The series follows a teenager named Rin Okumura who finds out he is the son of Satan and is determined to become an exorcist in order to defeat him after the death of his guardian, Father Fujimoto.-Wiki

This is one of my favorites. Does anyone else follow it?
One of the trailers

First opening : Uverworld- Core Pride (1-12)

Second opening: ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D- In My World (13- )
Who's your favorite character?
i plan to watch this. it looks good. :D
It is good!!!! And the last couple of episodes have been a little too I should have discovered this when it finished I keep stalking AC on Sundays.
Haha I was going to post this thread. I started watching it recently. I love it! My favorite character is...Ukobach(you know the food chef demon :D)
Miss_Muse wrote: Who's your favorite character?

:) i hvnt yet watch an episode but i keep following how many episodes left :))
I think there are 10 more episodes left to air.
10 episode means 2 months of watibg T.T
Jejejeje, yah. I'm ahead in the manga since I had to know what was going to happen and now I'm ok..Just waiting for Sunday, early Monday, to watch ep.
Episode 16 preview

ftnfzn wrote: Episode 16 preview

Can't wait till Sunday :D
crndsc wrote: Can't wait till Sunday :D

I already know what happens because I read the manga, but I still want to see anime version since it's how I found out about the story. I prefer anime over
aliceos101 wrote: I already know what happens because I read the manga, but I still want to see anime version since it's how I found out about the story. I prefer anime over

ILol that's one of the reason why i don't read Mangas. The raw is out btw. Hopefully it'll be subbed soon!