One of the solutions to this problem is to write Episode Reviews. You can get up to date opinions and feelings for the episodes that have aired. I really don't understand how you can give a comprehensive opinion or review on the drama "As a Whole" when you've seen a few episodes at best. Personally, I don't want to base my choice on watching a whole drama on a person's opinion when they have only seen a few episodes and formed a completely premature opinion on the whole drama. Putting aside the alternatives to doing this here..because they are alot. 1) Episode Reviews. 2) Discussion Threads. 3) Comments on that Drama's page.... putting that logic aside, we ALL know that some dramas can start off good and end really badly...or the reverse can certainly be true. I say utilize the three other methods of voicing your opinion and review comprehensively only when you've seen the drama/movie as a whole.
sometimes it helps.... but i wont do that ^^
No, no, and once again no. Episode reviews cannot substitute for a drama review. Firstly and mostly because episode reviews are allowed to have spoilers and they mostly do. And I'm not talking about the general what was going on in the drama, of course. I'd much, much rather read an informative comment at the drama page than read through episode reviews. In the beginning I thought the idea of the episode reviews is brilliant, but now I don't really see the point of them anymore, only just to someone who wants to remember the drama or something like that. But yes, discussion threads is a good option, I haven't thought about that.
We will have to agree to disagree than. My point remains. I absolutely do not want to read a review on a whole drama and/or base my choice on watching that drama from someone who is not completely informed. Simple as that.
I have noticed before, not only on MDL, how some people derive a weird satisfaction from being the first to comment and/or review. In order to be the first, some are ready to write the most ridiculous things 10 minutes in, such as "wow, finally I'm the first!" - very helpful indeed! - or "I love this drama so much I'm addicted", ignoring the obvious, which is we are all here because we are addicted to some extent. The fact that X is addicted on episode 1 does not help me chose what to watch next.
This urgency to comment about things reflects in what Jeanie points out: they don't read the rules, and if they do, they don't care.

I agree however that dropped dramas are a different matter. If the reviewer explains his/her reasons for dropping the drama at some point (possibly not after 2 episodes but a little further in), I think it can be as helpful as any review of a completed drama. I suppose it all boils down to being able to motivate, whether one has liked a drama or not.
I repeat mine oppinion from earlier post - review option must be activated with drama release ending date. Before that users can write episode reviews ( what might be very helpful if well done) or leave comment with oppinion or emotion what they have after watching. Comments section is good one bc there is "reply" button and it gives option for mini discussion or support.

Review should be done after drama is completed bc writing review needs knowing whole drama not only part of it. You can review part of drama if you know place and impact of this part in whole drama.

Maybe before user starts write review he/she should read some tutorial. I know there is rules up and people just doesnt read them but if they must before writing read and agree (like with software installing you agree with terms as.o.) terms....maybe this helps tinybit?
I agree with your post. This is what episode reviews are for. I never understand why people review the entire show just after watching one or two episodes (Full House Take 2 being the latest). I saw both a favourable and an unfavourable review for Full House Take 2. How weird is it to judge the entire show when only 2/3 episodes have aired? I'd rather that people stick to posting comments or reviewing each episode instead of posting it as a review for the full length show.
Here are the official rules for this site. I shall quote them. ;)

wrote: • Write your own reviews!
• Don't Include Story Summaries as users have already read the plot summary.
• Write why you liked or disliked the Drama/movie/show.
• Only write a review after you've seen the Show/Movie/Drama
• Do not post spoilers as you'll just ruin the show for those who follow!
• Do not post spoilers!
• Do not post spoilers!
Sleepninja wrote: Here are the rules. I shall quote them. ;)

lol ... I tried that on page 2 girl! ;) LMAO
amrita828 wrote: I have noticed before, not only on MDL, how some people derive a weird satisfaction from being the first to comment and/or review. In order to be the first, some are ready to write the most ridiculous things 10 minutes in, such as "wow, finally I'm the first!" - very helpful indeed! - or "I love this drama so much I'm addicted", ignoring the obvious, which is we are all here because we are addicted to some extent. The fact that X is addicted on episode 1 does not help me chose what to watch next.
This urgency to comment about things reflects in what Jeanie points out: they don't read the rules, and if they do, they don't care.

I agree however that dropped dramas are a different matter. If the reviewer explains his/her reasons for dropping the drama at some point (possibly not after 2 episodes but a little further in), I think it can be as helpful as any review of a completed drama. I suppose it all boils down to being able to motivate, whether one has liked a drama or not.

I completely agree with you Rita. I have a feeling a lot of the "Jenny Jump the Gunners" are reviewing just to be the first. and I always think.. "Your comprehensive review of the 2 episodes you've seen are only going to be buried anyway! LOL ...but bully for you for being the first!" ...Unhelpful...
I click unhelpful and move on when I see early reviews. I don't read the episode reviews, what's the point? If I want to know what happens I will watch it. Discussion threads, now I like those, I frequent them when trying to find a drama to watch, or when I am really into a drama. I do like to read reviews of drama's when I am bored or searching for something to watch.
phoenixtearz9 wrote: I click unhelpful and move on when I see early reviews. I don't read the episode reviews, what's the point? If I want to know what happens I will watch it. Discussion threads, now I like those, I frequent them when trying to find a drama to watch, or when I am really into a drama. I do like to read reviews of drama's when I am bored or searching for something to watch.

amen sister!
So in summary problem(s) is: - here are rules but people doesnt read them and doesnt behave by them. - people doesnt care do you push helpful/unhelpful button for their review, they just want shine. - people doesnt know what review is, how to write it. ....what would be solution? More mods for deleting spam-reviews? Create MDL reviewers group only who can write reviews but where everyone can apply and get some training? ....or?
Raincat wrote: So in summary problem(s) is:

- here are rules but people doesnt read them and doesnt behave by them.
- people doesnt care do you push helpful/unhelpful button for their review, they just want shine.
- people doesnt know what review is, how to write it.

....what would be solution? More mods for deleting spam-reviews? Create MDL reviewers group only who can write reviews but where everyone can apply and get some training? ....or?

I don't think we should dictate who gets to write reviews or how they write them. That is not fair or right. I think people abide by the rule or if they don't want to do that...expect a whole lot of unhelpfuls.

Any actual rules or action taken would definitely be up to The SKYE IN THE SKY.