It's always baffled me at why; in one episode people review dramas early. Like at Dramacrazy all you see when a show appears and sometimes before the episode is loaded are early reviews. I review a series, especially if it's new at the end because sometimes I drop series before they are over and know that I'd give it a bad review. Yet right away people start reviewing dramas even when they are only one episode in. So why do you guys think this is? Does it annoy you as well or am I just being weird? I dunno i just find it extremely arrogant of people to review 1 or even 4 episodes into a drama. I would understand if the drama was really short but like even Faith was reviewed immediately after one episode. I just feel that people should wait until the drama is over to give it a fair review but I guess that's just me. I even find myself being turned off by new dramas when I see 5 reviews but like 2 episodes. And I'm like "How on earth do you know this drama will be a good one? Many dramas have gone south at the end of the series, it's too early to determine it's fate". :/ Anyway those are my feelings what about yours?
I am with you on that. I don't want to read any reviews at all while a series is ongoing. Even the discussion topics on here I avoid because sometimes people are commenting several episodes ahead of where I am at. It really ruins things when you know what is coming. Now after a series is finished i will go back and read some of the comments to try to learn a little more about the drama. Quite often I will get leads on what drama to watch next by reading the reviews.
Personally I click unhelpful as soon as I see a review of a drama that it's currently airing. How can people make a decision on a drama when they haven't finished it? I think it shouldn't even be allowed to review earlier on MDL. The only exception I would make to this would be when people review a drama they dropped, and that if they got at least halfway through the drama.
Yeah after a series I read reviews to see what people thought. But I never understood why people reviewed by one episode of a new drama. Like Faith for example exploded with reviews and the series is just 2 away and I wouldn't of given it 100%. I mean I would've given it maybe 70% as there were some things lacking. Yes the first episode I was blown away but further along it got kind of hm...can't put it right into words but there was just something. I like it but I don't think it's a Masterpiece. I agree with not being able to review if the series just started unless it was dropped. :/ I mean honestly no one can see the future of a drama. :p
fantasydaydream wrote:
I agree with not being able to review if the series just started unless it was dropped. :/ I mean honestly no one can see the future of a drama. :p

Don't you know that MDL is a forum for 'predict the drama'! We are kind of a astro website, why else would where be that many reviews for not even aired dramass.

I just press the unhelpful button. I wish we had a possiblity to delete those reviews.
Because they don't read the rules. Which clearly state you should watch the drama before reviewing. I ALWAYS UNHELPFUL a review that is done before the drama is even complete... I am not alone. P.S... PLEASE STOP DOING IT! Because you don't know how the drama will turn out until it's done and miracle of miracles!!! we have EPISODE REVIEWS. Thank you.
Yeah it's really annoying. I mean if they want to review do it by episode at least not just go "I can already tell this will be an amazing drama so you should watch it"....yeah...the episode didn't even come out and someone wrote that! It wasn't even helpful or at all lengthy. :/ And I didn't even know there was rules about that. We need more mods then or something. XD
fantasydaydream wrote: Yeah it's really annoying. I mean if they want to review do it by episode at least not just go "I can already tell this will be an amazing drama so you should watch it"....yeah...the episode didn't even come out and someone wrote that! It wasn't even helpful or at all lengthy. :/

And I didn't even know there was rules about that. We need more mods then or something. XD

When you click "Write a review" and the page opens for you to begin..Immediately to the right of the box where you begin to write... The rules are RIGHT THERE!

LOL ~ always amazes me how people miss them!
also...It's in the MDL Rules. We've talked about it a million times in the forums and again the rules of writing reviews are right beside the text box on the page where you actually write your review. People either don't look at them, don't read or don't care. People probably won't read this thread either. Trust will still happen. *sigh* Can you tell this is a huge pet peeve of mine? LOL
Maybe block series review til airing is ended? People who want share can write episode review or just comment on series title page. I think too that review is serious thing, not to be taken lightly.
Review Tips and Guidelines

Write your own reviews!

Don't Include Story Summaries as users have already read the plot summary.
Write why you liked or disliked the Drama/movie/show.
Only write a review after you've seen the Show/Movie/Drama
Do not post spoilers as you'll just ruin the show for the readers who are thinking about watching the show.
Do not post spoilers!
Do not post spoilers!
I guess I'm against the norm here haha. I find early reviews (and ratings) useful. Unless, of course, the review is before the drama actually airs. :o But otherwise, if I am lacking time to watch all the currently airing dramas I would like to, the up-to-date reviews help me choose which are worthwhile to watch now. If the drama turns out to be not so good, I'll just move on to the next. Also, doesn't the review here ask you at the time of writing how many episodes you've seen?
On one hand, I'm not that much against it in a sense that if a drama is ongoing, and I'm really not sure whether to watch it or not, it is helpful to a point. I need some kinda of constructive evaluation to decide rather than just "it was great or not". On the other hand, such opinions could be left as a comment and thus it would give me that help I want and not obstruct the overall order. I guess people just don't understand that. Perhaps as a solution to this the mods can delete such reviews? Do they have such power? The database team members can help at least in searching and reporting such reviews, can't they? I would suggest also that no one would automatically be allowed to write a review if that drama isn't completed in their list, but I think that's not really possible to do from the technical side.
The reason why I have issues with writing a review when only one episode fo the drama has come out is hat people are not detailed. That's been th emajority of the reviews. or they say silly things like: "You should watch this because of so and so actor/actress" which sin't a valid point. I've watched awesome dramas where I didn't know the actors/actresses and have watched some dramas where I did know them and it wasn't so good. I just think that the reviews need to be cleaned up a bit more and that people need to actually make a review. Even if they do just for that one episode they should at least give some detail besides petty ones on why the drama should be watched otherwise I find those one ep reviews useless. I mean unless the drama is exactly one episode (is there such a drama?) then I can understand it but otherwise I don't get that. It's a waste of review space. I like the idea of leaving reviews out until a series has finished. And on being able to review maybe make a synopsis area so people can leave such comments but isn't that what commenting on the page is for? I mean seriously why make a little useless comment as a review when it should be a comment? I never understood that. Reviews to me should be detailed looks into a drama that either makes people want to watch it or not. :/ But lately I've just been seeing what I deem as comments, not really reviews.
I completely understand that, I'm just saying with the right mind attitude, this could be not a problem. But since most of the members doing so make it a problem, we should introduce some kind of official measure of preventing that.