggio preferito) e capisco se la gente non voglia più vedere prodotti con lui, però mi spiace perché si perderebbe qualcosa di veramente antesignano (forse troppo) per i suoi tempi.

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Jun 22, 2022
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
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So this title had kept my interest, I didn't actually mind how long this season was all I know is this is really well done. I love that I got the blueprint of the story in a few eps. I was really engrossed with the drama and tension that builds up especially towards the main leads and Jeed. The chemistry between Phun and Noh grew but I dunno they should have ended their relationships with their gfs to begin with. That became a challenge for them especially Phun's father is intimidating like the pressure he puts onto him, that's why I get the confusion and awkwardness Phun and Aim has. I also love the side couple Earn and Pete. Earn is such a cutie and I love how they became close with each other, detaching affection towards Noh. I also love how Jeed's character evolved or became. She was like an outcast and only Yuri was her friend in the school. I pity her so much because she is treated unfairly and the risk her part time job poses toward her [I mean for money you're forced by your manager (?) to pose sexually and nude for magazines]. That's damaging for her especially when her so-called bf just humiliated her in front of many students throwing her into the pool and Aim being a two-faced bitch we all know of. I love how Jeed had become like she came back risen from the grave newborn avenging bad bitch we all really love. I love her aura being a menace to bitches who did her wrong like “bitch let set these utterly fugly bitches on fire”. Yes! It got me so much not until in like a retreat trip I guess where she tied up and planning to drown her horrible ex in a nearby river. That's off limits girl, calm down.

Aim, never liked her from the start. She's a two-faced witch who likes to clash her friends with each other like how she did sparked trouble between Jeed and Yuri's friendship. She is also a triflin' ass ho, and I guarantee you she deserves to be tied up and slapped in the face left and right, top to bottom and in the middle. Out of all the struggle in the series, she is the root of them all. She tried to seduce Noh like ewww she's so shallow. I'm not sorry for not liking her ok, I f+---- hate her to the bone. At least she got this series spinning around. She added much tension and anger, well she earned my hostility towards her in another level.

This is a beautiful well-developed season for me. It has been a wild ride between the couples and their friendships. I know everyone can relate about loving one another, those being bullied wanting to get revenge and those two-faced shit we see and talk too (we all have those kind of people you know).

I love how much improvement it showed me. This is how you make a season or a series. Nevermind how long it is as long as the story is really captivating and the cast as well I'll never get bored just like the Untamed having 50 eps and nah I never got a snoozefest or boredom in my mind. This series gave me the excitement and thrill they wanted to give me, and they DELIVERED, okay. No joke I really was impressed by this season. Wishing directors and producers of other BLs out there to be inspired of the producers and director of this series. THIS IS IT!!!

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Nov 8, 2021
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

I loved this season!

With 36 episodes, there was a lot of storylines going on. As far as side stories go, I was really caught off guard with the direction Jeed's arc went, and I found myself most invested in her during her episodes. Noh and Phun were still the stars of the show though. While there were plently of cute moments, sad moments, happy moments, and funny moments, I did feel a little let down that there wasn't more content of them being an out and open couple. Yu got two different chunks of the season for being some sort of an obstacle, and I feel like her story could have played out a little differently.

A lot of the cast that I didn't like last season grew on me this season. Plus, the cast I already loved continued to make me love them more. The acting isn't perfect, but honestly I don't go into any Bl thinking the acting is going to be anything extraordinary. Plus this was in 2015, so I feel like the genre was still trying to find its footing. There was never a moment where I thought "wow this person is a terrible actor" so that's enough for me.

Sometimes I felt the songs were a little too cheesy and to the point for the scenes they were in. But there were a handful of songs that I loved that happened to play multiple times throughout the season, which greatly impacted my enjoyment of certain scenes

Rewatch factor:
I find myself in the same predicament as season 1, though not as harshly. There are a lot of side stories to this series that I really didn't care much about. I 100% plan on rewatching this series at some point, but I'm pretty sure I'll be skipping most scenes that don't have to do with Phun and Noh

I really enjoyed this. I watched the whole thing in just a few days, which unfortunately means I'm now behind in school. But this show kinda consumed me and I couldn't really think of anything else for a while. I already have Reminders queued up and ready to watch because I'm not ready to let Phun and Noh go just yet

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Jun 3, 2017
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
Uh. Episode 24!! That's all I need to say. The opening scene with Noh and Yuri was expertly done. These two young stars caused me to cry more tears than I've cried in years in that scene. Such a beautiful and emotional moment that proves how much two people can care for each other. This show is everything!!
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Oct 7, 2016
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
This is the best BL series I have ever watch.
Love both of White (Phun) and Captain (Noh).
They really are adorable and have great chemistry together.
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Fairy Hunterz
1 people found this review helpful
Mar 10, 2016
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I think this series have continued the story from first season .. its so romantic and nice story .. but i hope they will make for season 3... so fast to end this story..
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Love Sick Season 2 (2015) poster



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